***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

There is 8 Heroics (1 less than last expansion) with scope for them to add more.... How can people say there aren't enough? Admittedly I think WotLK has 14 or so Heroics and Cata had similar.
You get a reward from doing the daily challenge mode dungeon each day. Random piece of gear from a little chest.

Go to Ashran and you will find the quest giver standing about just outside the area where you can trade in Apexis shards.
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The expansion has been out for just over a week and you've already managed to burn out on it? That is actually a bit mental, I don't play it for hours on end every day and I'm finding that there is just huge amounts of stuff to do, so I don't quite understand where you're coming from. Perhaps the game just isn't for you?

Perhaps, but the heroics due to the LFR system are painfully easy to grind to get gear, whilst in TBC such a thing didn't exist and you could only do each once per day. This slowed things down massively. If you removed the garrisons from the game, you'd be left with a very empty shell imo.
I've started to burn out on it already too, and I've not really played as much compared to some people i know. I was ilvl ready for heroics a few days after hitting 100, and then within a few days i was in full heroic with some warforged pieces too.

I've finished all the story chain quests, managed to get 2 rare mounts from mobs, and hit rank 5 in the brawlers guild for the reward (Meatball lvl100 follower).

Garrisons are have gotten stale too. :p

Its been the best expansion yet it terms of questing and exploring, but everything else just seems lacking.

Need them raids released asap! Right now i'm hitting a wall with the content.
The thing is Poundfist is everywhere now, its no longer an omg thats awesome mount. It's much like the Corehound, everyone has it!

no where near that. Only about 50 people got it last night, its got a 3day respawn, its less than 1000 people on each server with it. my server has 220k players. I think thats counted as rare still.

And tbh I think its the coolest mount ingame atm.
Just made a quick 10k, bought a 640 neck from a dude for 18k, had the best 2 secondary stats for class, sold on AH for 28k. No point keeping it when 645 gear drops on normal from the raid next week.
Nice. Made an easy 3k earlier from inscription garrison, and another 5k from a transmog item from salvage yard. Pretty easy to make gold this expansion.
no where near that. Only about 50 people got it last night, its got a 3day respawn, its less than 1000 people on each server with it. my server has 220k players. I think thats counted as rare still.

And tbh I think its the coolest mount ingame atm.

Yeah, managed to get mine finally, took till like 11PM last night lol, we managed to get it for about 150 people.
Anyone found that they can earn an obscene amount of gold while farming for Steamwheedle Rep?

Joined a group on group finder last night farming the rares that drop 500 rep items, they are also stackable which is nice.

However occassionaly those rares drop a bag also when you open it it can contain ransom stuff but also occasionally it drops a thing called Complicated Wood, its a grey item which sells for 95g each to a vendor. After an hour or so farmin those rares i guess i had 5 k worth of that wood and half way into Revered with Steamwheedle :)
Nice reward!

Not got high enough ilvl on my 100s for the proper good stuff yet though, only have a few 100s and only one of them is over 630 item level, I think the raid missions start at 645
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