I can't for the life of me think why any rational human being would defend Islam.
The people who commit these atrocities are acting in accordance to what the Quran teaches. Here's the thing, IF these extremists are taking what the Quran says out of context, then why don't Muslims around the world stand up and say they are taking it out of accordance. You don't hear that do you. And whys that? Because they know damn well that when these people do these odious crimes they are simply going by what the Quran teaches. And that's the truth. And if we speak up about this we're just referred to as haters of Islam. Damn right. I am an hater of Islam. I detest it. It is responsible for the suffering of millions and if speaking up about the evil things Islam does make me enemy, the
n an enemy to Muslims I shall be.
You DO hear Muslims speaking out about it, you just don't tend to hear them as much in the papers because, frankly "Muslim speaks out against fanatics" doesn't have the same power to sell papers as "Hate preacher lives on British Benefits, is given (insert random, but high number) pounds per year".
Part of the problem with Islam is basically that you don't have any non state organised hierarchy*, so unlike say the Catholic Church which can trot out an official statement saying how sorry they are that part of their church (often quite a large part) has been involved in child abuse/covering it up, you don't get a statement from a Muslim equivalent about fanatics, because there isn't a Muslim equivalent.
What you do get is the Muslim Council of Britain etc (which is about the closest thing to an official Islamic hierarchy in the UK), issuing a statement about it, but that either doesn't get reported, or gets ignored by idiots who would prefer to not have their prejudices challenged by hearing anything that goes against them.
*And in a lot of the extremist Islamic countries, or even those that are slightly westernised (but not too much under the hood), the state organised Islamic religion uses it as a political tool to keep the elite in power - pretty much the same way the Catholic Church was used in Europe until a couple of hundred years ago (when the Pope would actively get involved in giving the Church's blessing to whatever King or would be King was most likely to contribute the most to the coffers of church).