Poll: Winter Is Coming - HBO's A Game of Thrones [READ WARNING]

Who will rule Westeros?

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Nope this is the official confirmation from HBO that was announced 20 minutes ago that Game of Thrones has enjoyed an early renewel. Most shows wait for the end of the season when all the factors can be taken into consideration before laying out the cash.

Im sure the producers have a plan for 6 seasons plus but it's all for nought without a season order. With this show been as expensive as it is there's always small doubt with what will be ordered and what compromises te show might have to make (number of episodes, budget etc).
Looks really good. I can't believe people are worried about the artistic licencee used so far though with the exception of the missed battle the extra scenes have been the best part of the show for me. Each one truly feels like its a missing scene from the book and/or has been used to foreshadow things to come. The Jamie and Jorah scene in the hallway for example was brilliant as it allowed us to see them outside of battle and made Jamie's kill the next episode even more dramatic. Also how about having the Moondoor be a hole in the floor!? Much more visually striking. This is by far one of the most faithful adaptations ever but in my opinion they need to use even more artistic licencee to get the most out of the medium. Things that the book does well dosnt necessarily translate over to tv well and vice versa.

Edit; oh and just to add in I didn't see who snuck up on Jon either. I was watching in SD if that makes any difference.
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In response to the Cersei/Littlefinger exchange;

I thought that it was out of character for Littlefinger too but then i thought about it some more and realized that only one thing ever makes Littlefinger act irrationally and that's Catelyn Stark.
Brilliant episode, the best this season infact. Was strange not seeing Dany at all this episode and only one scene last week. As always Tyrion's scenes stole the show. Natalie Dormer looked even fitter in this than in the Tudors, a big achievement. The ending took me by surprise as well and the death scene has miles more significance on the big screen than when I read it in the books, a benefit of the medium I guess. All in all 9/10. An early victory and sets up a lot of what is to come by emphasising the stakes.
Those changes are for the better for me. Seems a bit nick picky! Why not give Shae or other characters extended scenes especially if there going to be in the show a bit. Casual fans won't remember one character that appeared once months ago for example. Keeping them on screen is a good way of reminding folks that there still in the picture and let's them engage with the core cast in new scenes... Which is enjoyable.
Well I'm of the opinion every story needs to be adapted to fit the medium whether it be tv, book or movie to play to its strengths. Little changes don't bother me and so far have nearly always added to the show rather than take away. If I didn't want any changes I'd just stick with reading the books. :)
Nice summary Duff-man. One thing though wasn't it the Starks that were rebelling with Robert and the Greyjoys were the loyalists allied with the Targeryens?
Aye can't wait for tonight's episode. It seems so much stronger than season ones first few episodes simply because we're already accustomed to the world/characters. It's just a shame HBO wait so long to release there DVD sets as I want my friends to see this as well.
Excuse me!? By your own definition a few posts up we can talk about how the book differs up to the point the tv show is up to. I did not mention any spoilers for future events. I suggest you create your own thread if you want no mention of how the book differs up to the most recent episode aired.
If I misread it then I apologise, I can't tell you what I read because it would be a spoiler :o

I'm 99% sure I never posted any spoilers only stated that the writers had asked permission off George to make any changes so they wouldn't write themselves into a corner when the last two books came out. And also that books two to five have been planned out as one big chunk of story rather than strictly one book per season party to keep all the core cast on screen.

Anyways really looking forward to tonight's episode!
More than half left when Drogo died. It was basically the women and slaves that chose to stay amongst very dire circumstances (the dragons wernt even born and all seemed lost).
I have only read the books once but the scene with Davos didn't leave anything up for interpretation either, at least not from Davos's POV.

So the elephant in the forum..... Who thought we were going to get a surprise appearance by Sean Bean!? Lol.
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