Why are some people so against others doing well

Then they're doing it wrong. I saw some old rich bloke with two blonde hotties on his arm walking towards his yacht in Miami and thought to myself "what a *******... I need me this", and I've been working my ass off ever since trying to get paid enough to retire on my own yacht with a gorgeous wifey :D Never going to happen but it's motivated me into trying rather than depress me into self loathing.

This. How can seeing what other people have that you could also have be demotivating? :confused:
What grinds my gears is someone doing well because they're related / buddies with someone higher up. The times I've seen this in the London insurance market is ridiculous.

Also, I find it exceedingly annoying that women often get roles over others because they're hot. lol.
This. How can seeing what other people have that you could also have be demotivating? :confused:
Can you really not see how in a society which values material wealth having none of it could cause some people in it to be demotivated?.

Not even the countless studies regarding the causes of reduced self-esteem & as to how that impacts on peoples behaviour & wider society?.
Can you really not see how in a society which values material wealth having none of it could cause some people in it to be demotivated?.

Not really...

I see it as the opposite.

If you're hungry, you don't think "sod it, I'll starve to death", you go and make some food.

If you need the toilet, you don't just sit and soil yourself, you get up and go.

The chances of me ever hooking up with Jennifer Lawrence are pretty much non-existent, but that doesn't mean I'm going to resign myself to a lifetime of hand cream and Mrs 5 Fingers...

If you want money/a decent job, go out and get one. No, it's not easy, but then the majority of things which are worth doing aren't.
Not really...

I see it as the opposite.

If you're hungry, you don't think "sod it, I'll starve to death", you go and make some food.

If you need the toilet, you don't just sit and soil yourself, you get up and go.

The chances of me ever hooking up with Jennifer Lawrence are pretty much non-existent, but that doesn't mean I'm going to resign myself to a lifetime of hand cream and Mrs 5 Fingers...

If you want money/a decent job, go out and get one. No, it's not easy, but then the majority of things which are worth doing aren't.

Just so I can get this question out of my head, can I ask. Are you quite well off haggis man? I can't shake that feeling lol.
Not really...

I see it as the opposite.

If you're hungry, you don't think "sod it, I'll starve to death", you go and make some food.

If you need the toilet, you don't just sit and soil yourself, you get up and go.

The chances of me ever hooking up with Jennifer Lawrence are pretty much non-existent, but that doesn't mean I'm going to resign myself to a lifetime of hand cream and Mrs 5 Fingers...

If you want money/a decent job, go out and get one. No, it's not easy, but then the majority of things which are worth doing aren't.
Do you think everybody can have a decent job?.

What about things which need doing in large numbers but are not desirable?, how do you reconcile the limited quantity of good jobs?.

If it was that simple & adversity drove positive behaviour then why does it seem the opposite globally?, when comparing crime, engagement & social interactions the nations which are the most generous tend to have the least problems & those who are the least the most.
Good on you for achieving this. However your outrage is misplaced - there are those who just stumble upon power/control/money/assets who don't deserve or work for it (you should dislike them as much as everyone else, since they belittle your achievements too).

There are also people in society who work damned hard day in day out, giving blood, sweat, tears and, even, life in some cases. Their reward is the retention of their job. Some jobs like law enforcement offer very little scope for promotion if your face doesn't fit, but you have to do your utmost best every day or face disciplinary.

I'm currently faced (as I mentioned previously) with our CEO who is trying to hold everyone in our group down. Nationally we are on £10k higher, yet he is stonewalling us at every opportunity to make him look more efficient and cost saving-friendly because we are a relatively new team (3yrs in the making). When at work we do respect-worthy tasks and duties that very few can do, and work pretty much every day (inc. weekends) to complete the tasks set to us, but there is no reward. There is no progression and management are holding us down.

Our goals are for equality and fairness within our agency, but that will be a very long time coming.

I don't think there is anything that you said that I disagree with. Those that are given money/work through contact and middle class families and the likes simple don't appreciate what hard work is.

Oddly, this will make a lot of people laugh. My hardest job I ever had was laying floors...

I took a risk stone in my career to get to the next big step. I left my job to self study for 2 months on a new system I wanted to support. I knew I would need money so I asked if I could work for my sisters (at the time) boyfriend. He laid floors for such places like shopping centres, shops, offices etc etc.

I thought "This will be easy money, it's just hard graft...". Jesus was I wrong!

Up at 5am every morning, home at gone 9pm. COVERED in glue, that does NOT shift so you look like a leper for weeks after. Knees, arms, back, everything killed me at the end. I stuck through it though and did as I said. Do any work he threw at me.

I worked for him several times after that when I needed a bit of extra cash in hand.

