Windows 10

UI tweeeks for me, should be the last thing (or even worked on after RTM launch) because I'd rather than squash ALL bugs first.

Wishful thinking I'm afraid, as ALL the bugs will never be squashed, as 'someone' will always be able to find 'something' which doesn't 'work' as they expected on their particular configuration, and which they will therefore see as a bug.
UI tweeeks for me, should be the last thing (or even worked on after RTM launch) because I'd rather than squash ALL bugs first.

Ostensibly I agree - also having done quite a bit of beta testing/software development I'm also aware that sometimes bugs will remain in test branches even after they've been squashed internally either for further monitoring, with additional code for more testing or even to get data on a further condition identified in relation to that bug, etc. that said this close to RTM, etc. I would have expected to see some more key progressions in regard to the UI if it was going to be significantly more elegant and sophisticated come launch.

Not really sure what Skeeter is expecting unless his experience is far less than I assumed - its not like I'm going to code an entire operating system to prove a point about an abstract component of an OS, if I had access to Windows 10 source then sure I'd have a go at improving the start system and general UI but obviously I don't which leaves a shell replacement which on a closed system like Windows 10 requires deep dive analysis, function hooking in memory, resource hacking, overwriting data via knowing exact locations and data lengths and so on before you even get to any UI coding - a big task against a static target never mind something that is in the middle of development.
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Ostensibly I agree - also having done quite a bit of beta testing/software development I'm also aware that sometimes bugs will remain in test branches even after they've been squashed internally either for further monitoring, with additional code for more testing or even to get data on a further condition identified in relation to that bug, etc. that said this close to RTM, etc. I would have expected to see some more key progressions in regard to the UI if it was going to be significantly more elegant and sophisticated come launch.

Not really sure what Skeeter is expecting unless his experience is far less than I assumed - its not like I'm going to code an entire operating system to prove a point about an abstract component of an OS, if I had access to Windows 10 source then sure I'd have a go at improving the start system and general UI but obviously I don't which leaves a shell replacement which on a closed system like Windows 10 requires deep dive analysis, function hooking in memory, resource hacking, overwriting data via knowing exact locations and data lengths and so on before you even get to any UI coding - a big task against a static target never mind something that is in the middle of development.

So your saying it's not something so simple a graduate with a copy of Visual Studio could do better?

All this ranting because you want a wider start menu :rolleyes:
So your saying it's not something so simple a graduate with a copy of Visual Studio could do better?

All this ranting because you want a wider start menu :rolleyes:

Hence why I'm starting to think most of what I'm saying is going over your head - none the least your not making a distinction between the fact that an OS is built up of multiple layers - in abstract its not that much of a stretch to say that a graduate with VB could produce a better UI than that seen in Windows 10 - that doesn't mean you'd expect a graduate to code an entire OS from scratch. (I wouldn't be totally surprised though if a reasonably competent graduate could jump into Windows development and do a better job of the UI side of the coding than we are seeing so far though).

Again you've totally misunderstood my ranting - picking on one tiny aspect of what I was saying without even demonstrating understanding of the significance of why I mentioned it - as you mentioned yourself Windows 10 needs to work over a whole range of platforms and interfaces - which means its implementation should be as flexible and scaleable as possible from the roots upwards and so far in Windows 10 we simply aren't seeing that - the fact that there are lots of limitations on how you can arrange and resize things in the start menu, etc. is just one indication of that.

EDIT: Besides its not because I want a wider start menu - I want a start menu that is the right size for my needs not restricted to either only 3 tiles wide or having to have 6 tiles wide + divider due to no options of having anything in between.
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Oh right, so now I'm too stupid to comprehend what you mean?

And you have the balls to claim your not arrogant :rolleyes:

All that anyone needs to know is everything you are putting so much effort into complaining about is nothing more than small insignificant gripes with the UI, which in the big picture is completely insignificant at the current time, and easily resolved later with feature updates just like they plan too.

I wouldn't consider any of your complaints significant so I'm not surprised they are in Microsoft low priority list.
Oh right, so now I'm too stupid to comprehend what you mean?

And you have the balls to claim your not arrogant :rolleyes:

All that anyone needs to know is everything you are putting so much effort into complaining about is nothing more than small insignificant gripes with the UI, which in the big picture is completely insignificant at the current time, and easily resolved later with feature updates just like they plan too.

I wouldn't consider any of your complaints significant so I'm not surprised they are in Microsoft low priority list.

Hence why I'm starting to think most of what I'm saying is going over your head - none the least your not making a distinction between the fact that an OS is built up of multiple layers - in abstract its not that much of a stretch to say that a graduate with VB could produce a better UI than that seen in Windows 10 - that doesn't mean you'd expect a graduate to code an entire OS from scratch. (I wouldn't be totally surprised though if a reasonably competent graduate could jump into Windows development and do a better job of the UI side of the coding than we are seeing so far though).

