World Cup 2010 - GROUP C (England, USA, Algeria, Slovenia) **spoilers**

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30 Sep 2005

Like Capello bank balance
18 Oct 2002
How long a contract did we hand to Capello right before the world cup, despite having shown no improvement whatsoever in the previous two years? Exactly how much is it going to cost to fire the useless pratt?

Even more importantly, how on earth did they not see this coming, Heskey, they guy chooses Heskey and 98% of the UK population know its a monumental error, along with taking King, when 99.9% of the population including EVERY spurs player knew he wouldn't make it through uninjured, though to be fair, most of us probably thought he'd get at game or two in before dropping.
Man of Honour
25 Oct 2002
Found Lennon's play slightly bizarre tonight.

When he's deployed on the left, I can understand the whole cutting inside thing, plenty of right footers do it. But from the right? Yes, I know a year or so ago against Chelsea or someone he leathered one in the top corner with his left foot but essentially he is in the team because he has the pace to beat the fullback down the outside and whip in a cross.
9 May 2005
Thats a very good point to be honest. The problem with Rooney tonight is by the end of the first and the whole second, he didn't put up any fight AT ALL. He wasn't running full speed, he wouldn't go after any potentially loose ball near him, he got the ball and gave it away instantly, he didn't even try and run with the ball, he'd given up..

He's clearly not fit, he wouldn't start for me against slovenia. I'd giove crouch and Defoe and run out in the first half because it literally cannot get any worse.

Rooney considers himself and automatic start, I'd change that for the next game unless they are going to push gerrard up with him.

They will all start blaming the ball tommorow.
3 Feb 2008
How long a contract did we hand to Capello right before the world cup, despite having shown no improvement whatsoever in the previous two years? Exactly how much is it going to cost to fire the useless pratt?

Even more importantly, how on earth did they not see this coming, Heskey, they guy chooses Heskey and 98% of the UK population know its a monumental error, along with taking King, when 99.9% of the population including EVERY spurs player knew he wouldn't make it through uninjured, though to be fair, most of us probably thought he'd get at game or two in before dropping.

To be fair 98% of the population, whilst loving to think they do, don't have a blind clue what they're talking about. Playing Football Manager 2010 fortunately does not make you qualified to name the England squad.
21 Sep 2003
Anyone see when Terry just casually passed it back to the keeper from almost the half way line with no effort what so ever it was like he just couldnt be bothered? Was almost punished but the keeper was sharpish and sprinted to the ball.

I think they should stop playing golf and darts and play some damn football. All I hear is "the players have gone to play golf".
9 May 2005
How long a contract did we hand to Capello right before the world cup, despite having shown no improvement whatsoever in the previous two years? Exactly how much is it going to cost to fire the useless pratt?

Even more importantly, how on earth did they not see this coming, Heskey, they guy chooses Heskey and 98% of the UK population know its a monumental error, along with taking King, when 99.9% of the population including EVERY spurs player knew he wouldn't make it through uninjured, though to be fair, most of us probably thought he'd get at game or two in before dropping.

2013 wasn't it? Same master stroke sven pulled, talk about being unsure how long you will stay on and the FA panic buy. I would actually love these over paid prima donnas to get knocked out on wednesday to watch the flat spin everyone goes into. The players excuses and watch the FA dither on WTF they will do with capello.



23 Aug 2003
Capello is not completely responsible for this mess, he has to shoulder some of the blame but he certainly can't take all of it.

Changing the formation isn't going to stop the poor quality football the players were playing individually, just because you've switched to 4-5-1 doesn't mean the passes will stop being directed at algerian players and our long balls/shots etc will stop sailing into the stands.

I cannot possibly believe that Capello is tactically unable to consider a formation other than 4-4-2, so I can only assume that from what he has seen in training he believes that it protects deficiences elsewhere, he is too shrewd to be a one trick pony. I would be very interested to know what his reasoning is for not playing Joe Cole, personally I think he is one of the very few players in the team capable of turning it around.

Wayne Rooney is a disgrace for his comments at the end of the match, there are people out there who will have saved for years to get to that match and then that is the display they put out. I would have had far more respect for them if they just came out and admitted they deserved the boos, instead of revealing exactly how out of touch with it they are.

