Wikileaks to release Hillary documents

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No. They are and always been left, far-left of the political spectrum, while Fox news would be on the right side of the political spectrum.

I'm pretty gobsmacked that you think they are neutral, if my jaw could drop to the floor, it would had fallen to China.

I think they are politically neutral because independent scientific analysis indicated they are close to center and have extremely high journalistic standards. Unlike Fox News whose standards are so.poor with such an abundance of outright lies they official recognize themselves bas an entertainment show and not a news agency.
As for Bengahzi. Go and research what Clinton said to the mothers of the dead. She is a born liar.

Was it as bad as what Trump said to the mother of one of the soldiers who recently died in Niger? The soldier was sent into an ISIS ambush on dodgy intel and without any US back-up.
So, this has turned out to be a big fat nothingburger.

WHAT??!?!? You mean they haven't released the motherland of incriminating documents against Hilary Clinton by Saturday or probably earlier???

Edit : Just reviewing the thread, I think this gem needs some more love...

tang0 said:
Wikileaks don't generally announce any leaks in advance, they use an algorithm that drops at a time where the material can have the greatest impact.

Muppet TRUMP:
"I think I've called every family of someone who's died."
Interview with Fox News radio, Tuesday

Actual reality:
He hasn't. The Associated Press contacted relatives of more than 20 of the 43 people who died in military service since Trump took office in January. Relatives of at least 10 of the fallen said they did not get a call. Some also didn't get a letter.

Muppet TRUMP:
"Most of them didn't make calls." President Barack Obama might have done so on occasion but "other presidents did not call."

Actual reality:
The recent record is clear: Obama and President George W. Bush made painstaking efforts to contact bereaved military families, and they had many more to deal with than Trump so far in his presidency.
Bush, even at the height of two wars, "wrote all the families of the fallen," said Freddy Ford, spokesman for the ex-president. Ford said Bush also called or met "hundreds, if not thousands" of family members of the war dead.
Obama, too, paid plenty of attention to families of the fallen, visiting Dover Air Force Base in Delaware on some occasions when the remains of the dead were brought back to the U.S., inviting Gold Star families to the White House, and meeting, calling or writing to others.
Veterans groups said neither president shortchanged bereaved military families in offering condolences personally.

Muppet TRUMP:
"Just out report: 'United Kingdom crime rises 13% annually amid spread of Radical Islamic terror.' Not good, we must keep America safe!"

Actual reality:
The 13 percent increase cited by Trump refers to crime in England and Wales, not the entire U.K., which also includes Scotland and Northern Ireland.
The biggest jump in crime reports came from car thefts and shoplifting. Homicides slightly dropped, even with deadly terrorist attacks in London and Manchester.

.....etc .....etc .....etc

Source =
I always enjoy reading about government conspiracy theories. I like that even though gross ineptitude is displayed by people at all levels with alarming frequency, somehow people think there is some elaborate big mean overlord government trying to rule over them.

Always makes me chuckle :D

Unfortunately the world is a lot more boring than people think it is and any government is just a simple reflection of society/the human condition as a whole. Some are good, some are ********. Some are good at their job, some are incompetent etc etc
So ermm Saturday has come and gone and still no huge, sorry yuge wikileaks dump regarding Clinton hasn’t come to fruit.

Poor tang0 been let down massively by wikileaks :/.

Now will tang0 stick to his promise of holding his hands up and admitting he was wrong, very wrong??

Stay tuned folks....

“It’s out there” - They find out their bribery scandal scheme gets out in the open

Sent to Brian Fallon of CNN no less. Media accepted bribes/kickbacks of laundered money through the clinton foundation to keep it out of the news, until now..

Now the people of the real Russia collusion are now investigating a fake Russia collusion story made up by themselves to cover their tracks

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Tunney: Which is why he released the tape of the phone call. Sounded very sincere to anyone able to hear (and not swallow the media paroxysms).

He didn't. The widow of a soldier killed in Afghanistan released the audio of a phone call with Trump. But this isn't the incident we're talking about.

The White House said that there's no recording of the the call made to the widow of the soldier killed in Niger.

“It’s out there” - They find out their bribery scandal scheme gets out in the open

Sent to Brian Fallon of CNN no less. Media accepted bribes/kickbacks of laundered money through the clinton foundation to keep it out of the news, until now..

Now the people of the real Russia collusion are now investigating a fake Russia collusion story made up by themselves to cover their tracks

And another out of context email - "It's out there" can mean anything from "the truth is out there" (cue X-files music) to "the the rumour we asked you about and turned out to be nonsense is on the daily expres website"

Also "firm co founded by" doesn't mean much if for example the person who co founded it left the company or has been on leave doing something else for a while, Wozniak and Wayne co founded apple, but it doesn't mean that they were in on the development of the Ipod or Iphone (to use a tech example that many people will know).

You're (as usual) taking a single line or two of something and making a huge complicated conspiracy out of it.
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Why doesn't @tang0 uses the same conspiracy theory whiskers to why Trump keep having all these Russian connections and keep kissing Putin's ass?

The bribery scandal is literally the result of an FBI investigation that was covered up. Yet the whole Trump thing is based on a fake dossier and hearsay
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