Poll: Winter Is Coming - HBO's A Game of Thrones [READ WARNING]

Who will rule Westeros?

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They could all have a Trial of Seven. Snow, Arya, Jamie, Brienne, Tormund, The Hound and Greyworm vs. The Mountain, Bronn, Euron and some randoms from the Queen's guard or The Golden Company.
Game of Thrones cinematographer hits back at episode darkness complaints: "People don't know how to tune their TVs"


Yeah, millions of peoples TV's "suddenly" couldn't display a dark picture properly when they've been fine with dark episodes of many other TV shows :rolleyes:

However, partially in his defence, he's only watched it in the "raw" way, direct to his monitors and NOT through a streaming service like Sky, NOW TV etc so the image quality to him, in the editing booth, may have been fine, but you can't just dismiss such a huge amount of the audience who ALL have the same complaint and have a huge variety of TV's with such a stupid reply as his - Thats a very "Lucasfilm" thing to do and never ends well when you start telling the fans "hurr durr you're too stupid to use your TV right".
The thing is the golden company contract is not with cersei it is through the iron bank. The iron bank make 'investments' on the winning side. Why would they back an usurper queen with enemys all around her?
I'm still not sure how I feel about that episode, I really enjoyed it but it left me wanting more. I wanted the walkers to fight and have some of them killed giving the characters a reason not to be completely overwhelmed instead of being pinned against a wall for 20 minutes and somehow surviving, I wanted the Night King to fight (we've never seen him actually draw his sword afaik), I wanted Jon vs NK even of Arya still got the kill, I wanted Bran to show some hidden power or warg a dragon. Half the characters played out great but the other half were incredibly underwhelming.
I think Drogon will be the only remaining dragon, khaleesi on the throne, Tyrion and Jon snow by her side with her last remaining dragon.

As I said before, Drogon has been the biggest part of khaleesi’ story, so he should definitely survive.

I think both dragons will be killed by the end. Magic in the world is dying out and in fantasy dragons have always been a huge symbol of magic.

They could all have a Trial of Seven. Snow, Arya, Jamie, Brienne, Tormund, The Hound and Greyworm vs. The Mountain, Bronn, Euron and some randoms from the Queen's guard or The Golden Company.

Bronn will fight for whoever can pay the most. And Euron won’t see any real fight, if the tides turn against him at any point he will just leave with the iron fleet.
Tin foil hat time for the remaining story:

The latest episode of Game of Thrones has a big theme; prophecy and purpose.

Melisandre and Beric both served purposes for the Lord of Light, which was to help Arya defeat the Night King. Beric was brought back 16 times before he fulfilled his purpose to save Arya, once he did he was laid to rest. Melisandre said from the start she will be dead before the end of the night, and after she fulfilled her purpose of inspiring Arya to kill the Night King she removed her necklace which was keeping her alive and promptly died too. However there's still one person who is living who was brought back under the Lord of Light; Jon.

Jon was brought back to life in Season 6 by the Lord of Light (helped by Melisandre), the fact he was brought back from the dead (to me) indicated that he had not yet fulfilled his purpose, and the fact he is still alive brings me to believe he has still not. I believe once he does fulfil his purpose he will follow suit in a similar way to Beric and Melisandre and will die too.

What's Jon's purpose? I think it's to bring forth "The prince that was promised" and give peace to the Seven Kingdoms, there's been a lot of theory about Jon's parentage playing a big part in the story, but as of yet nothing has come to light as to why this is so important, his parentage doesn't currently mean anything, in A Dance with Dragons; "a woods witch, who was a friend of Jenny of Oldstones, told King Jaehaerys II Targaryen the prince that was promised would be born of the line of his children, and that prophecy made him wed them".
Rhaegar Targaryen believed the Prince to be his son, Jon (Which is why he named him Aegon), but I don't think it will be him, it's "of the line of his children", so I think it could well be Jon's child, who Dany will give birth to (think back to the earlier seasons when they made such a deal that Dany would never be able to get pregnant, maybe she could if it was with another Targaryen). The witch in Season 1 killed Dany's child, saying he would burn cities to the ground, but what if it was meant to be she could only give birth to a true Prince who will bring prosperity to the Seven Kingdoms and not death?

