Why are some people so against others doing well

I accept it not just because I need to survive but because I am not being told to do something morally questionable. However, I am in bitter hatred about it, there's is not a day that goes by when I say
"wheres my money"
"I want my proper pay"
hell my team leader who is in agreement with em on this is angry with HR and the higher ups because he may lose me for this and several others in our team because, even with the proper grade we are underpaid compared to others in our line of work in other companies.

Right - so you are not being told to do something morally questionable yourself, but the net result of your actions proliferates more morally questionable behaviour by the company you work for.

Vicarious liability indeed.

Could it be that what we see on a macroscopic scale in your workplace is just the same thing as what happened in the banking industry?

Furthermore, you are directly involved.

Do you feel guilty? Well do ya? :p
The only people who say this are the ones who don't have any. The whole basis and culture of capitalist countries is money.

It's true though. If life was all about money, you wouldn't have unhappy rich people.

If you believe in luck, which I do, it makes me feel better when my constant effort fails infront of me and I am once again sent back to square one.

See, I find that as a very negative attitude to have, because when you fail, it means you're thinking "oh well, I was unlucky, lets try the same again and I might get lucky this time", instead of "damn, I sucked that time, what can I do next time to do it better?"

It is irrelevant.

The point was that many members of an establishment had absolutely no idea that their establishment was involved in supporting a morally dubious finance company.

If you work for a morally corrupt establishment, I think it would be safe to assume there's a high likelihood they'll be involved in morally corrupt activities ;)

The same would be true for any company you may choose to work for. You would not be privy to all of the financial (or any other) aspects of that business. If you were at board level, then perhaps, but that would be a small percentage of people compared to the overall amount employed within the company.

So to state that you would never work for someone who are operating in a morally questionable manner is naive, and simply unrealistic.

Yes, you're right(ish) that it's impossible, unless you're self employed ;)

However, the company I work for are very open about what we work on, and who we work with, and keep all employees up to date on current contracts and projects.

If we started working with companies whose practices I didn't agree with, I'd seriously consider looking for a new job. :(
I'm bored with this "rich bashing", if the stupid didn't spend all their money on sky subscriptions, gym memberships, financed status cars, designer clothes, extortionate mobile deals etc. then perhaps they wouldn't be so poor and could work their way up to joining the more well off (just like we all had to somewhere down the line) and stop complaining that they aren't being paid for by my taxes.
See, I find that as a very negative attitude to have, because when you fail, it means you're thinking "oh well, I was unlucky, lets try the same again and I might get lucky this time", instead of "damn, I sucked that time, what can I do next time to do it better?"

not negative in my opinion, just helping myself to some good feelings from out of thin air :p. The number of times I have worked hard, done well and been kicked back to the start because of certain situations and in other rare occasions other people who are just vindictive.

I am not giving up, ever! I will keep trying. Either that or I would eventually take my life as I would feel like I have wasted my life, I already feel like I have wasted it somewhat, dead end job, limited pay, I may be working towards a future goal, but experience has taught me that hope defeats you when you fail. This is because you can put in a full effort, work hard, do everything right and in the end your hope crushes you because of yet another failuee. Despite this I keep trying, no matter how long it takes I will keep going, because I know the moment I give up something will break in my head and I will kill myself/ go postal.

There's nothing I hate in myself more than this feeling that effort is wasted or the feeling others are holding me back. It is not paranoia, unfortunately. It took me over a year to get a promotion because I wasn't a friend to my TL, ou personalities clashed and my acting skils are poor so it would never work. Others noticed it and others agred that it was happening. Soon as she left the department I was allowed an interview within a week.

but I digress.

Right - so you are not being told to do something morally questionable yourself, but the net result of your actions proliferates more morally questionable behaviour by the company you work for.

Vicarious liability indeed.

Could it be that what we see on a macroscopic scale in your workplace is just the same thing as what happened in the banking industry?

Furthermore, you are directly involved.

Do you feel guilty? Well do ya? :p

At the moment accepting this cesspit of exploitation is a necessary torture to get me to a better life, which I am currently working towards btw. I do however have the high moral standing of not doing anything exploititive, I do however work for one of the less "evil" companies. They just pay poorly because inverness is a cheap hell hole that allows someone to earn £800 a month for a job that others pay £20k for.
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I'm not sure negative was the right word for me to use - I didn't mean it as you feeling negative about the situation, more that it wasn't a constructive way of viewing a failure.

This is because you can put in a full effort, work hard, do everything right and in the end your hope crushes you because of yet another failuee.
Please don't take this as a criticism, because it's not intended as one, but if you fail, you're clearly not doing everything right ;) It's important to recognise this, rather than attribute it to luck, because if you don't realise you're doing something wrong, you're not going to be able to change it (or even realise something needs changing :p)

The rest of your post sounds very positive however, so good luck with working your way to where you want to be, and with your attitude, I reckon you'll get there :)
I'm not sure negative was the right word for me to use - I didn't mean it as you feeling negative about the situation, more that it wasn't a constructive way of viewing a failure.

