I would not compare this as a Painkiller/Serious Sam in terms of old skool. I never liked those games, they're all just hordes of enemies runnig at you and you shoot them. There's nothing more to them other than that and soe people enjoy that which is fine. For me I like some narrative, some difficulty in the gunplay against larger enemies so as to not make it a complete walkover but enough to be able to die a few times and start from the checkpoint again in frustration>
Having a quicksave might take away some of that frustration but would ultimately make it a bit boring too because with this I found myself dying then doing that section again but killing enemies a different way just for fun to see what happens and I liked that even if I didn't like having to start at the last checkpoint again - It evens out.
It was far more interesting than Duke Nukem Forever, the guns actually feel right and the story is half decent with plenty of development and seamless folow through to keep you going and the action is almost non stop apart from some story segments that require no action.
For me it's the perfect single player shooter with all the right bits and only a few obvious bugs but nothing to take away from the enjoyment of the game. Until games like HL3 are out and Alien Isolation I think New Order will remain one of the few modern SP FPS games to satisfy the majority of people and going by posts all over forums it's pretty clear it's a cool shooter.
Having a quicksave might take away some of that frustration but would ultimately make it a bit boring too because with this I found myself dying then doing that section again but killing enemies a different way just for fun to see what happens and I liked that even if I didn't like having to start at the last checkpoint again - It evens out.
It was far more interesting than Duke Nukem Forever, the guns actually feel right and the story is half decent with plenty of development and seamless folow through to keep you going and the action is almost non stop apart from some story segments that require no action.
For me it's the perfect single player shooter with all the right bits and only a few obvious bugs but nothing to take away from the enjoyment of the game. Until games like HL3 are out and Alien Isolation I think New Order will remain one of the few modern SP FPS games to satisfy the majority of people and going by posts all over forums it's pretty clear it's a cool shooter.