That, that was by far the hardest job I've ever had to do. No thought required, but you stuff up one board... You are down **** creek without a paddle. I endured that, simply so I could better my self. That guy does that still, and has done for years. And hats off to him, it's a tough job. But it's what he wants to do to make ends meet.
Do you think everybody can have a decent job?.

What about things which need doing in large numbers but are not desirable?, how do you reconcile the limited quantity of good jobs?.

If it was that simple & adversity drove positive behaviour then why does it seem the opposite globally?, when comparing crime, engagement & social interactions the nations which are the most generous tend to have the least problems & those who are the least the most.

I thought this thread was about people moaning about the more fortunate, not about how society needs both classes to function properly? I think points are crossing and opinions are mixing which is causing some of this conflict.
I thought this thread was about people moaning about the more fortunate, not about how society needs both classes to function properly? I think points are crossing and opinions are mixing which is causing some of this conflict.
Threads tend to branch out into areas which are related, it's the foundation of pretty much all debates.
Just so I can get this question out of my head, can I ask. Are you quite well off haggis man? I can't shake that feeling lol.

Haha, far from it :p

I drive a 10 year old banger, rarely go out because we can't afford it, we're having our first holiday for 3 years next week, which consists of a week in Wales where we're staying for free in my boss's holiday bungalow, so only have to pay for petrol and food, and the first time I've bought myself a "treat" in the last few years was buying a second hand PC a couple of months ago for about £200 :p

I don't moan though, because I'm in this position by choice. I've prioritised a job I enjoy and spending time with my family, over hating my job or working every hour under the sun just for money.

Do I "want" for more...? I wouldn't say no, but I wouldn't sacrifice my principles or what I've got for it.

Do you think everybody can have a decent job?.

No, but I think everyone should aspire to one.

What about things which need doing in large numbers but are not desirable?, how do you reconcile the limited quantity of good jobs?.

If you can't find a good job, make one ;) Start your own company, and be the boss.

If it was that simple & adversity drove positive behaviour then why does it seem the opposite globally?, when comparing crime, engagement & social interactions the nations which are the most generous tend to have the least problems & those who are the least the most.

Because on the whole, people are self-destructive. Throwing money at the problem (i.e. "distribution of wealth") only treats the symptoms, not the cause. People's attitudes need to change on a global scale, at both ends of the spectrum.

The greedy (some rich are greedy, but not all, some greedy are rich, but not all), need to stop being so greedy, and those who are unhappy with their lot in life need to realise that if they want something to change, it's their responsibility, not someone else's.
What I get annoyed at is people that claim that successful people rarely earn their wealth and status fairly and spout out mindless phrases like "old boys club", or "it is not what you know it is who you know", or "it is all down to luck".

Sure luck has a big part, if you are born in Haiti then you are going to struggle compared to someone born in the UK. But you make your own luck - those who buy the most lottery tickets have the highest statistical chances of winning. Those who tried hard are much more likely to succeed in the UK.

Every single person I know with significant wealth, status higher management positions, highly successful careers have got there from the very bottom, often form poverty line families. hard work, determination, long hours, turning failures in to learning exercises, picking themselves up instead of mopping when things dont work out, aiming to excel at everything they do at life, working through weekends and holidays, trying to minimise sleep because they are always trying to be working at some project or another(be it career, hobby, charity work).
It is a statistical fact that if you were born in a well off family you are far more likely to be well off yourself. Life isn't fair and the people who can make it fair have no interest in changing the status quo because incidently they themselves are rich.
It is a statistical fact that if you were born in a well off family you are far more likely to be well off yourself.

My family was well off where we came from but was certainly not when we came to this country. I got where I did by hard graft, going without and knowing what I needed to do and then ticking off every box that would be required. The presumption that you have done well purely because you came from money or an educated or well placed family I believe is false attributed purely down to the families wealth when it could quite easily be down to a learned process of how to succeed in whatever you wish to do. I would say I am well off I guess compared to most and all of my kids have succeeded well for their ages (across a variety of areas) purely because I have ensured they have the opportunity to succeed and encourage them to do what they wish but to become the best at it the could possibly be.
Maybe you could use some of that money to retake your English GCSE?

HA! Thread point proven?

But Xordium, that would mean there is less money for cocaine and hookers..unless things have changed, an A* is the highest grade you can get..
HA! Thread point proven?

... an A* is the highest grade you can get..

I am not sure how that proves the thread.

If you did get an A* then maybe you should consider applying that knowledge. English is not my first language and yet I make an effort to make my posts coherent for other forums members. If you want people to take you seriously then maybe a little more time and attention are required.

If you are just here to troll and brag then I would wager people will not be against you for your salary but more for the exhibition of smugness.
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