Please don't take this as a criticism, because it's not intended as one, but if you fail, you're clearly not doing everything right ;) It's important to recognise this, rather than attribute it to luck, because if you don't realise you're doing something wrong, you're not going to be able to change it (or even realise something needs changing :p)

The rest of your post sounds very positive however, so good luck with working your way to where you want to be, and with your attitude, I reckon you'll get there :)

Not seen as criticism. There are a lot of times, in my life anyways. Where you get hit by unexpected problems sometimes huge problems that are unfixable in the time you have or do things that put you back to the beginning.

just an example but. I was doing a course, started all the work was doing well, had it almost finished, final part of the course, right before assessment, my main drive fries and the backups I had corrupted. making me starrt from the beginning, it took me over a week to get up and running again and get it all finished, luckily my tutors were lenient and allowed me extra time to complete my work.

the irritating part is that these "serious and unpredictable incidents" that set me back by hug huge strides happen with alarming frequency. That to myself feels like bad luck in a sense, problems out of my control destroying my progress, you can plan for all known contingencies, but in the end theres always somethnig unforseen that you cant plan for that will stop you.

also thankyou for your support at the end, I am happy that someone agrees that my goals will eventually come to fruition. I do however have to accept the fact that my absolute goal is unobtainable, its just somethng that is not possible given our current state of technological advancement.
just an example but. I was doing a course, started all the work was doing well, had it almost finished, final part of the course, right before assessment, my main drive fries and the backups I had corrupted. making me starrt from the beginning, it took me over a week to get up and running again and get it all finished, luckily my tutors were lenient and allowed me extra time to complete my work.

So you made a mistake - you didn't take multiple backups, and now I'm guessing you've learned from that, and won't make the same mistake again? :)

the irritating part is that these "serious and unpredictable incidents" that set me back by hug huge strides happen with alarming frequency. That to myself feels like bad luck in a sense, problems out of my control destroying my progress, you can plan for all known contingencies, but in the end theres always somethnig unforseen that you cant plan for that will stop you.

Don't worry, you're not alone in that, the important thing is to get back up, learn from your mistakes, and try again :p
So you made a mistake - you didn't take multiple backups, and now I'm guessing you've learned from that, and won't make the same mistake again? :)

Don't worry, you're not alone in that, the important thing is to get back up, learn from your mistakes, and try again :p

actually in my current economic situation, multiple backups is not possible :( £800 a month means it took me ages to get a second pc that was able to hold the data, I have it now though lol. as for the "keep trying" ofcourse!!!

I seem to be in a very angsty "My life has been an utter waste" phase. I am pretty sure its a phase as I have been in and out of it before. Like I am catching a "general unhappiness" virus like in red dwarfs theory of positive and negative viruses lol. So I apologise to anyone who sees me right now as a moaning angsty idiot who is just complaining about everything, I am not normally this low. :)
Do people really judge judge others solely on their money? Certain idiots might but I imagine most people don't.

One look on the usual social networks where people post pictures tells you this is exactly how the majority of the average population function.
actually in my current economic situation, multiple backups is not possible :( £800 a month means it took me ages to get a second pc that was able to hold the data, I have it now though lol. as for the "keep trying" ofcourse!!!

I seem to be in a very angsty "My life has been an utter waste" phase. I am pretty sure its a phase as I have been in and out of it before. Like I am catching a "general unhappiness" virus like in red dwarfs theory of positive and negative viruses lol. So I apologise to anyone who sees me right now as a moaning angsty idiot who is just complaining about everything, I am not normally this low. :)

Dropbox and Google Drive are both free up to a relatively generous capacity, and dropbox supports file versioning (not sure if Drive does).

Obviously doesn't help retrospectively, but may help in the future :)
The thing is, as strange as this sounds, SouthPark nailed it on the head for me.

I'm ok financially, far better off than most in fact. Having said that, society needs rich people and poor people. I still need people to collect my rubbish, clean the streets outside my house and fix my car. These people play a key role in society. :D

You do not ask for the life you are given, but you have been given it anyway. Make the best of it you can
If you believe in luck, which I do, it makes me feel better when my constant effort fails infront of me and I am once again sent back to square one.

Well it's not really a belief and perhaps chance would be a better word... but yes the course of our lives is frequently affected by chance events beyond our control. Obviously we make choices/decisions... we can chose to work hard, aim high - these things are often necessary but not necessarily sufficient. You can certainly increase the probability that certain things will happen and you have some significant control over the course your life will take but everyone will encounter chance events they have absolutely no control over.
Personally, I don't care what people have/don't have.

The 1 thing that bugs me though is you immediately get dubbed as being arrogant if you speak even remotely positive about yourself.

