I think people are seeking to make overly complex arguments to uphold their own perspective, for that is all it is in the entire thread, a perspective. Life has shown me that there are 3 or 4 factors that determine success. Luck is certainly a factor, right time, right place, right people certainly is something often outside of your influence. We also have ability, some people have it, many people don't or are unable to know what their's is and then we have ambition. Again some people have it and many people don't but it tends to be combinations of these things that drive success together with their work ethic and willingness to go extra than most the people around them.
However, my experience has shown that hard working people with ambition will usually always rise to the top and people who think they have it but really don't, will usually be the most vociferous in their defence of those who fail and angry towards those that don't. Again this is just my perspective, but it is based on personal experience of 30 years in the wold of work where I've managed to achieve some success. I have also seen people achieve massively more and many massively less, but when you cut to the reasons why it is rarely just luck. I have never once despised or been angry towards people who have had success or who have money, even when it is predicated on their parents wealth. I have been relatively angry towards those who have had lots of opportunities but have failed to take them, that does annoy me and let me be clear, in these cases it is 100% their fault they are yet to succeed.
I think that people who spend so much time concerned with the well being of others, not least those who 'have', whatever that is, are usually hiding some personal issues and use it as a form of deflection for their own lack of success. We are not all the same, we are all built differently and have different skills and attributes and trying to make us all homogenised and living to the same set of rules or to the same set of principals will never work. Also trying to analyse it in the minutest of detail why some people are successful and some people are not is more often than not wasted effort for the answer is clear. Some people are just better at it, many people are average and many are utterly useless and the reasons why is usually because of that, not always, but usually.
I spoke at my old school a few weeks back, to the 5th year (as I used to call it), kids who were about to start out on their career. I spent 90 minutes giving them some sage like perspectives as a former student of their school who was never a star but who did well (in relative terms). In that 90 minutes you could already start to see the kids who were likely to make something of their future and those who were likely to find it less easy. I didn't need to go into science or philosophy, I just felt it based on the 3 or 4 things I spoke about in the first paragraph.