Wolfenstein: The New Order

I do not like MP, only SP campaigns, the new games are MP with crap short SP campaigns tacked on but great games of past were all about the SP campaigns.

To be fair, the great games of the past had good single and multiplayer. RTCW being an example. These days we're getting Benny Hill crappy multiplayer and crappy short single player!
These days we're getting Benny Hill crappy multiplayer and crappy short single player!

This is why I don't buy CoD games anymore. There's been some great single player games in recent years. I really enjoyed Max Payne 3 and Bioshock Infinite. Deus Ex Human Revolution wasn't bad and Dishonoured was good.

Wolfenstein New Order looks like its a classic FPS, which is good imo as I'm a fan of genre.
This is why I don't buy CoD games anymore. There's been some great single player games in recent years. I really enjoyed Max Payne 3 and Bioshock Infinite. Deus Ex Human Revolution wasn't bad and Dishonoured was good.

Wolfenstein New Order looks like its a classic FPS, which is good imo as I'm a fan of genre.

That and the Doom BETA :D I am wondering what scary surprises are in store for us. It's Doom 3 all over again really :cool:
Undoubtedly, the whole "Call of Doom" thing meant the project was scrapped and started again, the truth's probably somewhere in the middle though.
I can't find them now, it was on /v/ so the threads have gone. Should have saved them, I'll keep a look out and if they're posted again I'll post them here.
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