Last of Us is the first game where I am regularly seeing VRR flicker, it's sometimes distracting but I can ignore it mostly as it only happens in certain scene like where there's dimly shaded areas of foliage like shown below:
If I turn Gsync off in NVCPL then obviously it's gone, but then no Gsync... Can't wait for the day that VRR flicker on OLED is a thing of the past!
The funny thing is in the truly dark areas of the game like at night or in sewers etc, VRR flicker is not there, it's only on these foliage type scenes. Perhaps it's a technical engine issue too amplifying VRR flicker, as not all games have this, Resident Evil 4 Remake was perfectly fine, in fact it seems it is fine when the framerate is consistently high, so above 90fps - This makes sense as I can't use DLSS in Last of us currently due to the crashing issues so am waiting for the patch, then can get back into it with DLSS and have high fps again with no obvious VRR flicker.
VRR flickers only occurs with near black colors present on screen. In r doesn't happen if you have actual black like a dark scene, it happens with near black in dim scenes. I've seen this flicker in many many games, almost every game I've played in the last year had at least one area in the map where it's dark enough to flicker. My eyes are very sensitive to flicker so I easily notice it.
The only way to stop the flicker is to disable VRR or turn up the gamma, turn up brightness, turn up black level so it makes all the dark parts of the screen brighter.
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