Wikileaks to release Hillary documents

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Oh deary me, it gets better

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

It's Washington Post, your guys' favourite news site so it must be true.

They were so confident that Trump would lose, they manufactured a dossier to get permission to spy on Trump in the hope to get more dirt on him. Oh how is it backfiring on them now.

Just so you know, Fusion GPS has got a track record for being dishonest

Presumably you didn’t actually read what you linked to. This gem for instance.

Fusion GPS’s work researching Trump began during the Republican presidential primaries, when the GOP donor paid for the firm to investigate the real estate magnate’s background.

Fusion GPS did not start off looking at Trump’s Russia ties but quickly realized that those relationships were extensive, according to the people familiar with the matter.

When the Republican donor stopped paying for the research, Elias, acting on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC, agreed to pay for the work to continue. The Democrats paid for research, including by Fusion GPS, because of concerns that little was known about Trump and his business interests, according to the people familiar with the matter.

Those people said that it is standard practice for political campaigns to use law firms to hire outside researchers to ensure their work is protected by attorney-client and work-product privileges.

The Clinton campaign paid Perkins Coie $5.6 million in legal fees from June 2015 to December 2016, according to campaign finance records, and the DNC paid the firm $3.6 million in “legal and compliance consulting’’ since November 2015 — though it’s impossible to tell from the filings how much of that work was for other legal matters and how much of it related to Fusion GPS.

At no point, the people said, did the Clinton campaign or the DNC direct Steele’s activities. They described him as a Fusion GPS subcontractor.

So no, no indication of manufacturing anything, rather standard practice of paying a private investigator to dig up dirt on an opponent.

Trey Gowdy on Trump-Russia probe: To date there has not been a single witness who has provided evidence supporting collusion, coordination or conspiracy

Funny all this now taking place is what The_Donald, 4chan, Fox, Infowars, Breitbart has been saying for over the last year now

More interesting information on the three investigations underway right now, including the one Gowdy is in. It also discussed the partisan nature of two of them.
Funny all this now taking place is what The_Donald, 4chan, Fox, Infowars, Breitbart has been saying for over the last year now

That you think of those places as viable sources of news/information, tells me everything I need to know about you.

Another deluded conspiracy theorist. 'The Donald' is just an angry male circle jerk echo chamber.
"One committee will investigate how the Obama administration approved a 2010 acquisition that gave Russia control of 20% of the US uranium supply" About time.

Surprised the Beeb picked this up, and they ref back to the Hill article as well. Good show Beeb.

It should be investigated, but just by Republicans!? Hmm, that will just cause more "them vs us" spats. If it really is that big an issue that they make it out to be, it should be a cross party investigation.
Trump campaign data firm sought Assange's help on Clinton emails

The head of a data analytics firm that worked for President Trump’s campaign reached out to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange about locating Hillary Clinton’s missing emails, The Daily Beast reported Wednesday.

Alexander Nix, who leads Cambridge Analytica, reportedly told a third party that he reached out to Assange to see if Nix’s firm could help Assange release Clinton’s 33,000 missing emails. Assange reportedly told Nix he preferred to do the work on his own.

After the report was published, Assange confirmed to The Daily Beast that Cambridge Analytica approached WikiLeaks, but said the site rejected the firm.

Does sound a lot like he has her emails. Would be a nice present for Hillary on her birthday tomorrow
Still flogging that dead horse I see.

Nothing here to see as per usual, no wikileak dump of her emails. How does that make u feel tang0??? Are u disappointed??
No far from it, this is the best timeline ever. They've been shamelessly lying about this Russian hoax for the last 2 years, stupidly thinking it could never back fire on them (thought Hillary would win), and now they're finally getting their comeuppance. Wikileaks releasing Hillary's emails would be the cherry on the top
The whole dossier was "researched" by a guy on 4chan...

Steele ran with it
CIA ran with it
DNC ran with it
McCain ran with it

You can't make it up
No far from it, this is the best timeline ever. They've been shamelessly lying about this Russian hoax for the last 2 years, stupidly thinking it could never back fire on them (thought Hillary would win), and now they're finally getting their comeuppance. Wikileaks releasing Hillary's emails would be the cherry on the top
I guess there won’t be any cherry on top will there?? I mean you promised us a dump by Saturday, which has come and gone and you still haven’t admitted you are wrong like you said you would do.

So please tell us in your own little warped world, why the hell should we take anything you say now seriously??...not that anyone here has taken u seriously
I was called an idiot for thinking Trump would win, to not believe the polls, that he was wire tapped, he's not colluding with the Russians but Hillary was, the dossier was fake, and more I've said in speakers corner. Everything there I was proven true on, it's you guys that can't think for yourselves and rely on what you're being told all the time.

Why should I take any of you seriously
I was called an idiot for thinking Trump would win, to not believe the polls, that he was wire tapped, he's not colluding with the Russians but Hillary was, the dossier was fake, and more I've said in speakers corner. Everything there I was proven true on, it's you guys that can't think for yourselves and rely on what you're being told all the time.

Why should I take any of you seriously
None of the above you have mentioned is true other than Trump winning but now is losing bigly with the retarded behaviour he is showing day by day.

For the millionth time, there is no dirt on Clinton...if there was she would be ‘locked up’ as you Trump supporters are so fond of saying. He wasn’t wiretapped, why would anyone want to wiretap that idiot is beyond me. He has been caught lying that he hasn’t met with any Russians, why did he lie?? Go on please tell us why he felt the need to lie and the proof is there that he met with Russians before and after the election.

You like other Trump supporters just conveniently ignore cold hard facts and live in your warped deluded universe where everything he ***** out of his mouth smells like roses.
I was called an idiot for thinking Trump would win, to not believe the polls, that he was wire tapped, he's not colluding with the Russians but Hillary was, the dossier was fake, and more I've said in speakers corner. Everything there I was proven true on, it's you guys that can't think for yourselves and rely on what you're being told all the time.

Why should I take any of you seriously

Exactly, i was the same. I could see the establishment going crazy about it. You could just see from the rallies how popular trump was and how everyone believed him over the corruption in the whitehouse.

But now he is in, i'm sure he has been bought
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