Who owns a Mondeo ST220 / ST TDCI?

How big of a job is it to fit Xenon units? Fitting them I can do, however automotive electronics is a new area for me.

I assume it involves some messing around with the wiring to get them to work.
My windscreen washer bottle appears to be leaking slowly, now. That or the sensor for the low fluid light is playing up. That's my job for the weekend.
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Picture of a red iceacle on the dashboard just means it is cold outside doesn't it? Really should read through manual sometimes lol.
Just had a cheeky drive on way to a clients, took the long way around on the country roads.

Put a grin on my face, for sure.
All the fail pouring out the exhaust causes the bumper to hang itself, all makes sense now.

Must be this.

The reason I thought it only affected the diesels is that I was told (by the sounds of it incorrectly) that the ST220 didn't suffer this issue, something to do with these foam supports being fitted ???

Anyway I shall now look at doing this mod myself if my car is to be affected.
One question though, if you drill 5 holes through the bodywork and use normal self tapping screws did any of you think about rust proofing that repair ?

Just a thought. :)
Just ordered some oil and a filter to change at the weekend. I decided being nearly 10 years old, it won't affect things like resale a great deal if I no longer pay a fortune for Ford to service it. £42 for some oil vs. about £150 for Ford to do it. I do most other work myself.

What does everyone else do with theirs? Service yourself or take it to a garage?
Indy garage but that's probably always gonna be the case for me as I don't like to get hands dirty :)
Dealer for me, because I hardly ever have the time and it's about 10 minutes from where I live.
I'm also considering double-din nav units... They're so expensive though and it's tricky to find definitive information as to whether they'll fit properly..
Indeed, but I'm not sure whether one of these http://www.dynamicsounds.co.uk/conn...03-double-din-fascia-fitting-kit-p-11020.html or these http://www.dynamicsounds.co.uk/auto...-metal-double-din-fascia-adaptor-p-10348.html will fit with a double-din unit without fouling the climate panel which angles down slightly - someone else says I need to use one of these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/250589223468?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 with the Autoleads adaptor above and then the unit fits nicely, and it seemed to in his photos.. I just don't like not being sure before I plump hundreds on a nice nav unit :p

But I really want this http://www.caraudiodirect.co.uk/alp-inew920r-alpine-ine-w920r.html
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