Wikileaks to release Hillary documents

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Because Hillary has been investigated 9 times by the Republicans with nothing significant to go to trial. She is also effectively a nobody right now.

Trump is the President of the Unites States, the most important person in the world more or less, and has been found guilty numerous times of crimes and is currently still under investigation without mounting evidence.

The 2 are not in the slightest comparable.
Points that poor tango can’t get his tinfoil covered head around:p

That’s what makes me laugh, the Republicans investigated Hillary and found nothing NADA ZILCH. But yet Trump and his supporters still want to desperately believe that Clinton is some sort of evil criminal :confused: or is that Trump and his supporters just want an easy scapegoat for the joke of the Presidency at the moment.
I like how you lot are making me out to be this lone conspiracy theorist that thinks I'm the only person on the planet that thinks she's guilty of corruption among other things. Yet there's an army of respectable people saying the same things I am.

Could someone like to explain why Hillary's IT admin (StoneTear) went on Reddit to ask how to destroy Clintons email evidence?
I like how you lot are making me out to be this lone conspiracy theorist that thinks I'm the only person on the planet that thinks she's guilty of corruption among other things. Yet there's an army of respectable people saying the same things I am.

Could someone like to explain why Hillary's IT admin (StoneTear) went on Reddit to ask how to destroy Clintons email evidence?

We are you and not other people online before YOU ARE HERE.

And why are you still so obsessed about Clinton?

Have you got a secret crush on her or something?
lol, count up how many posts you have on Trump compared to mine on Hillary.

And tell me why you're so obsessed about Trump, got a secret crush on him or something?

See how easy this works?
lol, count up how many posts you have on Trump compared to mine on Hillary.

And tell me why you're so obsessed about Trump, got a secret crush on him or something?

See how easy this works?

Because the dotard in chief is the president of the USA. So if he threatens to start a nuclear war saying "why can't we use them" and the million of other idotic things that brain damaged imbecile has let out of his pie hole, that is more important than a has been politician.
I would like to see you compare your accomplishments to the billionaire President of the USA if he's a brain damaged imbecile.

You must be something great!
I would like to see you compare your accomplishments to the billionaire President of the USA if he's a brain damaged imbecile.

You must be something great!

Does being rich and a world leader make someone a good and intelligent person? No one is doubting his wealth or that he is President.
lol, count up how many posts you have on Trump compared to mine on Hillary.

And tell me why you're so obsessed about Trump, got a secret crush on him or something?

See how easy this works?

Trump = President

Clinton = nobody

There is a weird homeless lady in my town that likes to camp in the roundabout near Tesco, you can talk about her if you like.


Why are you so obsessed about Clinton?
For legal reasons, comet ping pong were suing him. Same reason Ben Swann went quiet, a lot of pushback

Trump = President

Clinton = nobody

There is a weird homeless lady in my town that likes to camp in the roundabout near Tesco, you can talk about her if you like.


Why are you so obsessed about Clinton?

Because that's what he is being told on the "news" outlets that are desperately trying to deflect the conversation away from Trump's idiotic behaviour.
I like how you lot are making me out to be this lone conspiracy theorist that thinks I'm the only person on the planet that thinks she's guilty of corruption among other things. Yet there's an army of respectable people saying the same things I am.
Don't delude yourself. Unfortuanetly we are all well aware that there are millions of misguided Trump supporters out there spewing anti-Clinton vitriol, all powered by an army of Russian twitter bots and fake social media accounts.

Could someone like to explain why Hillary's IT admin (StoneTear) went on Reddit to ask how to destroy Clintons email evidence?

Because Clinton had already handed over all emails that were necessary and requested in the numerous investigations. Clinton requested the emailed to be removed as is standard practice, especially when it was known Russian and foreign agencies were desperately trying to hack her emails. her IT support failed to comply initially.

If you are so worried about the use of Private email servers, then why are you not in Arms about Trump's aids widely using them?

That is a rhetorical question, I know full well why you are only fixated on Clinton.
It's astonishing that Prezzie Two Scoops - famed vagina grabber, liar, daughter-lover, failed businessman, and all round filthy piece of crap - has brokebrains defending his awfulness whilst obsessing over a failed Presidential runner who is of no political consequence at all anymore.

It's genuinely baffling.
Imagine the mainstream US media reaction if this had been Trump.

It depends entirely on context.

Given that was at an official meeting, I'm guessing what he was saying was nothing too surprising.
Pretty much any politician in their last term in office will try and do things they might not have done before because it affects their chances of re-election even if it's in the countries best interest (they tend to do things like issue more pardons, be more outspoken about controversial topics and generally aim to do more without having to worry about re-election).

Trump's people on the other hand were having meetings with Russian government agents in secret and denying it all, then changing their stories repeatedly when they were found out to be lying.

It's almost as bad as some of the Trump supporters saying "well Hillary met the Russians" referring to meetings with full staffs and press present, compared to some of Trump's team meeting with Russians in hotel rooms where their own communications showed the meetings were expected to be in breach of US laws.
It's astonishing that Prezzie Two Scoops - famed vagina grabber, liar, daughter-lover, failed businessman, and all round filthy piece of crap - has brokebrains defending his awfulness whilst obsessing over a failed Presidential runner who is of no political consequence at all anymore.

It's genuinely baffling.

Phew, what a vitriolic rant, I hate to think what you have to utter about the new Austrian leader Sebastian Kurz or that similarly nicely coiffured Geert Wilders in the Netherlands :)
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