Again you've totally misunderstood my ranting - picking on one tiny aspect of what I was saying without even demonstrating understanding of the significance of why I mentioned it - as you mentioned yourself Windows 10 needs to work over a whole range of platforms and interfaces - which means its implementation should be as flexible and scaleable as possible from the roots upwards and so far in Windows 10 we simply aren't seeing that - the fact that there are lots of limitations on how you can arrange and resize things in the start menu, etc. is just one indication of that.

EDIT: Besides its not because I want a wider start menu - I want a start menu that is the right size for my needs not restricted to either only 3 tiles wide or having to have 6 tiles wide + divider due to no options of having anything in between.

For the love of all things holy, can you two agree to disagree, get a room or, even possibly, just ignore each other?

Oh right, so now I'm too stupid to comprehend what you mean?

And you have the balls to claim your not arrogant :rolleyes:

All that anyone needs to know is everything you are putting so much effort into complaining about is nothing more than small insignificant gripes with the UI, which in the big picture is completely insignificant at the current time, and easily resolved later with feature updates just like they plan too.

I wouldn't consider any of your complaints significant so I'm not surprised they are in Microsoft low priority list.
This is how Rroff rolls. He talks himself up and makes claims that he can't substantiate, then when you push him on it he goes down the condescending route to try and obfuscate the fact that he's talking rubbish or at least not thinking about the things he's typing.
This is how Rroff rolls. He talks himself up and makes claims that he can't substantiate, then when you push him on it he goes down the condescending route to try and obfuscate the fact that he's talking rubbish or at least not thinking about the things he's typing.

I figured that. He's dug himself into a hole but can't turn back without admitting that he's been making a big fuss about rather silly little things.
I figured that. He's dug himself into a hole but can't turn back without admitting that he's been making a big fuss about rather silly little things.

I had it with him a while back, where he was claiming that there was a huge fall off performance when going from QHD to UHD. I said there was a 30~% performance fall off averaged out and he went into condescending mode over it, coming out with all sorts of smack talk.
Oh right, so now I'm too stupid to comprehend what you mean?

And you have the balls to claim your not arrogant :rolleyes:

All that anyone needs to know is everything you are putting so much effort into complaining about is nothing more than small insignificant gripes with the UI, which in the big picture is completely insignificant at the current time, and easily resolved later with feature updates just like they plan too.

I wouldn't consider any of your complaints significant so I'm not surprised they are in Microsoft low priority list.

Only if you've really completely missed the point of what I'm saying would you think I was calling you stupid.

This is how Rroff rolls. He talks himself up and makes claims that he can't substantiate, then when you push him on it he goes down the condescending route to try and obfuscate the fact that he's talking rubbish or at least not thinking about the things he's typing.

Even if you had a point... pot, kettle, black? should I maybe link to some of your posts in response to lucid just as an example ;)

EDIT: I don't have a one shot piece of evidence regarding my own abilities in regard to UI programming itself due to a number of reasons none the least of lot of it was work related and not stuff I have copies of at home but I can spam snippets of code I've written all day which while I might not be Bill Gates or John Carmack, etc. especially my maths is a bit weak but anyone who is an actual programmer can verify isn't the work of someone without a fair bit of experience :S

some random C coding from an old game:

	// RADAR (experimental)

	Com_sprintf (entry, sizeof(entry), "xl %i yv %i picn radar ", 4, -200);
	j = strlen(entry);
	stringlength = strlen(string);
	if (!(stringlength + j > 1024))
		strcpy (string + stringlength, entry);

	// Rroff showing monsters on the radar will probably be too much of a performance consideration
	// so this is just experimental/testing code - we might also overflow the string limit for sending hud stuff
	cl_ent = &g_edicts[0];
	for (i=0 ; i<globals.num_edicts ; i++, cl_ent++)
		if (!(cl_ent->svflags & SVF_MONSTER))

		if (cl_ent->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_GOOD_GUY)

		if (cl_ent->svflags & SVF_NOCLIENT)

		if (cl_ent->health <=0)

		if (level.time > (cl_ent->monsterinfo.attack_finished+1))
		x1 = (cl_ent->s.origin[0]-ent->s.origin[0]);
		y1 = (cl_ent->s.origin[1]-ent->s.origin[1]);

		dist = sqrt((x1*x1) + (y1*y1));

		if (dist>1984)
			dist = 1984;

		angle = ent->s.angles[YAW];

		angle=360-angle; // reflect coord system
		angle+=90; // adjust for clockwise offset
		angle = angle/360;
		angle*= 360;

		angle2 = atan2(y1, x1) * 180 / M_PI;

		if (angle2<0)
		angle2=360-angle2; // reflect coord system

		if (angle2<0)

		angle2+=90; // adjust for clockwise offset
		angle2 = angle2/360;
		angle2*= 360;

		angle2*= (M_PI / 180);



		x = 69+x1;
		y = -137-y1;

		Com_sprintf (entry, sizeof(entry), "xl %i yv %i picn rpoint ", x-4, y-4);
		j = strlen(entry);
		stringlength = strlen(string);
		if (!(stringlength + j > 1024))
			strcpy (string + stringlength, entry);

(Yup my maths ain't great)

Some random perl (not something I've much experience in)

