Windows 8 Consumer Preview Thread

Well I bit the bullet earlier and installed the x64 enterprise version.

Still not keen on the 'modern UI' particularly, but after I'd binned most of the icons and left the ones I'm likely to use there, it's not so bad.

One minor irritation. With WoW and Diablo 3 (and various other non Blizz games) I usually set fake fullscreen so that if I want to get to the desktop I just hit the Windows key and do what I want. Obviously that doesn't work now cos I get a 'modern UI' in the face, so it's back to alt+tab. Step backwards there.

Browsing the network also seems somewhat slower at the moment. Sometimes takes 10 - 15 seconds to display the NAS and it's shares, even after updating the drivers.

There are some features I like though. The pause on copy might come in useful now and again, and the more detailed Task Manager is nice too.

Apart from that, I just have to remember a whole bunch of new keyboard shortcuts ;)
I added RealTemp to the system initialization through the "Startup" folder, but it does not start automatically. Although Windows has recognized the program. As you can see.



If my Windows is not activated how much time I got till it stops working? 90 days?
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The Enterprise Edition can't have the WMC addon. Its on Windows 8 Pro which allows WMC addon.

That is a very odd decision, especially as Windows 7 Enterprise did include WMC. What are businesses with Enterprise Agreements supposed to do if they want to run WMC?

They did a similar thing with Vista Enterprise and ended up giving the option of Vista Ultimate under Software Assurance. All very messy.
Found something I hate more than Metr - odern UI. Bloody irritating menu where the shutdown button is. Spent two minutes trying to coax the damn thing to show yesterday, then when I finally managed to put the machine to sleep, it woke up again 10 seconds later.

Spent another 30 seconds trying to get to the menu again, then lost my temper with it and just hit the power button.

*kin irritating idiotic place to put something. I can understand it on a tablet, but I'M NOT USING A TABLET!!!!!


Of course getting grumpy with the UI and totally forgetting basic Windows commands last night, it didn't occur to me to hit alt+F4 :)
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Found something I hate more than Metr - odern UI. Bloody irritating menu where the shutdown button is. Spent two minutes trying to coax the damn thing to show yesterday

How are you trying to activate it? All you need to do is mouse into the top or bottom right corner, and then move your cursor towards the centre. I've only ever had trouble with this in a windowed virtual machine and even then it only took two or three seconds worth of attemp - definitely not two minutes. I suspect you might be pulling the mouse too far away from the corner and you move it.
That is a very odd decision, especially as Windows 7 Enterprise did include WMC. What are businesses with Enterprise Agreements supposed to do if they want to run WMC?

They did a similar thing with Vista Enterprise and ended up giving the option of Vista Ultimate under Software Assurance. All very messy.

The business need for WMC is vanishingly small. Microsoft are discontinuing WMC and are basically just throwing a bone to the few people who use it hence the limited ways you can actually get your hands on it.
How are you trying to activate it? All you need to do is mouse into the top or bottom right corner, and then move your cursor towards the centre. I've only ever had trouble with this in a windowed virtual machine and even then it only took two or three seconds worth of attemp - definitely not two minutes. I suspect you might be pulling the mouse too far away from the corner and you move it.

As far as I can see, there's only about 2 or 3 pixels that will activate it, and last night (after a few sherbets :P) it seemed almost impossible to make the menu appear. I've had more success in the light of day, but to be honest, alt+F4 is much quicker and a lot less clicks ;)
As far as I can see, there's only about 2 or 3 pixels that will activate it, and last night (after a few sherbets :P) it seemed almost impossible to make the menu appear. I've had more success in the light of day, but to be honest, alt+F4 is much quicker and a lot less clicks ;)

The actual target in terms of pixels is small but it should be very, very easy to hit. Invoking the charms bar can be done with your eyes closed.

Of course, without seeing it it's hard to say where you might be going wrong but if you've found a quicker alternative then by all means run with it.
I'm finding it easier now, but I suspect I'd miss a lot with eyes closed ;)

One thing I do find curious now. My Corsair SSD is recognised by Windows 7 and defrag is automatically disabled for it without me having to do anything.

