World Cup 2010 - GROUP C (England, USA, Algeria, Slovenia) **spoilers**

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19 Jan 2007
Up a Tree

I think England will win the world cup :rolleyes:
That was the worst performance I have seen in all my 30+ years of watching England.

Like mentioned previously, I blame the manager.
The Algerians got their tactics right and we didn't.

A good manager will change the tactics and personnel when they are not working or performning and Capello did neither.

He should have subbed Rooney, played Gerrard behind the striker/s and played Joe Cole on the left wing.

Also Rooney having a go at the fans for voicing their discontent was disgarcefull.
The fans payed good money to watch that rubbish, they have a right to boo.

Terrible performance which can be attributed to the manager.
10 Sep 2007
I'm kind of hoping the reverse actually, it's Capello that deserves the raping.

After that performance? Capello can't come on the pitch and pass the bloody ball for them! We hardly ever strung 2 decent passes together, that can't be blamed on someone that is stood in the dugout.

That wasn't a poor performance, it was a gutless performance. Having a bad game and given the ball away? Well get working your socks off and make up for it with effort! It's not difficult.

EDIT: I'm not saying Capello can't take blame, but after that show... Every single person involved deserve some of the blame, not just one man.
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18 Oct 2002
Actually the single worst thing is, Greece were truely awful in the first half against Nigeria, they were terrible in the first game, even though they had a man extra they actually played better and picked their game up.

Germany were unfairly a man down, and played great early in the second till Podolski missed a billion chances. Spain were good, just not good enough and the Swiss were superb defensively, Brazil didn't play great, against a NK who played very well but they still won. USA played not great against us, had an awful first half and completely turned it around at half time and played some fantastic stuff in the second half. Slovenia were awful in the first game and turned it around in the second game, good from start to finish, just not good enough. Algeria were awful in the first game, and they turned it around.

England were just crap, we started crap, we finished crap, we didn't turn anything around. Given the chance to make all the required changes in the second game, we made no real changes, and still played crap, and continued to play crap, and finished playing crap.

Us and France have been woeful the whole game in both games, with no signs of change, no massive rethink, no tactical awareness, not even snatching a win despite a crap performance, nothing. There is literally not a single sign of improvement at all, and there hasn't been for 2 years, not a single tiny little sign, infact, we play worse football and have even more trouble beating the awful teams now than we did before.

WE're about the only side regressing throughout the tournament right now, and thats plain pathetic.
3 Feb 2008
I would very much like to see Defoe and Crouch start the Slovenia game. One, because I think the confidence boost of a starting position would do well for them, and two because not having a starting position may do well for Rooney.
26 Jul 2007
Why on earth would anyone have a go at Beckham? its blatantly obvious nobody in this England side has the creativity and array of quality game breaking passes Beckham posses and its really obvious we needed him badly.
11 Jun 2010
Here and There (mostly)
We're coming home,
We're coming home,
We're coming,
Englands coming home...
England don't know how to score,
We've seen it all before,
We just know,
We're so sure,
That England's Gonna throw it away,
Gonna blow it away,
'Cos they can't flipping play,
'like I remember...
Three kittens on a shirt,
We should take up knitting,
Players scared of dirt,
Making passes without meaning.
Another world cup ending in tears,
As sure footed as new born deer's,
Bunch of clowns,
Pass the beers,
Our national sport, it's such a joke
Beaten men with spirits broke,
We're just belting the ball,
And taking chances...
Three kittens on a shirt,
We should take up knitting,
Players scared of dirt,
making passes without meaning.
We're coming home,
We're coming home,
We're coming...

lulz just been sent this on fb :) sad but true reworking of 3 lions
9 Jun 2004
I don't see how you can compare them. Gerrard saw a lot of the ball tonight and had 4 or 5 shots (perhaps if he passed a few times instead of skying shots 40 yards over the bar we might get more goals) The only times Rooney is getting a chance at the moment is when he drops ridiculously deep to get the ball and has a long shot. Not ONCE has anyone played the ball through to him in two full matches, and the standard of crossing to him has been dire. Going from Valencia and Nani planting it onto his head to this standard must be quite a shock.

I wasn't comparing their performances in the last 2 games. I was comparing the way that at times both can sulk when things aren't going well.

As you brought his performance up; you can't put it down completely to a lack of service. Tonight in particular he showed absolutely nothing. Not once did he pick the ball up and beat a man, pick out a pass or went for goal from distance. At times he was showing a real lack of interest.
26 Dec 2003
Why have a go at Beckham? He was by far our best player tonight.

I doubt the fan really had a go at him Beckham probably just intervened when he was shouting off at the team, England will be more upset by the security breach the guy could have had a gun or anything.
6 Oct 2007
North West
Capello should get the boot if we go out on Wednesday, he's not worth the millions the dumb FA pay him, in it for the money and that's it, we need an English manger with the passion and knowledge to win for England.

A number of the over paid players need the boot too, Rooney being one, spoilt, big headed immature brat, the last two games for England he has shown no passion or will to win and he should not have the pleasure of a guaranteed starting place in the team. Why does he not sing along to the anthem like the rest of the squad, not his thing is it.
21 Sep 2003
Well, Crouch has the best goals to games ratio, and Defoe looked dangerous he came on. So i would give them a chance. No harm in that IMO.

Yeah at the very least he should have brought them on at half time or 10 minutes after half time. Bringing them on with like 10 minutes to go they cant be expected to do anything.
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