So being against religion is inciting hatred in this fabian socialist multicultural cesspit we once called a free country. Which of the many ambiguous and reverse racist acts would i be violating by carrying an anti-islam sign in a muslim area?
This is the problem that i have. the double standard, muslims are not only free to carry signs that i would consider inciting hatred, actually not only free but protected against violence from people who might be offended. But when someone has a sign against islam then that is an arrest worthy offense? That double standard is despicable and everyone should not tolerate it, even the muslims, as its their own freedom that is embodied in this as well.
The UK is far too lenient and bent towards the interests of the minorities and its about time the majority was allowed to speak their mind without being called a racist and inciting hate.
That is what it takes to live in a free country, the freedom to be offended. Instead of arresting the woman they should have protected them and told passer by that this is a free country and they that have the right to be offended and carry on walking.
You seem to think that hatred and being offended are the same thing?

We don't know what the other flag was, anything you say about it totally invalid, pure guesswork.
And double standards? EDL protests are given police escort, like any other organised protest.