Woolwich serious incident

So being against religion is inciting hatred in this fabian socialist multicultural cesspit we once called a free country. Which of the many ambiguous and reverse racist acts would i be violating by carrying an anti-islam sign in a muslim area?

This is the problem that i have. the double standard, muslims are not only free to carry signs that i would consider inciting hatred, actually not only free but protected against violence from people who might be offended. But when someone has a sign against islam then that is an arrest worthy offense? That double standard is despicable and everyone should not tolerate it, even the muslims, as its their own freedom that is embodied in this as well.

The UK is far too lenient and bent towards the interests of the minorities and its about time the majority was allowed to speak their mind without being called a racist and inciting hate.

That is what it takes to live in a free country, the freedom to be offended. Instead of arresting the woman they should have protected them and told passer by that this is a free country and they that have the right to be offended and carry on walking.

You seem to think that hatred and being offended are the same thing? :confused:

We don't know what the other flag was, anything you say about it totally invalid, pure guesswork.

And double standards? EDL protests are given police escort, like any other organised protest.
If i want to go to a muslim area with a sign that is against islam, that is my right in this free country, i don't care if i am upsetting some muslims, they must learn this is a free country. If they don't want a free country, they are free to go to the islam countries where that kind of thing is simply not tolerated.

Are you a fan of Anjhem Chaudry ?
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I read the article you just can't read through the lines because you racist.

Strange how a lot of a anti-white racism is tolerated but even the a slight hint of white British standing up for their nation and its called racism and arrested and banned, this double standard is unacceptable.

If i want to go to a muslim area with a sign that is against islam, that is my right in this free country, i don't care if i am upsetting some muslims, they must learn this is a free country. If they don't want a free country, they are free to go to the islam countries where that kind of thing is simply not tolerated.

It's a double standard alright.
Radical Muslim's can cut about with signs saying "behead those who insult islam" "Europe prepare for real holocaust" "god bless Hitler" far worse then what the woman was carrying and not a finger would be lifted.

When radical Muslim's picket soldier's funerals or homecomings they burn poppies and have some vile signs yet the police will block the edl instead.

Rings a bill but don't know who he is to be honest. Was that the one eyed guy with the hook who they spent £3 million talking about what to do with him and in the end he said he would leave on his own with first class ticket to no where?

He is the guy who goes around protesting against the british troops, police and tries to justify terrorist attacks.

Personally i think he should be locked up but im just wondering what you thought of him since you believe everyone should have the right to offend and insult.
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You have missed the point completely. It does not matter what the flag said, that is what it means to be in a free country. Its a flag.

You still don't get it, at all, do you? You don't know what the flag was, or what/if anything was on it. Literary all you can see in the video is police talking to someone with a union flag. Everything else you have just made up in your head.

The UK is a free country. This is not to give you the right to do whatever you want, that is why we have laws. It is the freedom of religion, culture, freedom from oppression.
So I have to put up with muslim preaching on oxford road by bunch of muslims singing annoying songs and making a racket. But when i want to a hold a sign on oxford road that says islam is X and Y. Then I am inciting hatred?

Do you not see a double standard there? Should I or should i not be free to hold signs that denounce organized religion?

In my opinion a country is not truely free unless people are allowed to hold whatever offensive signs that they want, they should also be prepared to suffer the consequence of that action, be it violent retaliation etc. Not that I would condone that or expect police to protect the sign holder, which in my opinion should know the possible consequences of what he is doing before he holds the sign and potentially offends people. But the violence against a sign holder no matter how offensive should be treated as a violent attack regardless of the content of the sign. That is what it is to be in a free country, the freedom to be offended and keep walking.

What it comes down to though is this obsession with order that the police have, any deviation from the normal day to day and the police classify it as disorder and under section 5 of the public order act you are guilty of a criminal offense and will be treated as a criminal for disturbing the so called "peace". The double standard comes when they don't see the muslims activity as disturbing the peace, as they are just protesting and its a "free country".
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The article mentions an offensive flag but fails to state what was on it. I bet it was barely "nickable" but you know what our police are like when you make Asians cry.

