Wikileaks to release Hillary documents

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Most of that loss is a downturn in his New York properties. I'm sure his golf courses and hotels that directly tie with his presidency are doing better. Still scratching my head how there isn't a conflict of interest.
He refused to condemn right-wing extremists. Fact.

Is this about Charlottesville, as he did condemn both side equally in the days following and then a few days after that he condemned the far right separately? I'm not really following him so if he's refused to condemn them elsewhere I'm not aware of that.
The contrast between how he reacts to attacks by non-whites and white extremists is night and day. His policies speak volumes, ignoring their gun problem and that white extremists are the biggest domestic threat.
Eric Trump was talking about Hillary taking bribes for uranium during the election campaign, I guess there was something in it afterall.

The whole Russia/Trump conspiracy is now starting to look like a distraction technique, point somewhere else to deflect attention. Two Obama terms giving Russia better access to the US uranium industry and suddeny with Trump it's treason to even talk to them.
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Trump has lost 600 million from his net worth in the last year. What is the point if you cant even make money being President.
Have you seen the benefits that an ex-president gets?

  1. Annual pension of ~$205,000
  2. Expenses paid for 7 months following transition
  3. Medical insurance at cut costs
  4. Suite or private staff at your beck and call
  5. Lifetime secret service protection

Even if he went bankrupt he’s not going to be worrying about live in a hurry.
Eric Trump was talking about Hillary taking bribes for uranium during the election campaign, I guess there was something in it afterall.

The whole Russia/Trump conspiracy is now starting to look like a distraction technique, point somewhere else to deflect attention. Two Obama terms giving Russia better access to the US uranium industry and suddeny with Trump it's treason to even talk to them.
That's almost amusing.

They were throwing so much rubbish at Hillary and pretty much all of it was rubbish and debunked.

IIRC the uranium one was discredited quite a long time ago and I'm not going to watch an hour of Fox news.
Eric Trump was talking about Hillary taking bribes for uranium during the election campaign, I guess there was something in it afterall.

The whole Russia/Trump conspiracy is now starting to look like a distraction technique, point somewhere else to deflect attention. Two Obama terms giving Russia better access to the US uranium industry and suddeny with Trump it's treason to even talk to them.

If there was anything wrong it would have been investigated/charges brought. Lets wait and see what the investigation into Trump concludes. :)
Have you seen the benefits that an ex-president gets?
  1. Annual pension of ~$205,000
  2. Expenses paid for 7 months following transition
  3. Medical insurance at cut costs
  4. Suite or private staff at your beck and call
  5. Lifetime secret service protection
What's insane is how much the secret service protection is going to cost US taxpayers. It's pared back compared to a sitting President, but still. Oh and they're always called Mr President aren't they? So he can continue to get his boner from that...
So he can sit at his golf course(s) all day long, charge the secret service and still be called Mr President - when he retires. FFS America.
Eric Trump was talking about Hillary taking bribes for uranium during the election campaign, I guess there was something in it afterall.

The whole Russia/Trump conspiracy is now starting to look like a distraction technique, point somewhere else to deflect attention. Two Obama terms giving Russia better access to the US uranium industry and suddeny with Trump it's treason to even talk to them.

Wow a link to Sean Hannity, a guy so far up Trumps arse that everything Trump spews tastes like chocolate to him.

Insta ignore for me, the fact that Fox News are the biggest purveyors of fake news.

But yeh most of those claims have been dismissed as BS. But still funny that Trump and his supporters still are banging on the but Hillary bandwagon.

And for the record I loathe Hillary just as much as Trump. But let’s be honest if she was President, she would be miles better etiquette and class wise.
Fake news. His doctor said he was essentially more fit for the job (health wise) than any other president. I mean, look at the guy...

Wikileaks don't generally announce any leaks in advance, they use an algorithm that drops at a time where the material can have the greatest impact. Occasionaly they will drop pre-commitment hashes ahead of time to ensure that the files being released match up with the hash and that they are not altered

When are the planets likely to align to create the fertile ground for the greatest impact?
Let me know when you have evidence to support this claim.

You won't believe any story from FOX etc, even with supporting evidence from the FBI. Yet you're 100% convinced Trump colluded with the Russians based on hearsay and anonymous sources, because you believe everything CNN tells you.
You won't believe any story from FOX etc, even with supporting evidence from the FBI. Yet you're 100% convinced Trump colluded with the Russians based on hearsay and anonymous sources, because you believe everything CNN tells you.

CNN didn't tell me…

The meeting between Trump and 2 Russian diplomats the day after he fired Comey. The photo was released by RUSSIAN press.

CNN didn't tell me…

The many many kiss ass comments Trump made about Putin from his own mouth and on Twitter for yearssssssssss.

CNN didn't tell me…

The admission of Trump's people, including his son with Russians at Trump Tower. Eric released the emails himself on his Twitter account remember? or have you forgotten.

None of these are from CNN, they didn't come from MSNBC or FOX, they are from Trump himself.

It's funny what selective memory you have when it is convenient to your agenda. You are a sceptical person, are you not suspicious of a US President having his head so far up a rival's ass all the time? You don't question this one TINY TINY bit?
How many of Trump's administration have had to alter their records of meeting Russians? After the WH and Trump repeatedly saying no contact was made.
How is any of that evidence of "collusion"? He meets with lots of government dignitaries. It does sound a lot like a conspiracy when you have to keep supporting your case by saying things like, he was photographed with a Russian... So? What does that mean, you don't know what they're talking about. Trump's always said he wants to try and get on with them, than rather be an enemy.
How is any of that evidence of "collusion"? He meets with lots of government dignitaries. It does sound a lot like a conspiracy when you have to keep supporting your case by saying things like, he was photographed with a Russian... So? What does that mean, you don't know what they're talking about. Trump's always said he wants to try and get on with them, than rather be an enemy.

It's funny what selective memory you have when it is convenient to your agenda. You are a sceptical person, are you not suspicious of a US President having his head so far up a rival's ass all the time? You don't question this one TINY TINY bit?

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