***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

Dev notes on WoD:

Pre-Expansion Patch

The patch with the events leading up to Warlords of Draenor will be released close to the expansion release date.
We have met Garrosh's friend with interesting ideas about how to use time on the Timeless Isle. We will hear a little bit more about this friend in the pre-expansion patch.
The vision with Anduin and Garrosh is a hint, but we will see more of the story in the pre-expansion patch.


Khadgar from Outland will accompany us in the expansion, as well as coming to warn us that something is going on with the Dark Portal.
The Warlords of Draenor starting experience will send you through the Dark Portal to try and shut it down from the inside. It is roughly an hour's worth of content where you are trying to stop the Iron Horde.
It is possible that the Alliance and Horde will work together against the Iron Horde at some point in the expansion.
The Isle of Thunder style solo scenarios might be used for a few of the major points during the questing experience.
The Blood Elf Paladins have an interesting history with the Naaru, so they will show up again in Warlords of Draenor.
The Dark Iron Dwarves will go through the Dark Portal and be a part of the Warlords of Draenor story as well.
Garrosh gets things set in motion, but then things are out of his control. We will see him for a while and then find out what happens to him.


Players will likely work together with their guild to cover all of the different specializations for Garrisons.
Lorewalker Cho doesn't really fit this expansion, so it isn't likely we will see much of him.
Dave Kosak used to be the Lead Quest Designer, and is now Lead Narrative designer. The job was so big that it was split into Lead Narrative Designer and Lead Quest Designer.
They need to stop bringing more crap expansions and get titan released.
I enjoyed playing wow for years but there's only so long you can play the same game for.

I thought Titan was dropped? Not difficult to see why. Risk a new IP or rake money in churning out the same old same old.
Have they still got the cack talent system in place? Or have they gone back to what it was before?
they have just announced that there will be a new PVP season before the release of WOD, with average pvp seasons lasting 20-25 weeks thats a fair bet we wont see the expansion till the end of summer /fall period.

Timing for 10th anniversary? Dont wanna impact on Reaper of Souls? who knows but looks like this may be the first time ive unsubbed since starting to play wow. Not sure i can take another 6-8 months of Siege.
i unsubbed when bf4 came out. And if they drag thix last raid for another 6 months it will remind me of ****ing icecrown farming for AGEs when i lost will to raid...
Glad i stopped playing wow tbh.


On my second quit. First lasted a year, went back and liked it for a bit but then it became old again.

All of these new mechanics sound interesting but in my opinion it is too little too late.
It's like herding sheep, everyone building the same thing, doing the same thing.
Hasnt it been like that always to be fair, i am not a wow is the be all and end all of MMOs but even back to TBC and pre TBC it was always about farming rep, maybe gold and getting gear untill the next content come out, in TBC it was maggy, then SCC then BT etc etc

Has it really changed except cosmetically
You are correct, the core gameplay has always been like that. The thing that has changed it is the effort required to obtain the rewards. Obviously this has been done to cater to a larger market.

I don't like the hardcore competitive aspect either, it encourages people to spend obscene amounts of time. The sense of exploration is no longer there either with all these flying mounts. The game play in my opinion has just slowly declined over the years.
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I think the game is as good as it ever was, but we've just seen it all before too many times. I recently leveled a fresh character from 1 - 90, and I massively enjoyed what they've done to the 1-60 content.
Im not a fan of the 1-60 revamp they did, some zones are outsanding, the majority are terrible. I really liked the older version of the alliance path (human zones) as I enjoyed the early zones as the defias were the protagonists, you beat them down then it switched to a Dark Iron dwarves story and the whole BRM complex loomed - EPL/WPL and the scourge storyline was also really good story telling. I liked the fact you had zone spanning quest lines too and you didnt have a linear quest path in each zone, you could dip in and out if you wanted.

The main trouble with WoW now is that the sense of exploration, of wonderment is gone . You are hand held over every square inch of map, there is no reason to explore to see what is over the hill or whats in that area. Sad really.
It's been around for so long now I'm not surprised that the sense of exploration has gone. It's a shame; I'd love to visit those vanilla days again for the first time. All that said, I think Worlds Of Draenor will bring back that feeling, if only for a couple weeks :)
It's been around for so long now I'm not surprised that the sense of exploration has gone. It's a shame; I'd love to visit those vanilla days again for the first time. All that said, I think Worlds Of Draenor will bring back that feeling, if only for a couple weeks :)

There is no sense of exploration with the expansions though :(
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