Windows 10

I did that from 10130 to 10162, but now it's stuck again...

10166 is offered by Windows update and goes through all the motions of installing, and then just restores build 10162, without explaining why...

Its not a build specific thing. I installed 10130 clean and it updated to 10166 fine.

I wonder if they are just not distributing it so widely?
Only if you've really completely missed the point of what I'm saying would you think I was calling you stupid.

Even if you had a point... pot, kettle, black? should I maybe link to some of your posts in response to lucid just as an example ;)

Go for it ";)". You might then realise I've had disagreements with Lucid about the notion that speaker cables make this big difference, rather than it being a case of it's either good enough to not impede the signal, or it degrades it. Considering there is no proof for such claims, and plenty of proof against them.

You're not making the point you think you are. As I've already told Lucid that I respect a vast majority of what he says, but I find the magic cable talk to be disappointing in contrast the vast AV knowledge he has.

The difference here is that Lucid doesn't come across as if he's winging it most of the time, he talks like he's a professional in his field and he backs it up (except for the magic speaker cables part), whereas you do come across as if you're winging it, and you very really are able to back your claims up with logic or evidence.
Presume there's still no concrete answer on the "will upgrades for 7/8 retail effectively be 10 OEM" question?

Yes there is.

Your 7/8.1 license remains as a retail 7/8.1 license. You can carry on transferring it around to whatever machine you like forever.

But you can also upgrade a device to Windows 10 for free. However that isn't transferable. If you move to a new PC you will need to install your 7/8.1 again, and then upgrade to 10 again. If you do this in the first year that upgrade is free. If you do it after a year it will cost you.
Are you misunderstanding on purpose? I can't see where this has been said.

He's so far off the point its hilarious.

He's been complaining about stupid little things for months, and making sweeping statements about how any graduate with a copy of Visial Studio could do a better job than Microsofts entire dev team, and how he knows about these things because "he's got 20 years experience writing code" and that it was much better back in his day when people "cared about their code rather than just being a career programmer".

Its like a senile old man ranting about the war because he can't get a jar of pickle open. My point has always been to point out just how pathetic he's being (which then shifted to pointing out his arrogance when he started stating he could do a better job, but doesn't have the time..), yet he's missed that entirely and is now trying to prove... something (I'm not sure what?) by posting snippets of random code... :rolleyes:

Maybe I should put it in small words for him? "Rroff, nobody cares that you think only being able to have 2 columns of tiles on the Start Menu is a fundamental big functionality issue nasty problem that means the OS is awful really mean, and Microsoft should consider your issues top priority"
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He's so far off the point its hilarious.

He's been complaining about stupid little things for months, and making sweeping statements about how any graduate with a copy of Visial Studio could do a better job than Microsofts entire dev team, and how he knows about these things because "he's got 20 years experience writing code" and that it was much better back in his day when people "cared about their code rather than just being a career programmer".

Its like a senile old man ranting about the war because he can't get a jar of pickle open. My point has always been to point out just how pathetic he's being, yet he's missed that entirely and is now trying to prove... something (I'm not sure what?) by posting snippets of random code... :rolleyes:

Before I go any further what is the extent of your development abilities? because those "silly little things" are pointers to much larger software development issues which I'd assume someone with a reasonable amount of experience in that field would pick up on rather than ridicule through not understanding them.

Again my comment was in abstract and its not really hard to understand - I'm not suggesting someone whose done a bit of programming in college could develop an entire operating system from the ground up but taking UI development in abstract Windows 10 doesn't exactly elevate itself very well above the level of someone messing about in Visual Basic in that regard (maybe I'm being a bit harsh before it goes final but if so I'll apologise at that time).

As for being so far off point - your poking fun at my development experience even in that post - I've provided a few little snippets that people who actually know about the field can use to judge how much I'm talking out my rear or not in that regard.
Before I go any further what is the extent of your development abilities?

Why does that have any bearing at all on highlighting arrogance and condescension?

Oh and I thought you said you werent trying to say I was too stupid to understand you? Do I need to pass an exam before I'm allowed to reply?
Why does that have any bearing at all on highlighting arrogance and condescension?

Oh and I thought you said you werent trying to say I was too stupid to understand you? Do I need to pass an exam before I'm allowed to reply?

I'm not saying your too stupid to understand - but some of the implications of what I'm saying might be lost on someone without a reasonable amount of experience in the relevant field which would explain why you'd ridicule them as silly little things and why your mistaking my posts for being arrogant and condescending or being a suggestion that you were stupid - sure there is some frustration in my posts in regards to certain aspects.
I don't see how stating that you could do a better job than Microsoft, and that any Graduate with Visual Studio could make a better UI could be considered anything other than arrogance?

Or that stating that you know best because you have been writing code for 20 years and I don't understand because I apparently haven't got the knowledge too can be considered anything other than condescension?
I don't see how stating that you could do a better job than Microsoft, and that any Graduate with Visual Studio could make a better UI could be considered anything other than arrogance?

Or that stating that you know best because you have been writing code for 20 years and I don't understand because I apparently haven't got the knowledge too can be considered anything other than condescension?

I never claimed I could do a better job than Microsoft carte blanche - I do believe that with my experience I could do a better job than they have so far shown in regards to many aspects of the UI side of the OS and whether that is arrogance or not well I'll leave upto those who known enough to get a feel for my abilities from the code snippets I've posted - which pretty much covers the rest as well if you see it as arrogance I apologise but its not really unusual if it is the case that someone with more experience in a specific area might make comments that the implications of aren't entirely understood by someone without the relevant experience that isn't necessarily arrogance or condescending just a fact of life.
I never claimed I could do a better job than Microsoft carte blanche - I do believe that with my experience I could do a better job than they have so far shown in regards to many aspects of the UI side of the OS and whether that is arrogance or not well I'll leave upto those who known enough to get a feel for my abilities from the code snippets I've posted - which pretty much covers the rest as well if you see it as arrogance I apologise but its not really unusual if it is the case that someone with more experience in a specific area might make comments that the implications of aren't entirely understood by someone without the relevant experience that isn't necessarily arrogance or condescending just a fact of life.

"I prefer" is not the same as better, this is a fundamental part of the issue you have here.

The same way as "I dislike" isn't the same as "it's rubbish".

With how often you have to rephrase things, it seems one of 2 things is happening often. You're not very good with articulating how you mean something, or you change what you mean when you're pulled on it.

I think it's fairly clear that Skeeter hasn't been criticising your ability to program. I'll attempt to put it in the bluntest way possible in how I think he means it.

Stop whinging about things being rubbish on the basis that you don't like or dislike it, and stop being dramatic with the examples you keep giving on how it could be done better.

Experience or ability is immaterial in the concept of criticism, and as such asking people their credentials on the basis of using it to discredit their abilities is nonsensical.

It's like me claiming that no one can give me tips on bench pressing if they bench press less than I do, completely ignoring the reasons as for why I might bench press more than they do.
Are you genuinely saying that this...

I do believe that with my experience I could do a better job than they have so far shown in regards to many aspects of the UI side of the OS

isn't arrogance? And that this...

and whether that is arrogance or not well I'll leave upto those who known enough to get a feel for my abilities from the code snippets I've posted

isn't you saying I'm too dumb to understand?
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