World Cup 2010 - GROUP C (England, USA, Algeria, Slovenia) **spoilers**

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.i mean Capello is a decent manager....has won plenty of things at club level but the fact that english isnt his first language should have been the first warning bell for the FA.

I think the main problem i see with capello is he has won plenty at club level with foriegn teams, where the style of play is completely different to english football, i agree we definately need an english (or british ;)) manager to get the best out of our team, or at least a foriegn manager that has managed a couple of premiership/championship teams. (that said, a combination of foriegn and english teams on there CV would probably prove useful for countering the foriegn teams tactics)
I think it was on the guardian football podcast that James Richardson suggested that a life size wooden cutout of Heskey plonked down on the edge of the opposition's box would be just as effective as the real thing and hes not far off.

As for Rooney, he has been god awful in the opening two games. Its not been down to a lack of effort but it seems that this season has taken its toll on him and he has nothing left to give. That combined with the lack of service from the wings that hes thrived on in a red shirt this season mean he may as well not be on the pitch.

If theres one silver lining its that Gerard, Lampard and Heskey will be too old to play in the next tournament should we get there.
Well that was awful, well and truly awful. Was listening to Talk**** on the way home and they made some interesting points why players like Terry, Lampard, Rooney and Gerrard were poor and Lennon, Johnson, Cole etc were worse than that.

For me it boils down to one thing and it's Capello.

I really think that he has gone over board on the respecting his authority and how he sets the squad up. The players look **** scared of making a mistake and they are not going out expressing themselves like the do at club level.

I am sure it is more complicated than just saying to Wayne Rooney ' Go on son just go out and enjoy it and get us a goal' or saying to a Steven Gerrard 'Go on Stevie Lad, make as many runs box to box as you want'

The players look uncomfortable & lacking confindence and they are scared of defeat. Unfortunately boys, defeat is as much part of football as what winning is.
Poor performance, poor system and rubbish support.

Too many players, no matter what the system, service etc didn't turn up and lacked the basics. This 4-4-2 with Gerrard playing from the left doesn't work; he's wasted playing there and it also leaves us exposed down our left. The only times we looked like creating something was when Gerrard was infield and looking to link with Rooney or the couple of passes to Heskey and then Defoe.

Not sure if he was told to do so or not but why the **** was Lennon coming inside from the right? His only use is to stay out wide and to try and isolate the fullback, and he wasn't tracking back. Thank fully Carra and Terry (barring the 1 poor back pass) played well because our fullbacks were constantly being isolated (and Carra's booking was amazingly harsh).

Hopefully Heskey's dropped and Cole comes in:
Have you ever watched him for United?

I have - and he has been excellent this season. But you are comparing him to LEGENDS of the game - Pele, Maradona, Zidane etc.... these are the pinnacle of the greatest game in the world and have earned their right as legends, Rooney isnt even good enough to wipe Pele's backside!! Pl

Im sorry but he is light years behind such players, just like all the others out there like Gerrard etc etc. He has done nothing to demonstrate such legendary status.

Its fans that call him this that just big up his ego and make him, and all the others, play crap
Why is Beckham there ?? Just a distraction in my opinion wanting to whore some more publicity.

He's surely having a positive influence.

I'm getting so ****ed off when the camera pans on him. Seriously why is he there?

Shame he couldn'tve played, he's shown more heart in the past in an Enghland jersey than the 11 players did tonight put together.
yeah saw that, but neither do it often enough imo

If you ask me, Lennon is playing it safe, constantly cutting in and playing a short pass into the likes of Lampard and Gerrard rather than trying to beat his man like he would do in the league, which seems to be the problem with most of the squad.
I'm getting so ****ed off when the camera pans on him. Seriously why is he there?

Moral support??

But really he shouldnt be there because i dont see him making any sort of impact on the players ie getting them fired up etc.

Sure its a shame that he did his achilles heel or tendon but hes way past his best so he needs to call it a day ie retire from England with some dignity left.
Drop Rooney he's crap over rated, all of them are, show some respect and go home don't bother turning up to the next game, as you will get kaned 4-0. This is a big boys game and the little boys need to go home.
Can't believe people are suggesting drop Rooney. On that basis we might as well drop Gerrard, Heskey, Lampard, Johnson, Carragher, Terry, Heskey and SWP as well.

If rooney had played bad this one game, i would forgive it (but still moan about it) but he's been our worst player over both matches now, his first touch is crap, passing is crap, positioning is crap, theres not one thing nice i could say about him over the two games! He needs to be shown that his position in the squad isn't sealed and he has to fight for it, remove him from the starting lineup and start defoe.
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