I'm looking forward to where they've hidden the Folder Options in this release.
I reckon it'll be an Advanced menu item inside the Local Area Connection properties dialogue.
I LOL'd.
I'm looking forward to where they've hidden the Folder Options in this release.
I reckon it'll be an Advanced menu item inside the Local Area Connection properties dialogue.
I did that from 10130 to 10162, but now it's stuck again...
10166 is offered by Windows update and goes through all the motions of installing, and then just restores build 10162, without explaining why...
Only if you've really completely missed the point of what I'm saying would you think I was calling you stupid.
Even if you had a point... pot, kettle, black? should I maybe link to some of your posts in response to lucid just as an example
Presume there's still no concrete answer on the "will upgrades for 7/8 retail effectively be 10 OEM" question?
Oh jesus now he's posting code...
And? you were casting aspersions about my development abilities - I've given some unflattering examples people who actually know a bit about programming can judge those abilities by.
Are you misunderstanding on purpose? I can't see where this has been said.
Are you misunderstanding on purpose? I can't see where this has been said.
He's so far off the point its hilarious.
He's been complaining about stupid little things for months, and making sweeping statements about how any graduate with a copy of Visial Studio could do a better job than Microsofts entire dev team, and how he knows about these things because "he's got 20 years experience writing code" and that it was much better back in his day when people "cared about their code rather than just being a career programmer".
Its like a senile old man ranting about the war because he can't get a jar of pickle open. My point has always been to point out just how pathetic he's being, yet he's missed that entirely and is now trying to prove... something (I'm not sure what?) by posting snippets of random code...
Before I go any further what is the extent of your development abilities?
Put the handbags away ladies.
Why does that have any bearing at all on highlighting arrogance and condescension?
Oh and I thought you said you werent trying to say I was too stupid to understand you? Do I need to pass an exam before I'm allowed to reply?
I don't see how stating that you could do a better job than Microsoft, and that any Graduate with Visual Studio could make a better UI could be considered anything other than arrogance?
Or that stating that you know best because you have been writing code for 20 years and I don't understand because I apparently haven't got the knowledge too can be considered anything other than condescension?
I never claimed I could do a better job than Microsoft carte blanche - I do believe that with my experience I could do a better job than they have so far shown in regards to many aspects of the UI side of the OS and whether that is arrogance or not well I'll leave upto those who known enough to get a feel for my abilities from the code snippets I've posted - which pretty much covers the rest as well if you see it as arrogance I apologise but its not really unusual if it is the case that someone with more experience in a specific area might make comments that the implications of aren't entirely understood by someone without the relevant experience that isn't necessarily arrogance or condescending just a fact of life.
I do believe that with my experience I could do a better job than they have so far shown in regards to many aspects of the UI side of the OS
and whether that is arrogance or not well I'll leave upto those who known enough to get a feel for my abilities from the code snippets I've posted