I just looked at defrag on Win 8 and the same is not true. It had enabled defrag automatically. I've just unticked the boxes, so it's not going to mess with TRIM, but strikes me as strange.
I'm finding it easier now, but I suspect I'd miss a lot with eyes closed ;)

One thing I do find curious now. My Corsair SSD is recognised by Windows 7 and defrag is automatically disabled for it without me having to do anything.

I just looked at defrag on Win 8 and the same is not true. It had enabled defrag automatically. I've just unticked the boxes, so it's not going to mess with TRIM, but strikes me as strange.

Ah, thanks. So I need to turn off defrag for my SSD do I? I hadn't thought of that but it makes sense.
No seriously, if you have decent sense of your mouse sensitivity I would expect practically anybody to be able to display the charms bar with their eyes closed with a high degree of success. I'm kind of curious to see what's going on in your particular case(!)

The SSD thing is odd. Did you upgrade or fresh install?

Edit - if you're talking about the "Storage Optimization" task then you should leave that ON. It's working correctly.
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No seriously, if you have decent sense of your mouse sensitivity I would expect practically anybody to be able to display the charms bar with their eyes closed with a high degree of success. I'm kind of curious to see what's going on in your particular case(!)

The SSD thing is odd. Did you upgrade or fresh install?

Edit - if you're talking about the "Storage Optimization" task then you should leave that ON. It's working correctly.

It's a fresh install. I don't do 'upgrade' installs ... EVER!

So defrag isn't defrag anymore? It does say Optimize .... oh how I wish for spelling localisation in Windows.

Guess I need to do more reading on Win 8. ;)
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On a spinning disk it's defrag, on an SSD it's TRIM commands. It works it out automatically. Don't worry, I've been using it since the developer preview and even I have to check stuff out.

And actually, upgrades aren't as bad as they used to be. I'm strongly considering doing an upgrade on my main Windows 7 box because I can't be bothered reinstalling my apps.
On a spinning disk it's defrag, on an SSD it's TRIM commands. It works it out automatically. Don't worry, I've been using it since the developer preview and even I have to check stuff out.

And actually, upgrades aren't as bad as they used to be. I'm strongly considering doing an upgrade on my main Windows 7 box because I can't be bothered reinstalling my apps.

Just did a quick google on it and found this, which explains it fairly well. :)

As for upgrades, meh. Not done an upgrade install since Windows 95 :)

I keep a lot of my apps and games on a separate drive anyway, and just pin the exe to the taskbar after I've reinstalled. I only actually need to install 3 or 4 items (SQL, MediaPortal and a few other bits), and I'm up and running with everything I need in less than an hour (especially as there's not much in the way of Windows Updates for 8 yet ;))
The business need for WMC is vanishingly small. Microsoft are discontinuing WMC and are basically just throwing a bone to the few people who use it hence the limited ways you can actually get your hands on it.

I wouldn't buy WMC, what's the point. We have Metro now which is great for a hTPc, especially as on release or soon after we should have some decent apps. Wmc is just redundant with the metro Ui, IMO.
The business need for WMC is vanishingly small. Microsoft are discontinuing WMC and are basically just throwing a bone to the few people who use it hence the limited ways you can actually get your hands on it.

That's a bit of a kop out from MS. Sure it's not popular in the scale of Windows deployments, and MS quoted small %age's, which in numbers terms still relates to a high volume (millions) IIRC.

I wouldn't buy WMC, what's the point. We have Metro now which is great for a hTPc, especially as on release or soon after we should have some decent apps. Wmc is just redundant with the metro Ui, IMO.

Nope. There are no decent apps to handle Live TV/Guide/Recording. When there are I'll agree with you, but to be honest I don't see this being replicated to the standard of WMC through apps for quite a while.
Nope. There are no decent apps to handle Live TV/Guide/Recording. When there are I'll agree with you, but to be honest I don't see this being replicated to the standard of WMC through apps for quite a while.

off course there isn't, as its not even released yet. i'm sure there will be.
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