# file:

#use strict << encourages sloppy programming habits imo :P

use IO::Socket::INET;



sub str2ord {
	my $out;
	my $LOOP_COUNT=length(@_[0]);
	for ($count=0; $count <= $LOOP_COUNT; $count++ ){
	return $out;

sub int2byte4 {
        my $inval=@_[0];
        my $out .= chr($inval & 255);
        $out .= chr(($inval >> 8) & 255);
        $out .= chr(($inval >> 16) & 255);
        $out .= chr(($inval >> 24) & 255);

        return $out;

sub bytes2int {
        my $inval=@_[0];

        $byte1 = ord(substr($inval,0,1));
        $byte2 = ord(substr($inval,1,1));
        $byte3 = ord(substr($inval,2,1));
        $byte4 = ord(substr($inval,3,1)); # doesn't seem to throw up an error i$

        return ($byte1 | ($byte2 << 8) | ($byte3 << 16) | ($byte4 << 24));

$sock=IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $TMip,PeerPort => $TMport,Proto => 'tcp');
die "Socket creation failed with: $!\n" unless $sock;

$auth="<?xml version=".chr(34)."1.0".chr(34)."?>";
$auth .="<methodCall>";
$auth .="<methodName>Authenticate</methodName>";
$auth .="<params>";
$auth .="<param><value><string>Admin</string></value></param>";
$auth .="<param><value><string>".$TMpass."</string></value></param>";
$auth .="</params>";
$auth .="</methodCall>";

$match="<?xml version=".chr(34)."1.0".chr(34)."?>";
$match .="<methodCall>";
$match .="<methodName>LoadMatchSettings</methodName>";
$match .="<params>";
$match .="<param><value><string>".$TMmatch."</string></value></param>";
$match .="</params>";
$match .="</methodCall>";

$authheader = int2byte4(length($auth)).chr(255).chr(255).chr(255).chr(255);
$matchheader = int2byte4(length($match)).chr(255).chr(255).chr(255).chr(255);



Bit of bash stuff - scripting but still

#! /bin/sh
cd /home/gs1/tmnf

read password < "password.txt"

if [ -n "$1" ]; then
	if [ -f "GameData/Tracks/Challenges/My Challenges/$filename" ]; then
		echo map already exists
		if [ -f "GameData/Tracks/Challenges/My Challenges/$filename.pass" ]; then
			read passwordval < "GameData/Tracks/Challenges/My Challenges/$filename.pass"
			if [ "$2" != "$passwordval" ]; then
				echo "This track already exists and you don't have the password to overwrite it"

	cp -f $1 "GameData/Tracks/Challenges/My Challenges/$filename"

	if [ "$exttype" = "Gbx" ]; then
		echo ADDING MAP $filename...
		fileforsize=GameData/Tracks/Challenges/My\ Challenges/$filename
		echo Uploaded $(stat -c%s "$fileforsize") Bytes
		./ "$fileforsize" > "$fileforsize.val"
		read validation < "$fileforsize.val"
		if [ -z "$validation" ]; then
			echo "if you can't complete it how do you expect anyone else to?"
			rm GameData/Tracks/Challenges/My\ Challenges/$filename
			rm GameData/Tracks/Challenges/My\ Challenges/$filename.val
		if [ -n "$2" ]; then
			echo $2 > "$fileforsize.pass"
		echo map ident: $validation
		echo uploading $exttype is not permitted
		rm GameData/Tracks/Challenges/My\ Challenges/$filename

cd GameData/Tracks

# slight problem here if there aren't any .Gbx files already in the folder
ls Challenges/My\ Challenges/*.Gbx > ../../~maplist.tmp
cd ../..

cat NationsCustom.scr > ~NationsCustom.tmp
cat ~maplist.tmp |while read line; do echo -e "\t<challenge>\n\t\t<file>${line}</file>" >> ~NationsCustom.tmp;read validation < "GameData/Tracks/${line}.val" ;echo -e "\t\t<ident>$validation</ident>\n\t</challenge>" >> ~NationsCustom.tmp; done
echo "</playlist>" >> ~NationsCustom.tmp

cp -f ~NationsCustom.tmp GameData/Tracks/MatchSettings/Nations/NationsCustom.txt

rm ~maplist.tmp
rm ~NationsCustom.tmp

if [ -n "$filename" ]; then
	./ 25001 $password "\$w\$o\$f00New map added: $filename"

./ 25001 $password MatchSettings/Nations/NationsCustom.txt

echo map uploaded and added to map list
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I'm looking forward to where they've hidden the Folder Options in this release.

I reckon it'll be an Advanced menu item inside the Local Area Connection properties dialogue.
I'm looking forward to where they've hidden the Folder Options in this release.

I reckon it'll be an Advanced menu item inside the Local Area Connection properties dialogue.

? It's been on a tab in the Explorer ribbon on every build I've looked for the 'show hidden items' option, which is pretty much every build since about 10000ish?
My 10130 wouldn't pick up any more builds, but I've installed fresh since then. People in here have updated using an ISO.

I did that from 10130 to 10162, but now it's stuck again...

10166 is offered by Windows update and goes through all the motions of installing, and then just restores build 10162, without explaining why...
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