Who here owns a Subaru?

Seems quite weird, not sure if it was actually happening or not, but it seemed I could power out of initial understeer by putting my foot down more (diff was set to Auto- so a little favoured towards the rear). In other words - if I let off the power and wait for traction then it would understeer further than if I put on the power when its about to understeer.

the faster you go the more traction :D :p

The under steer and turning circle is the only con I'd say there is for day to day driving.
Mine understeers if I don't give it power, as soon as you begin accelerating the VDC kicks in and brakes the inside wheels, quite noticeable too
Whats peoples thoughts on hatchback STI's? Is the engine in that suffering from the same problems as Hawks? Is the hatch very diluted from the saloon?

I drive a DC5 Honda Integra Type R at the moment but really fancy trying a performance turbo.
I found in my 05 with DCCD if it was set all the way back if you give it some power in the corners the back will start to come round it was however rather prone to understeer and i did find you had to be quite agressive with it to make it properly side around.

EnzoSmithers - I made the same swap from a DC5 to a scooby, i really fancied trying the turbo nutter thing and im very glad i did.
Whats peoples thoughts on hatchback STI's? Is the engine in that suffering from the same problems as Hawks? Is the hatch very diluted from the saloon?

I drive a DC5 Honda Integra Type R at the moment but really fancy trying a performance turbo.

I'm biased as I just bought an STI hatch at the end of August :p (I came from an FN2 Type R)

I went for it as it was considerably cheaper to insure than the hawks.

From what I've read, the stock map runs lean (or rich - don't remember which) which caused issues - if you get a remap or if it has prodrive performance pack then its fine - though people claim the engine still isn't as solid as the earlier years
Power wise.. Top end hawks were around 270bhp from the factory, the hatch is 295bhp - though if it has Prodrive (which an incredible amount do) then it's 330bhp. General consensus seems to be if you want to push 360bhp+ then closed deck or forged internals are necessary unless you want it go go bang at some point.

I found in my 05 with DCCD if it was set all the way back if you give it some power in the corners the back will start to come round it was however rather prone to understeer and i did find you had to be quite agressive with it to make it properly side around.

EnzoSmithers - I made the same swap from a DC5 to a scooby, i really fancied trying the turbo nutter thing and im very glad i did.

Can get the back out in mine fairly easily in the wet, but then I'm 45/55 to the rear with the CVT

I've only used Auto- on the DCCD, haven't experimented with it in manual yet - though I will be next Saturday when I'm on the track again.
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People swear by the rear anti roll bar, i did have one but never fitted it to mine as mine always seemed quite oversteery on track i think due to me messing up the geometry when i changed the rear coilovers top mounts :D
here is mine with a shiny new wheel refurb.


Is anybody else off to Santa Pod on Sunday for the JapShow Finale event there?
Damn I forgot about this. Not than I'm in an Impreza

Just checked and I'm working too. Its only 30 minutes away from me

Lucky you, because I'm on the SIOC club stand along with another 106 scoobies I need to be there for 7am, which means I'm up at 4am to set off about 4:40am.
Get gauges, i'd put them right up there on the list of mods on these engines as it's super handy to know what's going on especially if you're driving them hard.

I didn't really buy into the whole Defi thing myself, couldn't see any point other than bragging points so i had a set of prosport stepper gauges and they served me really well in mine.
Really not sure yet. Prosport seem to be quite well rated, my problem is it's a 2008 Hatchback and there doesn't seem to be many pods/mounts available other than the pillar mounts which will get in the way of the airbag. At this rate they'll be going on sticky pads on the middle of the dash.
funny you mention prosport, was looking at them on scoobyworld yesterday. they seem decent, what about installation, i assuem you need to just pull the clock out of the centre of a newage ie mine and feel the sensor cables down, but where do they go? into the ecu or what? LOL, bit of a noob question.
Am a newb to it too

Afaik the oil temperature/pressure one - you cut a section out the pipe and put a T conenctor in so the oil flows through the sensor.

No idea about turbo.

You're lucky you can just pull out the clocks on yous and get something nice that fits.. Nothing like that on 2008+ really.
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I've got a ProSport Stepper boost gauge in my MX5.

I wanted a Defi but the didn't fit with doing things to keep unnecessary cost down. Nice well made gauges, motor annoys me a little as it sweeps when you switch the ignition on.

Ive not got oil pressure/Temp but for boost you run a vacuum pipe from either the inlet manifold or T into a bit of boost pipework (BOV/Recirc, wastegate line etc)
I fitted my gauges here...


I'm not a fan of stick on tat. Everything has to have its place.

These are Prosport oil temp and pressure gauges (electrical senders) and an Innovate G3 mechanical boost gauge. I had a Prosport electrical boost gauge in the Rover and wouldn't use one again. Far too slow to respond for my liking.
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