Win 10, yay or nay?

How do you stop it installing drivers for everything. Ive gone into device instilation settings and turned it off there but it keeps installing stuff. Any ideas. Thanks.
How do you stop it installing drivers for everything. Ive gone into device instilation settings and turned it off there but it keeps installing stuff. Any ideas. Thanks.

It needs to be done via windows update? It pulls down hardware drivers as well as windows ones.

I think..
How do you stop it installing drivers for everything. Ive gone into device instilation settings and turned it off there but it keeps installing stuff. Any ideas. Thanks.

Not on Win10 myself yet to verify but:

Control Panel - System- Advanced System - Hardware - Device Installation Properties > turn off the Always install drivers through updates.

Taken from the very useful FAQ thread here -
Hmmmm. So Microsoft create a new OS and just give it away? Just like that?

I am not convinced. It smells suspiciously like their recent office packages where you pay subscriptions rather than purchasing it.

I wonder if, in a years time, this 'free' upgrade will come back to bite everyone in the arse when they boot up to see "your free trial period has expired, please pay us $20.00 per month to resume normal use of your computer".

Even so - I am a sucker for free stuff and I still have a genuine win7 disc as a backup, so I might give it a go and see how it pans out :p
Hmmmm. So Microsoft create a new OS and just give it away? Just like that?

I am not convinced. It smells suspiciously like their recent office packages where you pay subscriptions rather than purchasing it.

I wonder if, in a years time, this 'free' upgrade will come back to bite everyone in the arse when they boot up to see "your free trial period has expired, please pay us $20.00 per month to resume normal use of your computer".

Even so - I am a sucker for free stuff and I still have a genuine win7 disc as a backup, so I might give it a go and see how it pans out :p

I really don't think Microsoft will shoot themselves in the foot that way. But then stranger things have happened!
Hmmmm. So Microsoft create a new OS and just give it away? Just like that?

I am not convinced. It smells suspiciously like their recent office packages where you pay subscriptions rather than purchasing it.

I wonder if, in a years time, this 'free' upgrade will come back to bite everyone in the arse when they boot up to see "your free trial period has expired, please pay us $20.00 per month to resume normal use of your computer".

Even so - I am a sucker for free stuff and I still have a genuine win7 disc as a backup, so I might give it a go and see how it pans out :p

It's only free for consumer users who upgrade from W7/8 in a certain timeframe.

Apple and Google give away their OS. Microsoft is just giving it away to consumers for a limited time. They are still going to shift huge numbers of corporate licenses.
Not on Win10 myself yet to verify but:

Control Panel - System- Advanced System - Hardware - Device Installation Properties > turn off the Always install drivers through updates.

Taken from the very useful FAQ thread here -

Does this work? The option refers to 'Driver Software' rather than just Drivers, which leads me to think that this just stops it from installing extra gubbins like GeForce Experience, etc?

Can someone test this?
Hmmmm. So Microsoft create a new OS and just give it away? Just like that?

I am not convinced. It smells suspiciously like their recent office packages where you pay subscriptions rather than purchasing it.

I wonder if, in a years time, this 'free' upgrade will come back to bite everyone in the arse when they boot up to see "your free trial period has expired, please pay us $20.00 per month to resume normal use of your computer".

Even so - I am a sucker for free stuff and I still have a genuine win7 disc as a backup, so I might give it a go and see how it pans out :p

They're not just giving it away though, are they? They're only letting people upgrade for one year who have already paid for Windows 7/8/8.1 one way or another. You can't just install it without an already licensed Windows installed.

Office was up front about the subscription model, and they still sell Office 2013 as a standalone package that'll work forever if that's what the consumer wants.
its obvious why they want you on a new platform. costs them less to maintain. can hook into all your habbits . tie you into other sales.

the UI is the main thing i wont use it.its aimed at tablet use laptops.i do laugh at people saying yet but its like 10-15 gb :p so that is a big plus ? :D

best just waiting 6 month let them get all the main fixes in then swop over with no hassle.
I've noticed now on Windows 10 when I hold down the xbox button on my pad instead of launching big picture mode it now launches its own game bar. Anyway around this?
I upgraded last night, well chuffed so far.

Noticed a 5-10 FPS boost in SW:TOR, loving some of the new features too.
anyone switched their graphics card while using the free version of windows 10?
just wanted to know if there is any problems doing this as i want to install a new graphics card.
anyone switched their graphics card while using the free version of windows 10?
just wanted to know if there is any problems doing this as i want to install a new graphics card.

There's no such thing as a free version of Windows 10, and there shouldn't be a problem. It's the BIOS/Motherboard that is linked to activate.
Yet to try any games, but my OS SSD has gained 10GB of free space since the install for some reason. Unless it had accumulated past attempts, but I had already emptied those folders.
Reminder to all that Win10 installs with the privacy settings off as a default. Unless you want Microsoft to know literally everything you do on the internet thanks to a unique ID, turn them on. NOW.
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