Windows 8 Consumer Preview Thread

Nope. There are no decent apps to handle Live TV/Guide/Recording. When there are I'll agree with you, but to be honest I don't see this being replicated to the standard of WMC through apps for quite a while.

Thought WMC was a huge turd to be honest. Awful navigation. MediaPortal is much cleaner and simpler, and does TV/Guide/Recording extremely well. If you don't like the TV Server portion of it, you can always use things like For The Record, which plugs nicely in to MePo.

The only negative I've had with MePo since I started using it is the configuration menu's could be better, but for actual usability, it's easily on par with WMC (IMHO of course).
That's a bit of a kop out from MS. Sure it's not popular in the scale of Windows deployments, and MS quoted small %age's, which in numbers terms still relates to a high volume (millions) IIRC.

Yeah but on the flip side you're going to get 10 years support for Windows 8 so any WMC fans have a long, long time to find an alternative.
Thought WMC was a huge turd to be honest. Awful navigation. MediaPortal is much cleaner and simpler, and does TV/Guide/Recording extremely well. If you don't like the TV Server portion of it, you can always use things like For The Record, which plugs nicely in to MePo.

The only negative I've had with MePo since I started using it is the configuration menu's could be better, but for actual usability, it's easily on par with WMC (IMHO of course).

That's quite subjective, as I've no problems with WMC and it's rock solid for my needs. It's let down by the lack of add-in's and the design/customisation options are largely missing without a lot of work.

But I can't easily move my setup to the alternatives you've mentioned as I'm sharing spoof tuners, and it works best with WMC as it stands.

Even then I don't think either MediaPortal or MePo have Win 8 apps do they? For Win 8 to be a goer for my HTPC use it needs to have the full range of Apps so I can navigate all my media - including TV - through the Start Screen.

Until that time there's absolutely no point me upgrading them to Win 8, regardless of it being WMC, MediaPortal, XBMC, MePo or anything else.
Yeah but on the flip side you're going to get 10 years support for Windows 8 so any WMC fans have a long, long time to find an alternative.

Just no point though, it doesn't auto-run and gain focus on Win8 - and I use it purely as a HTPC, including TV. So I may as well stick with Win7 - as I do fully expect Win 8 to have the apps in the future, just can't see it being for some time after Win 8's release. Until then I need it to just work.

Just found the metrics. 6% of Windows 7 users opened up WMC, of that 6% only 25% used it for more than a look-see. Extrapolate that up on the number of Win 7 licenses and it's a vast amount of users in reality. Certainly a nice little market for a enterprising developer to make an app :)
Yeah I'm not disagreeing. If I had a HTPC I'd probably leave it on Win7 anyway, but if you're doing a new build then Win8 would still be fit for purpose. And I've absolutely no doubt there will be a first-party app that will fill the void. Eventually.
Absolutely and that's when I'll migrate to it for them :) I can honestly see the benefits once everything can be handled through Win 8 Apps. In the preview I was a bit disappointed MS hadn't made their own app for the TV elements, and then the basics would all be there.
That's quite subjective, as I've no problems with WMC and it's rock solid for my needs. It's let down by the lack of add-in's and the design/customisation options are largely missing without a lot of work.

But I can't easily move my setup to the alternatives you've mentioned as I'm sharing spoof tuners, and it works best with WMC as it stands.

Even then I don't think either MediaPortal or MePo have Win 8 apps do they? For Win 8 to be a goer for my HTPC use it needs to have the full range of Apps so I can navigate all my media - including TV - through the Start Screen.

Until that time there's absolutely no point me upgrading them to Win 8, regardless of it being WMC, MediaPortal, XBMC, MePo or anything else.

I did say it was my opinion ;)

No, MediaPortal doesn't have a Windows 8 specific install yet. The developers over there don't put any real effort into supporting an OS until it's actually available to buy. Can be a bit irritating if you've been using an OS from beta/RC/RTM, but I can understand why they don't start developing for an unfinished product, annoying as it is when you're using said product :)
That's quite subjective, as I've no problems with WMC and it's rock solid for my needs. It's let down by the lack of add-in's and the design/customisation options are largely missing without a lot of work.

But I can't easily move my setup to the alternatives you've mentioned as I'm sharing spoof tuners, and it works best with WMC as it stands.

Even then I don't think either MediaPortal or MePo have Win 8 apps do they? For Win 8 to be a goer for my HTPC use it needs to have the full range of Apps so I can navigate all my media - including TV - through the Start Screen.

Until that time there's absolutely no point me upgrading them to Win 8, regardless of it being WMC, MediaPortal, XBMC, MePo or anything else.

I did say it was my opinion ;)

It may be 'rock solid', but I found the interface awful to navigate when I last tried it, and the fact they still don't support multiple streams on the same MUX is just unforgivable. I can record 6 programs at once with one DVB-T tuner if they're all on the same MUX (or as many channels that are on that MUX that my HDD can keep up with). WMC does 1 .... and that's it.

No, MediaPortal doesn't have a Windows 8 specific install yet. The developers over there don't put any real effort into supporting an OS until it's actually available to buy. Can be a bit irritating if you've been using an OS from beta/RC/RTM, but I can understand why they don't start developing for an unfinished product, irritating as it is when you're using said product :)
I did say it was my opinion ;)

No, MediaPortal doesn't have a Windows 8 specific install yet. The developers over there don't put any real effort into supporting an OS until it's actually available to buy. Can be a bit irritating if you've been using an OS from beta/RC/RTM, but I can understand why they don't start developing for an unfinished product, annoying as it is when you're using said product :)

Yep, that's why I used the term subjective, to reinforce you were stating an opinion. :) Totally understand that, that everyone has their favourites.

Agreed, it's a bit irritating that they don't start the development, but I do understand it. Until it's finalised they run the risk of having to do a lot of re-work. That's pretty hard on a small developer.
Hopefully the media browser community (or MPC-HC community) will jump on ship and get some good apps going but until that happens, those communities will basically die without WMC
I love media center. Massive deal breaker for me.
I find it better than any of the other options. Especially for love TV. OK it doesn't handle mp3s so well but blu rays, mkvs, TV with dual tuners, excellent.

Of course for mkv I use media browser. Didn't get on with xbmc
I love media center. Massive deal breaker for me.

wmc is there, its just an optional purchase, i just question why. unless metro apps fail to materalise. But with MS releasing developer tools so early and being very open and supportive, i expect to see the market doing nicely on release and growing massively, as people start to realise the potential.
Nuke Metro with classicshell

New in version 3.6.0

- Windows 8 is now officially supported

- Added more customization settings for the start button

- Added a setting to disable all Metro hot corners
Anyone found a image mounting software that works on Windows 8?

I use to use MagicDisc but that does not work any more, couldnt get the CloneDVD one to work?

Any suggestions?
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