Winter 2022/23 - It's too cold :(

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I certainly do not want it -That is cold -anyway I doubt very much the population in this country would survive -- too many sno----blakes.
My spelling of a banned word.
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It's 0.7 degrees C here and dropping. When we started doing the dishes it had just started snowing and when we finished 15 minutes later I opened the door to take the bin bag out and we had around a inch of snow already and still snowing heavily. Just a day too late!
It's -2.4 degrees C here at almost midday and the bloody heating is back on again since 9am this morning. There is going to be a horrendous bill at the end of the month and it's not even our traditionally coldest time of year yet. That's usually Feb-March for us and as it's been much colder this year with lot's of snow I am dreading what is yet to come and the heating bill for it.
Pretty mild , watching the waves from those Atlantic lows

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