Kind of irrelevant really... its still a PR fail on their part as the previous poster pointed out.
As i said, Briatain aint 'Great' anymore!
Push over Britain more like
Heard today on the radio that British tax payers are funding (via legal aid) some human rights lawyer (Phil Shiner) from Birmingham to represent some Taliban British soldiers have captured in Afghanistan. Normally they'd be transferred to Afghan custody but the lawyer got an injunction stopping that - now he's suing the British army for Habeas Corpus (detention without trial). He seems to want these Taliban free to go on killing British soldiers.
This sort of nonsense has to stop, why the hell are we giving legal aid to the enemy? Most Brits wouldn't get legal aid if they applied for it.
You mean the 80+ suspects who have been held without trial or charge for over a year? I'm not defending the whole legal aid issue, just making the picture a bit clearer.
Also I've just heard the English Defence Minister on the radio. He referred to these captives as people who are suspected of murdering British soldiers. Interesting terminology, does this make our "heroes" out there "murderers" as well?
Two words for all the older folks among us.
Enoch Powell.
You are for defending a group of nasty racist, homophobic and just generally moronic thugs. They are a bunch of criminal bigots and anyone with half a brain-cell can see that.
As for why Anon have gone after them?
Well I don't think it was a wise idea for the EDL to go after them the other day and threaten them and throw Nazi salutes and racist comments at them, happened only the other day when Anon were partaking in a peaceful protest against austerity !!
Come on Anon, I'm really hoping you destroy this scum![]()
Pardon my ignorance, but is "Drummer" literal? Are they literally drummers and not actual combatants? Or are they combatants who can also play the drums?
According to this it seems like they are solely drum players?
Is the English Defence Minister in charge of the English Defence League? I think the terminology used to describe either side depends which side you're on.
As I said, the only reason they've been held for so long is their legal aid funded lawyers took out an injunction preventing us from transferring them to Afghan custody.
MDL & UAF support the islamic extremists.
I can't for the life of me think why any rational human being would defend Islam.
The people who commit these atrocities are acting in accordance to what the Quran teaches. Here's the thing, IF these extremists are taking what the Quran says out of context, then why don't Muslims around the world stand up and say they are taking it out of accordance. You don't hear that do you. And whys that? Because they know damn well that when these people do these odious crimes they are simply going by what the Quran teaches. And that's the truth. And if we speak up about this we're just referred to as haters of Islam. Damn right. I am an hater of Islam. I detest it. It is responsible for the suffering of millions and if speaking up about the evil things Islam does make me enemy, then an enemy to Muslims I shall be.