Not played overly much since the expansion, but have enjoyed the questing thoroughly, maybe because i took it slowly, maybe because they're better this expansion, most likely because i read every quest (almost, at 99 i just said meh and went for it in nagrand).
Had a normal dungeon last night, only 1 ilvl away from heroics. I've not raided since Wrath / Tier 1 cata, and didn't play overly much in mists so i was playing during the faceroll era a while after launch. I was a bit surprised at the group i had.
As it turns out we got everbloom, everyone said they hadn't been there before but that's fine. Cool beans. Only no one bothered to read the dungeon journal, and i don't mean in detail, all i did was look at the "dps do this" section. But i kept having to summarize it for people.
We wiped on the first boss due to bad pulls with trash, during it i watched the boss and moved out of his aoe silence thing, after the wipe i was extremely cheery because hey, a hard dungeon maybe? Tank mentioned he can't do anything due to the silence and i said to move out of it, i instantly got a torrent of "wtf man ive never been here how should i know" (paraphrased and cleaned up), i was left thinking "its an aoe... if you are standing in aoe you move... WoW 101". From then on i took lead and the run went smoothly with another wipe but otherwise a fine run. Everyone seemed to enjoy it overall.
Can't believe people wouldn't take the most basic step of "theres some bullet pointed instructions that take 10 seconds to read, maybe i should read them?" or simple things like not stand in aoe. Or interupt spell casts. I might go back to guild runs
Or level a tank, often become defacto dungeon leaders which gives a little bit of coordination if you're happy to summarize.