World first QD-OLED monitor from Dell and Samsung (34 inch Ultrawide 175hz)

My AW QD OLED feedback after about 20hrs of use. 3hrs test patterns. 4hrs gaming. 2hrs calibration and tweaking. 3hr LGC1 comparison. 8hrs work/os related

Motion = 10. Beats LGC1
HDR = 10. Beats LGC1
SDR = 10. Same as LGC1
Viewing Angles = 10. Beats LGC1
Black and white Uniformity = 10. Beats LGC1
Out of box settings = 8. Same as LGC1
Text rendering = 7. LGC1 wins
Calibration controls = 4. LGC1 wins

Areas to improve for next version:
- Remove gync ult and get HDMI 2.1(+)
- Less audible fan or no fan
- Either redo pixel arrangement for better text or work with MS to get better OS support

I thought I read on this forum or another (reddit? hardforums?) that there is actually a (non-microsoft) cleartype utility that can tweak settings that does improve the rendering. Except I cant find it now... :(
I thought Dell were kinda incompetent, then I came across DHL who have managed to blow them out of the park for absolutely terrible customer support. First they straight up told me the wrong place to go to (gave me an address to a old shut depot). Secondly when I got to the right place, I got told I wasn't even allowed to collect it, even though the CS person I spoke to said they phoned up the depot asking if I could - which the depot denied and said they never got any phone call. Then again considering they didn't even know the right depot who knows who they spoke to, some ghost of depots past?

Absolute madness.
You need to try out deathloop on this @TNA




HDR is great, although be careful, you'll have issues with 8gb vram.... ;) :p :D
Did she say which Tuesday? :cry:
She said the 19th but like hell do I trust what she said.

I mean how the hell do Dell operate a service like this. They provide you tracking details to something you are unable to actually track, like wtf is that about.

Then they say the tracking only goes live on the day the item is out for delivery, which means you could actually receive the item before getting tracking details.

Good thing I got it delivered to my mums address cos hell knows when it will be delivered and I'm probably not that lucky to be in when they do attempt delivery.
No idea what I need to look for on these charts but heres mine.

I'm guessing the grid on the left is better closer to 100%? (somehow i have a 101% rofl)

The table on the right of mine seems to have some bonkers numbers compared to the ones posted so far. Not sure if my numbers means its worse off or what?

Edit: I mean a fair few above 1.0

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Your colour delta is still below 2.0, anything below 2.0 is considered a very accurate display really so nothing to be concerned about there.
Mine was delivered this afternoon and seems ok, although I've not spent much time on it thus far. Firmware is M0B101.
Calibration report for reference, no idea if numbers are good or bad:
I thought I read on this forum or another (reddit? hardforums?) that there is actually a (non-microsoft) cleartype utility that can tweak settings that does improve the rendering. Except I cant find it now... :(

Yes. BetterClearTypeTuner. It’s not a magic bullet by any means. I’m quite sensitive to any IQ defects so to me it’s clearly an area of large improvement. The issue is white text on black backgrounds as found in dark modes. Black text on white is a non issue.
All good! Btw I am on firmware M0B101 too.

Yep, also thank you for the review on Neowin :D - used the settings you have listed and its pretty awesome. Really really enjoying this monitor apart from the one dead pixel smack top middle of the screen.

I can see you've played CounterStrike: Source. Are you playing any other FPS games (BF etc)? Using Creator mode for that as well @mrk :D ?
Ok, so, phoned Dell customer support, after a bit of to and fro, I was offered a 7% discount on my next order. I politely declined. Asked to speak to the manager, then put on hold and they agreed the 5% so brings the initial cost to £804.65, still waiting on the AMEX cashback. Hopefully should bring the total to £704.65.

Thank you for the motivational push guys.

I will now be nicknamed a 'Karen' on the Dell Customer Support side.

Paid about the same here! great price I think, even if to some people £700 for a monitor is too expensive, get a lot of use out of it so I don't mind.

For Amex mine has tracked but took a week or so, if the offer is still in your list of offers it may not have tracked, as once it's consumed it will disappear.

You may need to contact Amex about it eventually, but the offer ran for a while so you can play the wait and see game for a couple of weeks I think.
Close to the right edge of the screen. Annoying thing is the Premium panel guarantee only covers stuck pixels.

No harm in raising a ticket with them, any stuck/dead pixels is pretty unacceptable in my view.

Might be a wait but they'll send you a new one, and then collect the old one if they agree to swap it.
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