Jon's actual purpose may be to save Dany from death whilst dying at the same time, she finally claims the Throne but in the end doesn't want it because Jon (who she fell in love with) died for her to get it, but she finds out she's pregnant and ultimately her child is the one who sits on the Iron Throne and brings peace.

100% won't happen, but I like theorising what could be :D
I think a lot of the complaints about this episode is a sign of how spoiled we have become over the last decade. The MCU and GOT have raised film and TV storytelling to an epic scale and we expect an ever ratcheting thrill..

I thought the episode was brilliant. I understand the White Walker dissatisfaction but I personally think the implacability is part of their otherness. The Night King doesn’t engage Jon because their is no emotion, it is superfluous to his goal. In that respect there is logic to assassination rather than defeat in combat because he had virtually won. As to Theon the spear charge is an act of agency. His death is certain only how he embraces it matters, better to be proactive in your own death at this point than to meekly deny the undeniable.

The implacable menace of the White Walkers is the difference in the game of thrones between those who put the realm first or themselves first. They aren’t the plot, they are a device to winnow the protagonists.

Utterly brilliant from start to finish.
The thing is the golden company contract is not with cersei it is through the iron bank. The iron bank make 'investments' on the winning side. Why would they back an usurper queen with enemys all around her?

Didn't they get paid back before they sorted out the Golden Company?

Jon's actual purpose may be to save Dany from death whilst dying at the same time, she finally claims the Throne but in the end doesn't want it because Jon (who she fell in love with) died for her to get it, but she finds out she's pregnant and ultimately her child is the one who sits on the Iron Throne and brings peace.

100% won't happen, but I like theorising what could be :D

That actually sounds very plausible... or likewise Jon is the sort of person who'd not be interested in being King and give up the throne.

Edit - thought this was amusing:

Yeah it's the dagger that has been in it from the start. Initially to kill Bran.

I think it was Tyrion's?

It was Littlefinger's previously though he claimed he'd lost it in a bet to Tyrion.

It was held onto by Ned stark for a while though Littlefinger grabbed it from Ned and held it to his throat when they betrayed him.

It was also used to kill Littlefinger too.

Massive missed opportunity last night for Sean Bean to make a cameo.

LOL good point, that could have been funny!

Dothraki are supposed to be unbeatable on the open field aren’t they? Makes sense to use them in the open field, in principle.

Not when fighting people who can't even be killed by their swords. Like it was ridiculous that they didn't even give them dragon glass weapons when initiating "operation get behind the darkies", it was only when the Red lady showed up out of the blue that they even had a fighting chance with flaming swords etc..
In Westeros, in hundreds of years to come, Arya will now be one one of those legendary heroes you hear so much of. They’ll be tales and statues of her everywhere. The saviour of all mankind.

Weird to think of her like that as we’ve seen her as just a small fragile girl.
The Golden Company breaks its contract with the Free City of Myr, despite looming war with neighboring Lys and Tyrosh. According to sailors in King's Landing, they are making for Volantis.[19]

In Dorne, Princess Arianne Martell tells Ser Arys Oakheart that the Golden Company has broken its contract with Myr.
During Queen Regent Cersei Lannister's small council meeting, Aurane Waters reveals that the Golden Company has broken its contract with Myr

While traveling on Valyrian roads to Ghoyan Drohe, Tyrion Lannister learns from Illyrio Mopatis that the Golden Company is marching to Volantis to join with Daenerys Targaryen, Queen of Meereen.

Later, Volantis, Astapor, and Yunkai decide to break their peace treaty with Meereen. They launch a naval bombardment of the city which coincides with Dany's return to the city on her dragon Drogon.[... Grey Worm then executes Belicho and Razdal after they try to save themselves by offering up Yezzan to be slaughtered

When Jorah Mormont advises Daenerys Targaryen not to trust Daario Naharis because he is a sellsword, she points out that he himself fought for the Golden Company before pledging his sword to her brother Viserys.

