Posted in another thread but also relevant here:
The A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon improvement scheme cost about £1.5bn and is actually going to be brought in early (started in 2017, 21 miles of road), it going to save approximately 20 minutes a day for the 85,000 that use it. To me that is the kind of thing that the Government needs to be doing more of/backing. Re-opening old railway lines which will benefit 100,000's of people a day, not these "vanity" projects.
There must me literally 100's of other schemes that would actually benefit the Country and the people that live in it more that HS2, if/when it is built I think it will have the opposite effect to what they think, it will now back London "commutable" to those in the North!
From BBC website:
The new railway line running between London and the West Midlands would carry 400m-long (1,300ft) trains with as many as 1,100 seats per train.
The line would enable trains to reach speeds of up to 250mph and would run as often as 14 times an hour in each direction.
So let's be generous and say there are 2 usage spikes between 06:00 and 08:00 in the morning and 16:00 and 18:00 in the evening, that 56 trains and approx 62,000 passengers, doesn't sound great for £100bn investment!
Currently it cost approx £140 for a ticket from London to Crewe, how much is it going to cost on the new line, less, can't see that! Who exactly is going to be shelling out £200 a day to commute from London/North or visa-versa, it really just BONKERS!