Wikileaks to release Hillary documents

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20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
If Clinton had a single meeting with Russians you would be going crazy with conspiracy theories.

Trump's many comments, meetings, denials, lies about them never taking place then found out he has….

But that is nothing.


I don't think you know the meaning of bias and delusional.
26 Dec 2003
The silence is deafening from US mainstream media over the Uranium deal and $146m in Russian donations to the Clinton Foundation, if Trump so much as sold a Russia a lollypop they'd all be screaming conspiracy and collusion and yet when it involves the Democrats (who the media were heavily biased towards during the election campaign) they completely ignore it.
12 Jun 2003
And that should tell you everything about who is on the "side" of the Russians. It's complete projection and coverup from the Democrats.

The HRC camp plotted to smear Trump for a Putin "bromance" way back in 2015:

Best approach is to slaughter Donald for his bromance with Putin, but not go too far betting on Putin re Syria. Brent

20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Why are you not suspicious of a sitting US President has his head so far up the ass of a long term enemy???

Why did he lie about all these meetings taking place then found out later and admit it, then lie about what they are about, when found out later, admit it again.

Why did a lot of his staff keep meeting Russians?

Why does all his staff, or ex-staff, Manafort, Flynn, have Russian connections?


I need more than Trump want to make a new best friend. Use your scepticism that you clearly have on the democrats and come up with something, something!

The fact that you brushed all those aside JUST LIKE THAT is a reason for people like me don't take you seriously. (beside your obsession of being humiliated by Wikileaks every few weeks)
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
The silence is deafening from US mainstream media over the Uranium deal and $146m in Russian donations to the Clinton Foundation, if Trump so much as sold a Russia a lollypop they'd all be screaming conspiracy and collusion and yet when it involves the Democrats (who the media were heavily biased towards during the election campaign) they completely ignore it.

And that should tell you everything about who is on the "side" of the Russians. It's complete projection and coverup from the Democrats.

The HRC camp plotted to smear Trump for a Putin "bromance" way back in 2015:


The pair of you need to get out more.

Can any of you explain to me why the pair of you are still arguing about Hillary?? Is she the President?? Is she in power??

Last time I looked she wasn’t and is just getting on with her life. She’s not even going to run in 2020 either.

So again I’m asking the pair of you, not that I’ll probably get a straight answer but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. Why are you both so obsessed with Hillary?? Why are you not asking questions about Trump, who is President and is in power at the moment.
12 Jun 2003
That's a good one. The only people obsessed are the ones with 30k+ posts that talk crap about Trump everyday in the Trump thread in Serious Discussion.

I'm just amazed that someone as corrupt as Hillary is getting away with her crimes, yet Trump's the getting all the mostly unnecessary flak
20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
That's a good one. The only people obsessed are the ones with 30k+ posts that talk crap about Trump everyday in the Trump thread in Serious Discussion.

I'm just amazed that someone as corrupt as Hillary is getting away with her crimes, yet Trump's the getting all the mostly unnecessary flak


What is the reason of the obsession about Clinton then?

Deflecting the spotlight on the incompetence of Trump. Speak nothing of the Russians. The FACT is that Trump has been a big failure.

Obama care is still the Law of the Land.

Mexico is still not paying for the wall.

Deflection, distraction and hiding from what is really happening.

Whilst you are obsession about Clinton, which nobody gives a crap by the way, you might as well dig up dirt on Lincoln, Washington, Jackson, etc etc. Keep the distraction show going.
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
That's a good one. The only people obsessed are the ones with 30k+ posts that talk crap about Trump everyday in the Trump thread in Serious Discussion.

I'm just amazed that someone as corrupt as Hillary is getting away with her crimes, yet Trump's the getting all the mostly unnecessary flak

Again deflecting from what I asked earlier, typical of a Trump supporter.

Like you I am absolutely am amazed that Trump himself hasn’t been impeached for being the incompetent idiot that he is. Absolutely mind boggling that he hasn’t been removed from office. But what’s more hilarious is how you and others keep defending him.

Again it’s boring listening to you talk about Clinton and her alleged crimes she’s committed. When there hasn’t been any hard proof that she has committed these crimes.

Like I said u and mmj need to get out of the house more often, tinfoil hats are so last year.
25 Jul 2005
So, let’s assume there’s a big coverup by the Democrats involving Clinton for a moment. Why are the republicans not shouting for the rooftops about it instead? They have the same information the dems have, they have had house majorities for years and yet they have still exonerated Clinton and/or not considered investigating her.

How does that work with the Democrat narrative you’re working with? Are the republicans also in on it? Is the republican hate of Trump so bad that they are more interested in smearing him than chasing Clinton?
17 Oct 2002
Panting like a fiend
That's a good one. The only people obsessed are the ones with 30k+ posts that talk crap about Trump everyday in the Trump thread in Serious Discussion.

I'm just amazed that someone as corrupt as Hillary is getting away with her crimes, yet Trump's the getting all the mostly unnecessary flak
Which 30k post thread?
Would you mean the 13k post one that has been running for over a year and about half the most prolific posters in in are Trump supports going on about Hillary with discredited myths put about by Brietbert? and most of the rest being people who are pointing out how discredited those myths are, and expressing incredulity that a president of the US is acting like Trump?