Having openly seized the throne, Queen Cersei Lannister tells Tycho Nestoris that she intends to take out a new loan from the Iron Bank of Braavos to hire the Golden Company in order to bolster the military forces of House Lannister, which have become badly depleted after years of war

  • Harry Strickland, called Homeless Harry, the current company commander. His great-grandfather was part of the original group of Blackfyre supporters who founded the Golden Company. Formerly the company paymaster, he is not much of a warrior.
The Golden Company becomes actively involved in the plotline during the fifth novel. An envoy from Yunkai is sent to hire them for the campaign against Daenerys, offering twice what Myr was paying them. Although he does not intend to accept the offer, the commander Harry Strickland tells the envoy evasively he'll consider it, thinking that a blunt refusal would make his men think he has lost his mind.

Aegor Rivers, known as Bittersteel, served in the Second Sons for a year before leaving to found the Golden Company. Prince Aerion Targaryen also joined the Second Sons during his time in Essos, as did Rodrik Stark, "the Wandering Wolf".

I assumed she was going to take down the ice dragon with that thing... not use it as a pogo stick or whatever she did in order to make the big leap... did she use it even or did she sneak up a tree in the garden and stay quiet for a but? Or was she doing her assassin/faces trick and pretending to be a wight?
RIP the entire nation of Dorthraki's. Ride with the stars as khalasars in the Night Lands you brave faithful fools.
I know Jorah’s kicked the bucket, but my god, did he fight! He must have taken more out than anyone. Barring Arya destroying the lot with her little deed.
Just working my way backwards through the thread so I'll try and answer some of these points :)

1) missed the giants too, picture was dark and awful, I'll rewatch when better quality becomes available
2)old nan mentioned spiders, might of been nice to bring them out at the end. Also no mammoths or did I miss them in the dark too lol

We've never seen spiders in the show, an old woman telling a fantasy tale isn't necessarily all going to be true.

3) when nk grabbed bran worging he was marked, three eyed raven confirmed, he had a good hold of arya hence marked too, should mean something

Why? The NK is dead now. Also we don't know that he always marks people when he grabs them. I guess if they do want to to attach some meaning to it we might well find out in the coming episodes...

4) they seemed surrounded, nk was there with quite a few white walkers, how did arya who seemed really scared in the castle with a few undead milling around, sneak past, an army and basketball dunk the main man

Well she is a trained assassin now, that has been a significant part of her story arc, that she wanted to train to fight, in fact she's been training to fight since the first season, first episode even when she demonstrates much better shooting ability than Bran.

Few possibilities, she jumped from a tree, her device she got Gendry to make is some sort of glorified pogo stick thing, she changed faces with a wight or maybe she's just really good at jumping/really quick etc...

5) they have been very prepared in previous eps, like with the chains to raise viserion, why not spear throwing at the dragons again?

He did, he threw one when Jon was is a scuffle with him, he missed.

6)they have been readying for what 1000 years? Winter is coming, has been a North saying for how long, the undead don't seem to be in a hurry, they have been in contact with the roaming nights watch since s1 ep1, years and years ago, again no rush, just slow march forward for the horde it seems

It isn't clear that they have actually, they've not been seen for 1000+ years, that isn't the same as them having been preparing for that time... I dunno - was he in hibernation? The army of wights is a relatively recent thing, that is what caused the wildlings to get anxious and form an army and indeed what we started seeing at the very start of the episode when rangers form the nights watch come across some massacred wildlings.

The current white walkers have seemingly been created thanks to Craster leaving his male babies outside.

The reasons for this arrangement and/or how it came about have been kept from us, as has the night kings motivation etc.. that's all been kept as a mystery, we don't even get to hear him speak.

7) the horde of undead are one of his major weapons, why would he not raise the living who fall

He did, when he arrived on the scene and Jon tried to approach him that is exactly what he did just before he entered Winterfell, at that point they were truly ****ed

I just don't see how a pregnant queen and a pirate make for a better ending than the undead built up for 8 seasons as mankind's no1 enemy lol

I dunno, I mean it seems fairly obvious in the TV series that they're going to beat the NK etc.. as for who ends up on the throne (though yes, less important than defeating the army of the undead and the NK) isn't quite so clear.
Weird to think of her like that as we’ve seen her as just a small fragile girl.

Oh come on, she's always been tough, the first scene we see her in she's showing a dislike of girly stuff then demonstrating she's better at shooting a bow and arrow than her brother.

Then she gets into a scrap with the prince:

Kills a fat lad:

The later kills probably have a bit too much swearing to put in here but she certainly killed a few people during her journey with the Hound and so on...
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