My AW QD OLED feedback after about 20hrs of use. 3hrs test patterns. 4hrs gaming. 2hrs calibration and tweaking. 3hr LGC1 comparison. 8hrs work/os related
Motion = 10. Beats LGC1
HDR = 10. Beats LGC1
SDR = 10. Same as LGC1
Viewing Angles = 10. Beats LGC1
Black and white Uniformity = 10. Beats LGC1
Out of box settings = 8. Same as LGC1
Text rendering = 7. LGC1 wins
Calibration controls = 4. LGC1 wins
Areas to improve for next version:
- Remove gync ult and get HDMI 2.1(+)
- Less audible fan or no fan
- Either redo pixel arrangement for better text or work with MS to get better OS support
I thought I read on this forum or another (reddit? hardforums?) that there is actually a (non-microsoft) cleartype utility that can tweak settings that does improve the rendering. Except I cant find it now...