Wolfenstein: The New Order

Should have known better, the curse of internet activation, interestingly the key code was covered with silver strip like a scratch card, first time i've seen that
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I can't find them now, it was on /v/ so the threads have gone. Should have saved them, I'll keep a look out and if they're posted again I'll post them here.

I think they were here but as Aedus said, they have fallen off the back end of /v/...

(Top few results if you read the bit of text)

Yep, found it!

This game is going to be very cheap soon they were having a £5 off all pre-orders as pre-sales are low I would not expect much from it graphically or otherwise.

The Doom4 beta code is another desperate measure by the publisher same as they did with the Duke Nukem Forever try the demo your commited to the full game purchase :rolleyes:
It says the difficulty was 'Normal'. So it's safe to say you could set your difficulty much harder and then the AI would no doubt be smarter.

what !!!!!!.....this isn't Dumb AI is it, it's just reacting far too slowly, the game is bugged, it's in Slow Mo :confused:
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what !!!!!!.....this isn't Dumb AI is it, it's just reacting far too slowly, the game is bugged, it's in Slow Mo :confused:

Calm down m8. I'm not going to pre judge this game based on some random clip playing on a PS4 on the interwebs. There are 30 minute in game footage clips, from a PC, on YouTube which I have watched and the game never skips a beat and the AI acts as you would expect. So I fail to see why this daft little clip posted here has any relevance. :confused:
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Is the 5GB patch inclusive of Doom 4 BETA? ;)

Not bothered about the size, will take minutes :cool:

1 more day before CJS keys release the autokey thing for STEAM. Roll on!
Loved Return to Castle Wolfenstein sp, must have finished it 10+ times. Im not sure on whether to buy this.
Thinking back when RTCW, that was the period when we had great sp fps like Medal Of Honour Allied Assault and Call Of Duty 1. I just want to play a fps sp game that can capture whatever had me repeatedly play them again and again.

Edit: sod it bought it for £24.50, that's much better than steam prices.
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Is the 5GB patch inclusive of Doom 4 BETA? ;)

Not bothered about the size, will take minutes :cool:

1 more day before CJS keys release the autokey thing for STEAM. Roll on!

Also waiting on my key from them. Hope they don't delay it!

Edit, just got my CD key, plus another key labelled as "second" which doesn't work. What the hell is that for? Doom 4 beta perhaps?
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