Who here owns a Renaultsport?

It was an epic day. Hope my co-driver input helped & thanks for the drive - it seemed to drive just like the karts :p

Needs more front end grip and it will be epic :). And when I say keep it flat, keep it flat :)

Nothing some 15's, different tyres, some Sportlines and some camber bolts wont fix :)

EDIT: God I look stupid in a helmet!
Are you saying that because you noticed the squirm under shift lock, or just because you didn't hear it?

I heard the driver was driving in flip-flops.

Well you can hear him dragging the gears into place when changing down by not blipping the throttle to rev match... can't imagine its much good for the clutch at higher revs :eek:

Edit... just looked at his YouTube account and he has a video of a 182 with a broken gearbox... says it all really.
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Are you suggesting that not always heel-and-toe'ing for down shifts, kills diff bearings? :rolleyes:

Like I said, I imagine it's pretty difficult to heel and toe in flip flops - you'll notice this fact was realised at around 12 seconds ;)

Syncros seemed to do their jobs just fine, but there is no need to lose sleep over it, the gearbox is due to be replaced anyway.
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Syncros seemed to do their jobs just fine, but there is no need to lose sleep over it, the gearbox is due to be replaced anyway.

I'm not suggesting anything, just an observation.

Seems you've let slip that's you driving then since you know the car needs its gearbox replacing...doesn't help that the YouTube account name has Mike in it too :p suspicious is the word.
It was clearly Mike. He had an ST, now has a Clio, and needs a new gearbox.

I failed miserably at trying to heel/toe at Bedford, so just let the revs drop lower under braking before changing.
It is my Youtube account, but as the description states - the video was an anonymous donation. ;)

Couldn't possibly be my Clio - I mean, you heard the Gearbox in the other video - there is no evidence of this in the second ;)
I'll convey your messages to the driver and will see if he will re do it in a fashion that pleases your empathy towards gearboxes.
Clio is doing an epic journey to Scotland on Friday, off to see the mrs' parents in Helensburgh. Any good driving roads about up there?!

Loads of great roads up near Helensburgh, can't say I would know any as not from that part of the Country but have been driving around there before. Its all mountain tracks, so a lot of single track roads which aren't always the best.
Thanks guys, enquiring about it at the moment. Sent an email last night.

Good point about the belts though, forgotten that one.

4k is what I want to spend on a FF 182 and really want one with the recaro's. (As it might put me off buying another set of bucket seats, lol) Just gotta keep looking.

Will travel the country for the right one though.
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