I really hope that something that the fan who got into the dressing room said has some effect on them and it wasn't just some random drunk guy looking for a fight.
18 Oct 2002
To be fair 98% of the population, whilst loving to think they do, don't have a blind clue what they're talking about. Playing Football Manager 2010 fortunately does not make you qualified to name the England squad.

Unfortunately I haven't played it for about 10 years, and I think Heskey was probably ok in the game back then.

IN real life, you just need to actually have seen Heskey play, to realise he's completely and utterly crap.

Have you EVER heard of another country playing one of their worst players because somehow one of the WORST players around makes one of the best play better?

Is it not more likely that, Rooney simply didn't have trouble playing against the Latvia's, San Marino's and other tosh we get in qualifying groups, and not actually Heskey that somehow made Rooney look good.

When you can't say "player X is good at x, y and z" he shouldn't be in the team. Heskey is NOT good at holding up the ball, he wins very few headers, he doesn't control where he knocks on the few headers he gets go like other quality target men, he can't pass, he's slow as hell, he's stupid, he can't cross yet repeated ran off to the wing to make himself open, then promptly did nothing except embarasse himself.

Thing is, EVERYONE knows he's crap, Capello knows he's crap, but he thinks Rooney plays better with Heskey than without, based on a few random games against crap teams where Rooney could have scored 2-3 no matter who was on the pitch behind him.

It was a mistake, everyone knows it and guess what, its proved to be a massive massive mistake, as has selecting King, something else everyone KNEW< didn't guess, KNEW. You don't take, and start a CB who has like a 0.085% chance of playing every game start to finish, even if he'd not gotten injured by some miracle it would still have been the wrong decision. Its the world cup, you have one squad, you don't take monumental risks and then make that massive risk the one you count on and practice with as the starting CB.

You'd think for 3-4 weeks Terry/King will have been training together, rather than Terry/Caragher, or Terry/Upson, Terry/Dawson. If king wasn't taken, as he shouldn't have been, our CB partnership, no matter who it was, would simply be better and more practiced.
4 Jul 2004
I know many will not agree with this but we are missing our big game players who have done it in the past for England - you could count on Beckham and Owen to get something out of nothing. If both had been fit and playing tonight no doubt they would have sparked something - guess theres no point living in the past....
18 Oct 2002
2013 wasn't it? Same master stroke sven pulled, talk about being unsure how long you will stay on and the FA panic buy. I would actually love these over paid prima donnas to get knocked out on wednesday to watch the flat spin everyone goes into. The players excuses and watch the FA dither on WTF they will do with capello.

lol, will the FA eat crow and fire the twit, will Capello have the balls to say "I screwed up, no way we should have been that bad, I made multiple mistakes, I'm resigning" and not takes us for even more money he doesn't deserve.

Why, why when you've seen just how bad England were over the past 2(10) years would you give him a huge new contract before you see if he manages to defy expectations and produce something winning out of such dross.

Still get the feeling that the FA has a HUGE say in WAY to many decisions around the England team as frankly, 3 vastly different managers, in attitude, reasoning, tactics, style, discipline have all ended up picking mostly the same teams with the same problems and the same problem positions.
21 Aug 2009
Probably the worst England performance I've seen in all my days on the planet.

Algeria aren't a bad side but England were completely outplayed by them and literally looked like they hadn't played together before.

I don't blame Capello at all, I think it's clear this is just these overpaid **** on the pitch.

The Rooney comment at the end came off ridiculously cruel and I think he will realise very soon just what a moron he looks for suggesting the England fans are disloyal for booing when:

a) The performance was possibly/if not the, worst in 20 odd years.
b) They've paid a lot of money to be there and support their country.


c) As if he, himself, has any right to be commenting on other people's discipline or loyalty!
17 Aug 2009
Finchley, London
I have to say, Capello saying "it's not the England team he recognises" is very interesting. Let's face it, England have done better than this all the way through qualifying. Even did better than this against USA. So something has gone terribly wrong tonight which even Capello perhaps had no control over and cannot explain.

To Capello, it must be like the spirit and talent of his team that he's lived with and witnessed for years just mysteriously disappeared with no explanation. So it's probably unfair to blame him at this stage. Yes he did make some mistakes with choices of players, but going by their previous performances, that can't be the main reason.
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