I am loving this expansion. Never before have I felt so much a part of the world. I am just enjoying taking my time exploring each zone as I visit it and it is working well for me!
I have to agree, I grew up with Warcraft Humans and Orcs, and this is all nothing but pure fun!
I'm actually extremely disappointed I skipped Pandaria as well. Personally I love the area; it's art, music, story, and quests.
I'm half half between Draenor and Pandaria at the moment, and I've been enjoying all of it. Currently also trying to work my way towards getting the Heavenly Cloud Serpents, ( Onyx & Golden ), along with Alani as well.
At the same time I'm enthralled with Draenor, it feels and plays like a grand Single player RPG sometimes. Amazing art, gameplay, stories, cut scenes, and voice acting. I really enjoy it.
I do feel horribly out of place as a Pandaren monk though haha.
The garrison system is also fantastic! I've always been slightly more towards the PvP aspect and the Gladiator Sanctum and it's quests are a lot of fun.
Although dare I say my garrison is in shambles, you apparently only have some viable setups to help you end game for epic loot and the like, and just went with that I like.