Britain does not look like the United States, but when they were attacked we joined in.
I would counter and say people like you are part of the problem thinking our cause is just and noble whilst when the opposition does the same it’s disgusting and horrendous.
This man was a serving soldier who had seen action (the attackers stated and knew this), it’s no different to the killings of Afghans whilst in non-combative situations, which happens all the time. If one is just, so is the other.
They weren't soldiers... they had no link to Afghanistan other than a shared belief in a magical sky pixie - the fact that you, a Muslim, can somehow empathise with this and compare it with a situation that isn't even remotely comparable is quite clearly part of the problem we have in the UK. Its not just the extremist Muslims but the people like you who seek to semi-justify it along the lines of murder is bad but... (insert semi justification). Islam is a disease, Religion is a disease... the sooner we have better science education in our Schools and people no longer share these stupid stone aged beliefs the better. The fact is that even drawing a picture of Mohammed will annoy not just these supposed few extremists but it will cause a whole bunch of bearded lunatics to come to the streets and demonstrate how backwards and irrational they all are. Islam and other religions are a total joke.