Woolwich serious incident

Britain does not look like the United States, but when they were attacked we joined in.

I would counter and say people like you are part of the problem thinking our cause is just and noble whilst when the opposition does the same it’s disgusting and horrendous.

This man was a serving soldier who had seen action (the attackers stated and knew this), it’s no different to the killings of Afghans whilst in non-combative situations, which happens all the time. If one is just, so is the other.

They weren't soldiers... they had no link to Afghanistan other than a shared belief in a magical sky pixie - the fact that you, a Muslim, can somehow empathise with this and compare it with a situation that isn't even remotely comparable is quite clearly part of the problem we have in the UK. Its not just the extremist Muslims but the people like you who seek to semi-justify it along the lines of murder is bad but... (insert semi justification). Islam is a disease, Religion is a disease... the sooner we have better science education in our Schools and people no longer share these stupid stone aged beliefs the better. The fact is that even drawing a picture of Mohammed will annoy not just these supposed few extremists but it will cause a whole bunch of bearded lunatics to come to the streets and demonstrate how backwards and irrational they all are. Islam and other religions are a total joke.
No, of course not the extremists. I've already said I'm not talking about this event.

Does nothing about fundamentalist Islamic culture suggest to you that it puts women in an inferior position?


Shame how Richard Branson never made it big after smoking dope isn't it?

There are many, many people who did and probably continue to, but as Gilly said this is a discussion for another thread :)

Go and tell that to your local pharmacy.

One of is definitely too stupid to comprehend things properly, it's definitely not me.

Because they're crazy. Why does have to be more than that? Do you not feel satisfied until you can blame an ideology for the actions that people chose to make? Maybe it's a coping mechanism some people have because they have a hard time accepting and coming to terms with the fact that people can and do do such things because they want to.

I really, really am struggling to understand their reasoning now spoffle :(
Unfortunately this is a sign of the times, Britain is no longer a green and pleasant land and something needs to be done. However, EDL type football hooligans aren't the answer, something needs to be done from the educated people that supposedly run this country.

Nothing will ever be done by them because they live in a fantasy world, paid for by us. They haven't got a clue what it's like on the streets. People will just take things into their own hands because this government will never doing anything.
Being a Muslim is a way of life a code to living a good productive, pious life. Christianity and jewdism are cake walks compared to the average Muslim routinehmm what am I replying to its edited

Begin a Muslim is just an indication that you lack the ability to exercise critical thinking.
most of Muslim values do not mix with ours, that's why most of them live in areas in which only they live.
Massive problems in this country and it will only get worse. All the big boys at the top have NO idea what thes streets and area are like. I dont go to Leicester often for this reason.
Sad times.

I think you'll find you're over generalising.
Most Muslims integrate
Because working cash in hand is NOT illegal. (not declaring the income is)

*slow clap* yes that's the point. How is that any different to people selling weed and not declaring the proceeds to HMRC? They're both illegal.
Because dealing drugs IS illegal. How can you not see that. wow
Tell me more about all those illegal high street pharmacies that haven't been shut out.

Quick, someone must tell Deuce about Boots and all the drugs they deal.
Indeed, especially when the first person account says

I took his pulse and there was none. I couldn't see the man's face but I could see no evidence that suggested someone had tried to cut off his head. I could see nothing on him to suggest that he was a soldier.
Begin a Muslim is just an indication that you lack the ability to exercise critical thinking.

Begin a what now?

People are throwing the term 'critical thinking' around in this thread (and others) in a seemingly desperate bid to make themselves appear superior in intelligence.

It is more than passing strange that someone would post citing critical thinking as a requirement and yet display none :)

There are many, many people who did and probably continue to, but as Gilly said this is a discussion for another thread :)

I really, really am struggling to understand their reasoning now spoffle :(

It's funny, as people like these are typically the sort to be the first to claim that this country has gone down the toilet, completely ignoring the fact that they have positive effect on anything themselves.
Begin a what now?

People are throwing the term 'critical thinking' around in this thread (and others) in a seemingly desperate bid to make themselves appear superior in intelligence.

It is more than passing strange that someone would post citing critical thinking as a requirement and yet display none :)

Pseudo-intellectuals, they're everywhere.
So, no answer then?



Now, do you understand? I really don't know how to put it any clearer...

It's funny, as people like these are typically the sort to be the first to claim that this country has gone down the toilet, completely ignoring the fact that they have positive effect on anything themselves.

I must say that the forum seems a lot less racist. I came here thinking there would be a lot of nonsense still... But it appears something has changed, well done ocuk/mods.
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