Wikileaks to release Hillary documents

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You have to admit its all a bit suspicious, we know they have been meddling with the water and juice boxes for years. Just imagine what else they are doing in the background, why is it i got a boner watching football...

If you are posting conspiracy related stuff, can people right [\satire] or [\sincere], as i am finding it hard to track the nutcases and who to reply to...

Seriously, gay spray?
Has President Hillary been impeached yet by the weight of this vast evidence? Oh wait, hang on...
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Yeah what do you think of Trump promising to 'lock her up' and despite controlling all three branches of government - has not (especially considering there were 9 Republican led investigations when they weren't in power)?.
Imagine the reaction if any of Trump's family made a speech in Russia for half a million dollars.

You and tang0 would say it is Fake News by the mainstream media.

That's what I imagine will happen.

So…..response….Mainstream media fake news. Sounds about right, right?

I mean if you can claim all the intelligence agency say there was Russian meddling as fake news, and mainstream media are fake news, you can't come back and quote the very people you say are spreading lies as the truth. To do so you admit that everything you claimed were fake are in fact REAL.

So, which is it? Pick one and time to stop being a hypocrite.
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Geezus Daily mail link?? I mean you couldn’t find a better and non biased source could you??

Insta ignore anytime I see a daily fail link.
Yeh, I know you don't like reading real news that makes you look silly. But here's a few more links for you to ignore

Mueller Now Investigating Democratic Lobbyist Tony Podesta

Very possible that Mueller has flipped, but won't hold my breathe.

Amazing how all these connections to Russian on the Democrat side keep coming out isn't it. Yet still nothing on Trump
Btw, Mueller hasn't "flipped", he isn't politically biased, which you SEEM to think he is by the mere fact that you said he "flipped". He is an officer of the Law, he was the head of the FBI, the guy is well known in Washington as as honest and bipartisan as one can get. Only Trump and his supporters think he is anything but. The minute he looks into anyone else you seem to think he "flipped" which shows/illustrates and prove how biased and clouded your own views are to begin with.
Yeh, I know you don't like reading real news that makes you look silly. But here's a few more links for you to ignore

Mueller Now Investigating Democratic Lobbyist Tony Podesta

Very possible that Mueller has flipped, but won't hold my breathe.

Amazing how all these connections to Russian on the Democrat side keep coming out isn't it. Yet still nothing on Trump

If you think for one second the daily mail is real news then I really don’t have any words for you.

But thanks for the links above, I’ll ignore the Fox one as they aren’t really a news source ;).

You still haven’t admitted you were wrong on the massive wikileaks dump that would put Hillary behind bars??
Amazing how all these connections to Russian on the Democrat side keep coming out isn't it. Yet still nothing on Trump

You have a TERRIBLE memory, I said only a few days ago….

There are plenty of evidence, some of it in the press, people like you prefer to ignore it and claim it is fake news that's all.

And answer me this.

In a murder investigation, do you see the police put out press release every stage of their investigation and all the evidence to the press BEFORE charges are made? Before court trials?

Do you?

And do you think Mueller will present all his initial findings in his investigation to the Press in the middle of his investigations?

Do you?
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