Who owns a Mondeo ST220 / ST TDCI?

Still gonna cost you a couple of hundred by the time you've sold the other wheels and paid for the remap, and the extra faff, and the fact I think a standard painted finish looks better than the diamond-cut finish :p
If anything, less faff with getting new alloys as you can just take them to a local tyre fitter to get them swapped over. A lot of tyre refurb places I've seen aren't drive in/out and if they are, it's usually an all day job so quite inconvenient if not close by.


Yes of course it'll cost more, but you got new alloys at the end of it.

This is of course only a consideration if you plan to spend around £400 on a refurb.
I have no idea. Let me re-align my brain with my fingers for a second.

OK £900 on new wheels, old ones are worth potentially what £2-300? So it's going to cost £6-700. It's a lot to pay for convenience.
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It's £760 for new alloys (after deducting cost of new caps which you'll want with a refurb also) so £560 if you get £200 for old set.

So IF you were considering dropping £400 on a premium refurb, another £160-ish would get you a new set instead. I'm not sure I'd go for it - but would give it serious thought.
It's £760 for new alloys (after deducting cost of new caps which you'll want with a refurb also) so £560 if you get £200 for old set.

So IF you were considering dropping £400 on a premium refurb, another £160-ish would get you a new set instead. I'm not sure I'd go for it - but would give it serious thought.

But if you were going to drop £400 on a refurb surely you wouldn't get the face diamond cut based on experience, therefore refurb>buying new :) (IMO of course ;))
That's only down to my paint matching skills :P. It's practically invisible in real life, I'm a lousy photographer! Oh, and they would be very obvious on the first one, since they're not painted at all there.
Clayed, waxed and polished. The clay hardly picked anything up on the top half of the bodywork. Come the doors and down the bottom that's where it really started picking stuff up. The swirls have gone and now all I'm left with is fine scratches, polished them but didn't really shift them. Tried T-Cut didn't really help, think a machine polish will do the trick.
Got a squeaky clutch pedal on my mondeo. Any ideas? Dad tried lubricant on the spring, doesn't seem to have done much.
Got a squeaky clutch pedal on my mondeo. Any ideas? Dad tried lubricant on the spring, doesn't seem to have done much.

if its not the support spring then it will be at the pivot shaft, best thing to do is remove the pedal and grease up the pivot point/shaft. Meaning to do mine for a while now, although lately is gone quiet
I get that from time to time too. How big a job is it to strip down, and what would you use to grease? Just a bit of thick axle grease or equivalent?
I had it recently a bit too, a little "eek" when I lifted the pedal after changing gear, until I realised that it only seemed to do it when it was wet and I was wearing particular shoes, so I concluded that it was the shoes squeaking and not the pedal, lol.
if its not the support spring then it will be at the pivot shaft, best thing to do is remove the pedal and grease up the pivot point/shaft. Meaning to do mine for a while now, although lately is gone quiet

My dad gave it another go this afternoon and it seems to have done the job - fingers crossed.

Also whenever my clock's minute hands moves one place it makes a loud squeak/scratching noise. Anyone else have this? Not sure how I'd fix it except for getting a new one.

edit: When I push and hold the button to change the time the minute hand whirrs fairly loudly. Not sure if this is normal?
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Lol go for it. I don't hear the clock when I'm driving around but if I'm sitting in the car with the engine off and no music on, I'll hear a little "erk" as the minutes tick by. After taking the clock out when removing the silver trim to wrap it, I don't get the impression that it's the highest quality timepiece Ford could have sourced ;)
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