Still no answer to what? I think it's painfully obvious that he was indicating that upgrading from Windows 8 Home to 8.1 Pro WASN'T free, but yet you can't seem to apply common sense and fill in the blanks yourself, so you're just posting up the same tired rubbish, tainting this thread with a loaf of posts that simply don't need to be in here. Honestly, stop being a child and grow up!
In that case, why did he feel the need to post "lmfao" about it? Upgrading a Home version to a Pro version has never, and will never be free?
Either way you look at it it was a bizarre thing to say that he's then run away from when people picked him up on it.
Posting rubbish and then trying to deny it or pretend he never said it seems to be deuse's standard MO on here, yet its always those of us who pull him up on it who seem to get the wrath? In a thread full of people looking for answers I think we should make an effort to ensure the misleading half truths or flat out wrong statements are highlighted.