Winter 2022/23 - It's too cold :(

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Our cars that haven't been used today still have a heavy frost on them now :s not going to be fun on the days I'm working.
And that's why my car goes from the driveway to the garage in Winter. Hate de-icing and just CBA with it. Roll out of the garage on office days frost-free. The only downside being my current car doesn't have a heated front windscreen so by 3pm ish it's started to mist over and I have to whack the heater on max for a min or two or use the pointless cloth in the car to smear it all around. Must find out if there's something decent I can stick on the dashboard that demists quickly :)
Was a bit chilly this morning.

Wait... did you... enjoy it??!!

I want more 413x Winter feedback!

Oh yeah I loved it.
In my leggings and gloves.

I'm actually OK in cold/dry/still/sunny.
But if its wet and gloomy I won't go out!

I'd rather 0c dry/sunny/still than 15c wet/gloomy/windy!

November is my least favourite month. Its only when it's gets cold winter is OK. (summer is still better Though! :D)
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Cold as balls in my gym today. The boy asked if he can bring the dumb-bells inside so I told him to man up or shut the **** up. I did manage to crack the board on my running machine, annoying as even if I fix it myself its going to cost around 300 quid to fix it. I wonder if it was cold related? more likely age to be fair as the running machine is around 4 years old and has been heavily used.
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Going to be cold one tonight -4C at 8.30 PM, can see Scotland hitting -10C with ease tonight.
Water supply I added in the summer to the detached garage froze overnight. Managed to unfreeze with luke warm water and added some pipe insulation for good measure. Not the job I wanted to do in the cold, PITA
Wow, I just went outside to the shops and **** it's cold!! I'm not complaining, I love it, but wow, I haven't felt weather like this for years.

Going to hospital on the bus - not allowed to drive JIC they put eye dilatating drops in. Have to dress warmly for waiting for the bus. Then have to strip to t-shirt as the waiting area is hot. Then the bus stop on the way home is a wind trap.

There's no need to heat the waiting area. How much money are the NHS wasting in heating? That needs to be discussed in another thread,
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BBC forecast for where I live is bringing the cold in longer and more days with sub-zero temperatures, model outputs as well as they progress are narrowing to colder lines despite a wider range of outcomes in the last half of the run. Increasingly models are delaying bringing warmer air back in over us with the evolution not far off multiple days where it won't get above freezing for large parts of the country. Any snow is patchy though.
Was out for a few hours on the motorbike this evening on a local christmas light ride around the island
It was dam freezing

Didn't help that i was wearing my summer gloves :cry:
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Looks like at least 10 days of this weather, -5.2c here at 11.30PM (mid Wales 5 miles from the coast)
I’m tempted to go out my bike tomorrow

I’m wintering my tortoise in my greenhouse again this year. He’s got a heating mat with a thermostat. Was successful last year but today/last night was the quickest drop in temps I’ve seen. He’s still at a nice toasty 8 degrees, but he was at 16 earlier in the week when I first boxed him up properly.
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