Running fine here, much snappier than 8.1.
It probably was meant to be 8.2.
The world seems to have forgotten they essentially showed this off in April.
Windows 10 failed to install on Parallels Workstation 6 (select Windows 8 64 bit)
I just ran the setup.exe from the dvd on my windows 7 to see what would happen and it claims it can keep my settings personal files and programs installed when upgrading to windows 10 from windows 7.
I don't like Microsoft force u to use account to log in Windows! I hate it.
If you click i don't have an account at the bottom there is the option to logon without an account. Then you use only a local account.
If you click i don't have an account at the bottom there is the option to logon without an account. Then you use only a local account.
Yes but u cannot use Windows Store and other!