You're only amazed at how "hillary is getting away with her crimes" because you've fed on the Wikileaks/RNC/Brietbert rubbish hook, line and sinker without giving a moments thought to the fact that most of those alleged crimes have been investigated by the Republican party led committees and investigators repeatedly but never found she did anything wrong, and in many cases was carrying on policies and proceedures set in place by the Bush administration that were carried over because they had some merit to them (unlike Trump who is currently set on destroying everything Obama did regardless of if it makes things worse for everyone else).

Things like the Uranium sale where Clinton was only one of about 10 in a committee who approved a business deal that sold a mining company (but the materials stayed in the US), or the time she "gave the russians uranium", when in reality it was a sample of a few grams that was part of a shipment seized by a third party government with the assistance of the US, and was being handed over to the Russians in order to assist in locating the source and similar samples (a pretty much routine sharing of information and materials that had been taking place for years in order to help track down the sources of illegal nuclear materials).

When people keep coming up with that rubbish time and time again it's obvious they don't care about the truth.
12 Jun 2003
I said the post count of the users, not the thread count...

So Wikileaks is fake news? Nothing they've ever released has been proven false. The contents of most of the emails they released were authenticated using DKIM

Comey stated that Hillary commited crimes, but couldn't prove her "intent", which is mind boggling considering everything she did. But before the investigation had been completed, he drafted a letter exonerating her. How's that for a coverup?

"Like I said u and mmj need to get out of the house more often, tinfoil hats are so last year."

43k posts, and all you seem to do is post crap about Trump everyday. You're probably not even American
25 Jul 2005
I said the post count of the users, not the thread count...

So Wikileaks is fake news? Nothing they've ever released has been proven false. The contents of most of the emails they released were authenticated using DKIM

Comey stated that Hillary commited crimes, but couldn't prove her "intent", which is mind boggling considering everything she did. But before the investigation had been completed, he drafted a letter exonerating her. How's that for a coverup?

"Like I said u and mmj need to get out of the house more often, tinfoil hats are so last year."

43k posts, and all you seem to do is post crap about Trump everyday. You're probably not even American

How about you actually reply to the points made, rather than deflect again?

The wikileaks emails maybe real, but your interpretation of them is rather wonky (remember the “pizza” incident for example?).

Just tell us why you think the Republicans aren’t trying to score a massive victory and discredit Hillary completely, if she’s so incriminated herself. They have the presidency, both houses and the Supreme Court right now. There’s nothing to stop them, yet they have found nothing.
12 Jun 2003
I seem to remember being laughed at in the speakers corner thead, at the idea of there being paedo rings in Hollywood now look at what's happening. Yes pizzgate is also real.

Because the swamp is on both sides, Democrats and Rupublicans. Both sides are blackmailed.

I mean some have tried, Gowdy and Chaffetz to name two
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
I said the post count of the users, not the thread count...

So Wikileaks is fake news? Nothing they've ever released has been proven false. The contents of most of the emails they released were authenticated using DKIM

Comey stated that Hillary commited crimes, but couldn't prove her "intent", which is mind boggling considering everything she did. But before the investigation had been completed, he drafted a letter exonerating her. How's that for a coverup?

"Like I said u and mmj need to get out of the house more often, tinfoil hats are so last year."

43k posts, and all you seem to do is post crap about Trump everyday. You're probably not even American

You are right I’m not American, so well done on getting that assumption correct.

43k posts?? Are u jealous of my post count?? I’m more than happy to donate some to you if it’s bothering you that much. And I only post in the Trump thread because I find fascinating that such an idiot managed to dupe his supporters into voting for him. But oh Hillary right?? Honestly the only one posting crap is YOU, you can’t even prove that Hillary has committed these so called crimes. You have no proof to show anyone but are waiting in the vain hope that wikileaks will release something soon.

As it’s been pointed out to you many times, Hillary was exonerated from any wrongdoing. Exonerated by republican led enquiries, you know the party that Trump actually leads. But you still think there is some sort of conspiracy that got Hillary off.

Geezus you are absolutely hilarious with your incessant rubbish about Hillary.
20 May 2007
I seem to remember being laughed at in the speakers corner thead, at the idea of there being paedo rings in Hollywood now look at what's happening.

Trump has been/is being accused of exactly the same sort of thing as Weinstein etc. Or is that all a conspiracy, whilst the other accusations against people who are not Trump are all 100% real?
18 Oct 2002
You seem more obsessed about Trump conspiracies than I am about Hillary that's for sure lol
Because Hillary has been investigated 9 times by the Republicans with nothing significant to go to trial. She is also effectively a nobody right now.

Trump is the President of the Unites States, the most important person in the world more or less, and has been found guilty numerous times of crimes and is currently still under investigation without mounting evidence.

The 2 are not in the slightest comparable.
20 May 2007
Also, how can Russia be supporting Trump because they want better relations with America and thought Hilary/the Democrats were terrible whilst also colluding with Hilary/the Democrats?

Ofcourse anyone with half a brain knows the real reason Russia wanted Trump to win - They knew full well it would seriously weaken the USA.
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
You seem more obsessed about Trump conspiracies than I am about Hillary that's for sure lol
If you think so then fair enough. I’m not the one making outlandish claims about someone who isn’t even in power.

That’s what is hilarious and yes you were laughed at and rightly so. Your obsession with Clinton is mind staggeringly hilarious.

Like the movie Frozen...let it go let it go.
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