***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

I got kicked from a dungeon group last night.

have no idea why...

had the same dps as everyone else , took the same damage as the other dps and healer.

wiped twice on the first boss of grimrail depot

I was the only one attacking the rocket guy and putting dots on the main boss when the rocket guy was untargetable which is normal? they both need to die roughly the same time? both times they killed the boss and we got raped by rockets doing stupid damage, on the first attempt someone skulled the rocket guy and I was still the only one attacking him

I suspect I was just the one some stupid manchild decided to blame.....

Did molten core though and got some decent drops in other dungeons putting me around ilvl 620 but I'm still wearing a 550 lvl trinket :|

dropping alchemy and forgeting I would lose the 640 trinket really wrecked my Ilvl I guess as I have a lot of 630 and 636 items now.
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I picked up alchemy for my DK (as I'd already levelled herbalism). What's the quickest way to level it nowadays? That trinket looks mighty good!

I'm gathering while I'm levelling but it's not giving me anywhere near enough, I'm only really getting a few levels a day. I've only got 6k too which probably isn't going to put a dent in it as far as power levelling goes.
If you get put in a group with people who know each other they'll kick the outsider if they wipe. You can get 620 trinkets from world bosses, addon called handynotes shows them on the map and also states what they drop so would only take 10 minutes to find one.

Are 636 items rare warforged drops in heroics? I kept getting heroic bracers last night, annoying as hell.
Hmm, I imagine you'll get small fish for along time, which requires 4 times the amount compared to enormous, so it'll take a lot longer I guess.

Depends whether you want to level fishing as well, or just buy all the fishing stuff for alchemy. Fishing is pretty useful for alchemy though, potions don't even use herbs for example, the all require Crescent Oil and either fish or meat.
I got kicked from a dungeon group last night.

have no idea why...

I have been kicked from 3 instances now and I am yet to understand why either.

All 3 times I was the tank.

The first I asked the DPS to be careful of where they stand as they kept dying due to standing in ze bad stuff. I then got called a nerd, was told I was being abusive to the dps and they demanded an apology, when I refused I got kicked (They were a guild group of 3 dps and a healer)

The second was this morning when I got kicked for having the talent Avatar which I was called a noob for taking and was then kicked

The third was literally just a random kick out of the blue when coming up to the final boss fight of the instance.
You also have to remember WOW has a terrible community. Just laugh it off and move on to the next group as sometimes you do come across nice people.
Dps kicking tanks is comedy gold. You'll be back in a group within 10 seconds while they'll be twiddling their thumbs for 20 minutes.

Last night our healer moaned the tank was the worst he'd ever played with after we wiped twice. New healer came in and we dropped the boss with ease.

Queues are so long atm everyone gets replaced really quickly, which is partly why people are so eager to kick.

Anyone else keep dying in the Iron Siege Works in Frostfire? I've been killed five times by a huge, random artillery barrage that comes from nowhere and hits hard, multiple times. Getting boring.

There seems to be no warning at all, and I've scoured by combat logs to get a clue about it but nothing shows up. Seriously, I've ressed and been killed immediately by the thing. :(
Ended my sub as theres just not enough content to keep me entertained. Too few heroics and even when the raids are released, that'll only be a few hours of content each week for people willing to stick to raid guilds dogmatic hours each night but still sod all outside of it. There's either pvp, which I'm not interested in, or rep/gold grinds for no real reward. Shame as the expansion had a lot of promise but just isn't interesting enough to keep my attention.
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