Wikileaks to release Hillary documents

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The bribery scandal is literally the result of an FBI investigation that was covered up. Yet the whole Trump thing is based on a fake dossier and hearsay
And I guess you have another screenshot to show that?

I'm amazed that if it's so clear cut that the republican party, who remember have spent nearly 30 years demonising the Clintons, and running up tens of millions of dollars in costs with dozens of enquiries over far smaller things haven't had one over this.
Or are they part of the conspiracy?
The bribery scandal is literally the result of an FBI investigation that was covered up. Yet the whole Trump thing is based on a fake dossier and hearsay

Trump's tweet praising Putin is hearsay?
Trump's interview where he praises Putin is hearsay?
Trump's people meeting Russian is hearsay?
Trump meeting Russians in the Oval office is hearsay?

I don't think you know the meaning of hearsay. Hearsay isn't the accused saying the thing people accusing him of saying. That is call a FACT.

Please look up the meaning of hearsay. There is a connection of Trump to the Russians, the evidence are have Trump in the photo and Trump admitting meeting taking place and Trump defending Russians in interviews and tweets.

Those are FACTS and on tape and video and tweets.

You rambling on without facts on here, THAT IS HEARSAY.

Get it?
Meeting some Russians is a fact that he’s “colluding”? You don’t know what they were talking about, the “collusion” part is all manufactured and fake news. Meanwhile documental evidence that showed the Clintons taking in millions from the Russians is a conspiracy..
Meeting some Russians is a fact that he’s “colluding” with the Russians? You don’t know what they were talking about, the “collusion” part is all manufactured and fake news. Meanwhile documental evidence that showed you think the Clintons taking in millions from the Russians is a conspiracy..

No, I am asking you why are you not suspicious with all these Russian connections yet you are digging up crap and make up stuff with Clinton about Russia….Why don't you find things about Clinton with the Chinese?

Why is it weirdly trying to come up with things about the Russians with the Clinton when there are so much connections out there by Trump?

Why the suspicions on pensioner? not the President of the United States?

I have asked this like 5 times, you avoided the question every time. Why obsessed about a woman who lost an election a year ago?

What can finding anything about her going to affect anything in your life or the world? Will it be some justification that you made the right choice in picking the moron in office? Will that help to divert the incompetence he is illustrating in the last 10 months? Will that make you sleep better at night?

There is no shame admitting it. I would respect you for just admitting the truth why you are obsessed about a nobody than this facade of denial and deflection.

The spotlight is on Trump, he is the President. Clinton is no one, stop trying to make her somebody worth caring for. Give up already, if wikileaks had anything, the time is before the election. Anything else out now, the purpose is deflecting the attention from he spotlight on Trump, even an idiot can see that.
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Because I can see what’s going on. I’ve read the Wikileaks emails where they’re constructing the Trump/Russia narrative.

With all the leaks that have come out in the last couple of years, there has been nothing on Trump apart from that audio tape.

Undercover video from project veritas shows news anchors admitting that they the Russia story is fake and is used for ratings.

There has just been 0 evidence of it

As soon as there is (there won’t be), I’ll be on your side
I can see you don't see what's going on. I can see you are very gullible and believe everything wikileaks says, and I can see you fall for them every time.

Proof? This thread is proof, look on Post No.1 "Motherload"….you have been fooled, yet you don't learn.

That's what I see.

You will be back again and be fooled again, and again, and again.
Wikileaks = unbreakable, 100% verified encryption to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt contents of emails are untouched, but it’s all fake...

Yet you believe 100% of what the fake news tell you. We keep going round in circles and it’s getting pretty tiring now
“But why are you so obsessed about Clinton!! She’s a nobody, forget her!” Well one we’re in a Hillary thread and two this criminal is the reason why there’s this fake witch hunt to try and get Trump impeached to begin with. A complete and utter lie based on a more friendly stance with Russia, in order to try and evade the mass corruption that has been going on for the last decade or more
“But why are you so obsessed about Clinton!! She’s a nobody, forget her!” Well one we’re in a Hillary thread and two this criminal is the reason why there’s this fake witch hunt to try and get Trump impeached to begin with. A complete and utter lie based on a more friendly stance with Russia, in order to try and evade the mass corruption that has been going on for the last decade or more

Even if hilary dies tomorrow trump fanboys will continue to blame her, and her pet dog for all the problems.

Trumps colon cancer? Hilarys fault. WW III? Hilarys fault? Spending 1 trillion of the stupid ass Trump wall? Hilarys fault.
No the problem is with you conspiracy nutcases trying to make out something that is there but isn’t without any proof ;)

Very fake news you call CNN?? Is that because what they say is usually the truth?? Truth that is verified by many sources?? Or are you just too high on the Fox News kool aid and won’t believe anything any other news source puts out.
“But why are you so obsessed about Clinton!! She’s a nobody, forget her!” Well one we’re in a Hillary thread and two this criminal is the reason why there’s this fake witch hunt to try and get Trump impeached to begin with. A complete and utter lie based on a more friendly stance with Russia, in order to try and evade the mass corruption that has been going on for the last decade or more

One, to be a criminal one needs to be convicted so you are wrong there.

2, this is a Hilary thread started on a premise that there will be a "motherload" which turns out to be BS, so this thread is full of hot air and lies.

3rd, Trump has praised Russians and has met with them, want to see photos that the Russian press releases? They are legit as they are not by CNN.
Btw, witch hunt lol

1 single Mueller investigation and you call witch hunt? Really?

What do you call 9 republican lead investigations?

Which found nothing.
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