***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

I am also interested in what people are doing with their alts, I CBA to do the garrison grind again so how are people getting round that? just doing the basic?
Tbh, once you get a character into the garrison you can slowly passively level.

Some missions give experience, you can level up your companions daily & put in a few orders for some BOE epic to earn some cash. Having a number of semi-active low 90's alts can be very profitable in the long-term from what I've read.

I've had a bit of fun with it as my cousin was keen to play again (used to play together many years ago) - not a bad expansion, much better than I expected but I doubt I'll stay long.

Really find it hard to stick to MMO's any-more.
Doesn't surprise me, Mining nodes are everywhere and the garrison is so full of ore once you upgrade your mine the market is just flooded with it. Add that to how slow the crafting professions are the crafting mats are worthless. Especially as none miners can mine at their garrison.

I didn't think Alchemy used herbs as such? a bit like JC doesnt use jewels, it uses Herbs etc

Ehh im a boomkin and i make int / greater int flasks with herbs. Good enough for me :D but yes i've seen lots of talk of fishing being required for alchemy.

Yeah, flasks use herbs and potions use either fish+fish or fish+meat. You can level alchemy 1-600 purely fishing like I did since leveling herbalism gives virtually no herbs :p.
Yeah, flasks use herbs and potions use either fish+fish or fish+meat. You can level alchemy 1-600 purely fishing like I did since leveling herbalism gives virtually no herbs :p.

I've only got flasks and secrets of draenor, i'm level 700 alchemy and don't even know how to get potion recipes lol. Or the trinket recipe. Maybe i'll get my fishing up :D or just ignore potions all together.
I've only got flasks and secrets of draenor, i'm level 700 alchemy and don't even know how to get potion recipes lol. Or the trinket recipe. Maybe i'll get my fishing up :D or just ignore potions all together.

Probably purchased from the vendor with daily cd items like the JC ones are.

The mines in Garrisons were hotfixed yesterday due to giving out too much ore. Will take time to see effects according to '@CM_Lore'.

In other words they realised the markets are now flooded and are trying to calm it down, They should just make it so crafting isnt gated so badly.
Nice job, that's what I'm aiming for, how did you get all the 640 pieces?

By BiS weapon you mean a 665 one right?

Is there a 665 one? I can't see one on loot tables unless I'm missing it, I have the Sharam blade that summons minions to aid you, not that useful but meh.

As for the gear, rampant crafting and a CM a day, with the helm from MC.
Yeah, MC will show up when you get 615+ ilvl. It's kind of stupid that it doesn't seem to exist until you get that, they show unreleased raids, but no mention of the current one :p.
Not played overly much since the expansion, but have enjoyed the questing thoroughly, maybe because i took it slowly, maybe because they're better this expansion, most likely because i read every quest (almost, at 99 i just said meh and went for it in nagrand).

Had a normal dungeon last night, only 1 ilvl away from heroics. I've not raided since Wrath / Tier 1 cata, and didn't play overly much in mists so i was playing during the faceroll era a while after launch. I was a bit surprised at the group i had.

As it turns out we got everbloom, everyone said they hadn't been there before but that's fine. Cool beans. Only no one bothered to read the dungeon journal, and i don't mean in detail, all i did was look at the "dps do this" section. But i kept having to summarize it for people.
We wiped on the first boss due to bad pulls with trash, during it i watched the boss and moved out of his aoe silence thing, after the wipe i was extremely cheery because hey, a hard dungeon maybe? Tank mentioned he can't do anything due to the silence and i said to move out of it, i instantly got a torrent of "wtf man ive never been here how should i know" (paraphrased and cleaned up), i was left thinking "its an aoe... if you are standing in aoe you move... WoW 101". From then on i took lead and the run went smoothly with another wipe but otherwise a fine run. Everyone seemed to enjoy it overall.

Can't believe people wouldn't take the most basic step of "theres some bullet pointed instructions that take 10 seconds to read, maybe i should read them?" or simple things like not stand in aoe. Or interupt spell casts. I might go back to guild runs :D

Or level a tank, often become defacto dungeon leaders which gives a little bit of coordination if you're happy to summarize.
you can link them in chat just shift click the orders for dps etc in the dungeon journal
Just seen the Watchdog bit on the Warlords launch and unsuprisingly BBC bring out all the usual stereotypes and take a few "players" out from under their rocks to represent the game. At least i was able to see the comparison between the loading bar being stuck and Anne Robinsons expression being stuck on botched plastic surgery look.
Ended my sub as theres just not enough content to keep me entertained. Too few heroics and even when the raids are released, that'll only be a few hours of content each week for people willing to stick to raid guilds dogmatic hours each night but still sod all outside of it. There's either pvp, which I'm not interested in, or rep/gold grinds for no real reward. Shame as the expansion had a lot of promise but just isn't interesting enough to keep my attention.

The expansion has been out for just over a week and you've already managed to burn out on it? That is actually a bit mental, I don't play it for hours on end every day and I'm finding that there is just huge amounts of stuff to do, so I don't quite understand where you're coming from. Perhaps the game just isn't for you?
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