Just found out the guys tried hijacking that plane headed to Manchester were Asians. Man the North almost had its own 9/ 11.

You're slipping up a bit.
call them muslims, that way people cant .... ... ......
So I have to put up with muslim preaching on oxford road by bunch of muslims singing annoying songs and making a racket. But when i want to a hold a sign on oxford road that says islam is X and Y. Then I am inciting hatred?

Do you not see a double standard there? Should I or should i not be free to hold signs that denounce organized religion?

In my opinion a country is not truely free unless people are allowed to hold whatever offensive signs that they want, they should also be prepared to suffer the consequence of that action, be it violent retaliation etc. Not that I would condone that or expect police to protect the sign holder, which in my opinion should know the possible consequences of what he is doing before he holds the sign and potentially offends people. But the violence against a sign holder no matter how offensive should be treated as a violent attack regardless of the content of the sign. That is what it is to be in a free country, the freedom to be offended and keep walking.

What it comes down to though is this obsession with order that the police have, any deviation from the normal day to day and the police classify it as disorder and under section 5 of the public order act you are guilty of a criminal offense and will be treated as a criminal for disturbing the so called "peace". The double standard comes when they don't see the muslims activity as disturbing the peace, as they are just protesting and its a "free country".

Today I learned singing "annoying" songs is inciting hatred. This is actually very good news, no more beiber!
Well that's the point i guess. Its subjective, a matter of perspective. I was quite offended to see a bunch of muslims walking down oxford street shouting at people and start preaching from the koran. I definitely considered it a violation of section 5 of the public order act, I was offended by their actions. I stood there and shouted at them told them i don't want to hear their ****. But i would be the one arrested for inciting hatred. Clearly the person arresting me never read the koran.
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Well that's the point i guess. Its subjective, a matter of perspective. I was quite offended to see a bunch of muslims walking down oxford street shouting at people and start preaching from the koran. I definitely considered it a violation of section 5 of the public order act, I was offended by their actions. I stood there and shouted at them told them i don't want to hear their ****. But i would be the one arrested for inciting hatred. Clearly the person arresting me never read the koran.

Because there are no other religions being preached on Oxford Street?

I go there all the time and I hear non-muslim preachers on megaphones all the time.

Although to be fair it might be just this guy on a megaphone

Because there are no other religions being preached on Oxford Street?

I go there all the time and I hear non-muslim preachers on megaphones all the time.

Although to be fair it might be just this guy

no I am against those noisy ******* as well. I even shouted down a christian at ealing broadway standing on that raised area as you exit the station. This is what it means to be a in a free country. Freedom of religion should be just as free as freedom against religion, otherwise we have a double standard. Interesting thing to note though that there was no police around protecting the christian while the muslims had some telling me to stop inciting hatred.

just listen to the video, that guy is making some very kind points, saying your treasure is where you heart is. can't say i would shout him down. But if you standing their saying commercialism is evil and you all going to hell and that you have to accept koran or you evil etc. Then you will get some "inciting hatred" from me.
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no I am against those noisy ******* as well. I even shouted down a christian at ealing broadway standing on that raised area as you exit the station. This is what it means to be a in a free country. Freedom of religion should be just as free as freedom against religion, otherwise we have a double standard.

So what has this got to do with this thread then? Why do you appear to be focussing on Islam then?
Because of Islams dramatic spread across Europe and the UK. Its rate of growth must outstrip other religions.

So something is growing (if it is?) so we must stop it? What if it was another religion that was growing. Are "indigenous" religions okay?

Are we then back to the Islam is evil argument?

Groen at least appears to be against the public presence of all religions.

I can't understand why the police didn't shut that down. No chance of that running for too long in London.
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