Alopecia is an illness though...
So is being easily offended by what professional comedians say.

Alopecia is an illness though...
So I watched some videos. As I understand it...
Chris made a joke about his wife being gi Jane due to her short hair.
Her short hair is because of alopecia. Doesn't that make it fall out? It looks shaved and a choice currently. [..]
Alopecia is an illness though...
Alopecia is a generic term for all hair loss. Are all bald men ill?
It's not at all life-threatening, of course, but it can cause people a lot of stress, sadness and depression.
Alopecia is an illness though...
No idea, I was just pointing out that the "she's not got an illness" was technically incorrect.Genuine question here... what is the difference between someone having alopecia and just going bald at a young age. Some would argue that they would rather have alopecia...
Just because something is a medical condition doesn't mean that you have to treat it like some sort of terminal illness. You can't go around assaulting people for making a joke about you or your loved ones. Smith should just thank his lucky stars Rock didn't really lay into them afterwards. Theres plenty of ammunition where the Smiths are concerned.
No idea, I was just pointing out that the "she's not got an illness" was technically incorrect.
Technically yes, since it's an autoimmune disease.
It's not at all life-threatening, of course, but it can cause people a lot of stress, sadness and depression. Baldness effects different people in different ways. Some don't care, whereas it can be an awful emotional experience for others.
Alopecia Areata is an auto immune disease, male pattern baldness, androgenic alopecia, is heredity and a hormone imbalance.
What I was getting at is alopecia is a general term covering all hair loss, it's not necessarily an auto immune disease.
With the dust settling a little bit I feel I've come around to the idea that although it was quite a weak joke it really wasn't as mean spirited as people are trying to make out. If he'd said something like "hey I hear Peter Jackson is making a new LOTR movie and the auditions are open for Gollum if you hurry" then fair enough, but last I checked Demi Moore in GI Jane doesn't seem like a particularly unkind comparison - a beautiful woman who played a part with her head shaved.
So as usual online communities have ran away with the "oh I am so offended on her behalf" and like her husband are making themselves look pretty foolish right about now
But what I'm saying is I'm not sure he really was "taking the ****"... not especially... it's just another example of everybody repeating that he was and competing with each other for who can seem the most outraged (see above) until it's just accepted.
He has apologised