I'm not arrogant at all, I'm quite modest - but the look people sometimes give me when I tell them of something good I've achieved, or how I'm trying to better myself. Like, how dare I have a good life, but try to still improve on it!!!

It's all relative. I might have 3x more than someone else, but it doesn't mean I can't want more, or that I should simply be 100% content with my lot.

Problem is for a lot of society, according to my social marketing studies - is that the people who have less have to witness the people who have more every single day. Whether in person, on TV, online, radio, at work etc.
The people with less then get demotivated, lower their chances of bettering themselves and often becoming more unhealthy, and even more susceptible to social pressures.

This then makes them feel even worse and so the cycle continues.

Jealousy has always been a thing - but with globalised communication and society I think it's just much worse in modern times.
Problem is for a lot of society, according to my social marketing studies - is that the people who have less have to witness the people who have more every single day. Whether in person, on TV, online, radio, at work etc.
The people with less then get demotivated, lower their chances of bettering themselves and often becoming more unhealthy, and even more susceptible to social pressures.
Then they're doing it wrong. I saw some old rich bloke with two blonde hotties on his arm walking towards his yacht in Miami and thought to myself "what a *******... I need me this", and I've been working my ass off ever since trying to get paid enough to retire on my own yacht with a gorgeous wifey :D Never going to happen but it's motivated me into trying rather than depress me into self loathing.
Everyone hates people on benefits but what about the rich especially those bankers who got away with massive international fraud they ain't talked about much are they?

Because there aren't sensationalist programmes on TV that show only extreme examples of that demographic.

I'm bored with this "rich bashing", if the stupid didn't spend all their money on sky subscriptions, gym memberships, financed status cars, designer clothes, extortionate mobile deals etc. then perhaps they wouldn't be so poor and could work their way up to joining the more well off (just like we all had to somewhere down the line) and stop complaining that they aren't being paid for by my taxes.


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Dropbox and Google Drive are both free up to a relatively generous capacity, and dropbox supports file versioning (not sure if Drive does).

Obviously doesn't help retrospectively, but may help in the future :)

this was back in the time that skydrive was being very picky with file sizes unfortunately
Personally, I don't care what people have/don't have.

The 1 thing that bugs me though is you immediately get dubbed as being arrogant if you speak even remotely positive about yourself.

I'm not arrogant at all, I'm quite modest - but the look people sometimes give me when I tell them of something good I've achieved, or how I'm trying to better myself. Like, how dare I have a good life, but try to still improve on it!!!

It's all relative. I might have 3x more than someone else, but it doesn't mean I can't want more, or that I should simply be 100% content with my lot.

Problem is for a lot of society, according to my social marketing studies - is that the people who have less have to witness the people who have more every single day. Whether in person, on TV, online, radio, at work etc.
The people with less then get demotivated, lower their chances of bettering themselves and often becoming more unhealthy, and even more susceptible to social pressures.

This then makes them feel even worse and so the cycle continues.

Jealousy has always been a thing - but with globalised communication and society I think it's just much worse in modern times.
Indeed, some research on the subject indicates that for many we determine our self esteem based on the achievements of those around them.

Historically if you were a medieval serf you would have really only interacted with people in a similar position to yourself. Once television kicked off & began to focus on 'aspirational TV shows', coupled with downright horrible shows like 'Cribs & My sweet sixteen' really rubs in the faces just how much better off some people are.

Looking at a small community in south america untouched my the modern world - they have no conception as to what they are lacking (comparatively from a materialistic perspective) therefore do not suffer as a result of it.

Give them all televisions & the internet - I'd expect social problems start to bubble up further.

Then they're doing it wrong. I saw some old rich bloke with two blonde hotties on his arm walking towards his yacht in Miami and thought to myself "what a *******... I need me this", and I've been working my ass off ever since trying to get paid enough to retire on my own yacht with a gorgeous wifey :D Never going to happen but it's motivated me into trying rather than depress me into self loathing.
Why do you need to earn lots of money to get a gorgeous wifey?.

Also your previous posts are just rubbish.
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Historically if you were a medieval serf you would have really only interacted with people in a similar position to yourself. Once television kicked off & began to focus on 'aspirational TV shows', coupled with downright horrible shows like 'Cribs & My sweet sixteen' really rubs in the faces just how much better off some people are.

This I FULLY agree with,

You'd never know any better and would be totally content. Are people in the jungle in a tribe living better than us? no, maybe not from a materialistic perspective but you know what I really do think. Mentally they are probably doing way better.

My opinion of course, but this is why I stay away from ******** on TV.
This I FULLY agree with,

You'd never know any better and would be totally content. Are people in the jungle in a tribe living better than us? no, maybe not from a materialistic perspective but you know what I really do think. Mentally they are probably doing way better.

My opinion of course, but this is why I stay away from ******** on TV.

It is a very valid point, but its also partly due to our nature of wanting what we don't have
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