Interesting launch date, 3 months time. Wouldn't have thought It was so soon. Cinematic wasn't the best IMO.
And unfinished at launch
playing the beta i have to say i expected the release to be earlier, the beta is surprisingly smooth altho the raid testing is currently in progress, dont see why its 3 months more to wait, i assume their internal builds which are coming to beta soon will have more changes
Silly question but I have never been around for a launch, if its released on Thursday 13th would this be for the UK that night or during the day? Need to book some time off work lol
Not played for ages properly but still sent shivers down my spine!
When do Blizz release unfinished games?
They have to wait until after hypercon is over - Just makes more sense.
Anyone else totally lost lore wise after watching trailer?
Admittedly not played much myself since Lich King but I felt I still had a grasp on what was going on but now