Who will be the new Doctor?

The serial The Deadly Assassin established that a Time Lord can regenerate twelve times, for a total of thirteen incarnations (although at least one Time Lord, The Master, has managed to circumvent this).
Now confirmed that his hair was involved in the choice.

Chosen due to this hair and that he looks kind of old :( Rubbish reasons...
His ginger twin.

not sure what i think about Matt Smith being the new Dr.

Guess time will tell on that one, quite along time as well lol another year.
meh probably regenerate into a 12year old next time , probably thinking they ratings will go up if its someone youngish :mad:

bloody MTV generation !
Now we get the fun of 12 months of people slating him, bitching and moaning before he even appears in the role... Give the guy a chance, I know I will be.
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