***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

I tried the MoP 10 day trial just to look at my characters for nostalgia sake (not played in 3 years), and now i'm hooked again lol.

I've tried all mmo's and this still is the best one out there imo, looking forward to the new expansion. I will be playing as casually as i can this time around.
level 97 now in the beta playing a Draenei Warrior and have a few thoughts so far which ill share, nothing is spoiler related as all the info is available anywhere as theres no NDA on the beta.

- from what im seeing the garrison is pretty much essential for anyone, they made plenty of statements saying its optional like the farm but the amount of resources you seem to get from it and the fact that crafting professions need all sorts of reagents from fishing, herbalism, mining shows me that the garrison will be essential for anyone wanting to progress in any kind of way.

For example a run of my level 2 mine will get me about 200 trueiron ore, 100 blackrock ore and some draenic stone for the work orders.

a run round the herb garden offers less rewards prob about a stack of each herb (20)

- imagine a facebook minigame where your called back every hour or so to click another object, click another follower quest, go gather resources from your mine/herb garden, fishing pools, thats your garrison. So far im really enjoying it but im not sure how that will fare on the 2nd or 3rd alt your levelling. Also if you hate these kind of minigames you will hate the garrison.

- i love the reagent bank, great idea and helps tidy up the stuff and allows you to craft from items in your bank without having to have them in your bags.

- the fact that quest rewards and items you find can have a chance to proc as rare or epic variants is another great success. Ive had a few items get upgraded in this way and they really provide a great ilvl boost.

- quest xp seems pretty much bang on in the latest beta build im 97 and ive done all the non bugged quests in tannan jungle, Gorgrond, shadowmoon, talador as well as doing any of the bonus objectives that you see on the map, these typically offer 3-6 extra objectives and reward a decent chunk of xp, gold and garrison resources.

- lore wise im not a huge lore nerd but the parallel timeline actually works quite well and theres some suprisingly big characters to bite the dust as you unravel the story.

- the zones so far are beautiful, id say my least favourite to date is spires of arak but its still visually stunning. Shadowmoon valley (warlords version) is by far my favourite zone ever in wow.

- the stat squish you just done even notice or care about.

- the new stats of versatility, multistrike etc just seem so pointless and confusing, will look forward to seeing some guides on EJ etc as the amount of stat variation on items is abit baffling.

- the new models while great i think for most people will end up being a huge waste of time and resources for this expansion. Once your playing you dont even notice them and much like the stat squish it becomes something you dont even realise has changed.

- altho reforging is gone theres still scope to change stats as every profession crafted items have an ability to reroll the secondary stats a bit like the mystic in diablo 3

Happy to give any more feedback if people have specifics they want to know about
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Wondering if anyone can help. I'm returning but haven't been back since WotLK. I raided from Vanilla until then and that's what I plan to do in WoD. I'm just completely unsure of which class to take... Lots of spells have changed, along with rotations, so really I don't know which class is going to suit me. So, this is what I like:

-A class which has a good rotation, not too many abilities, not too few that it gets boring. Prefer a fast paced play style
-A class which will perform well in raiding and feels slick in play style
-Main spec to be damage dealing and pull good numbers in a raid so they feel useful (I realise number aren't everything, but I'm one of those number fanboys)
-Ideally a class with more than one role, DPS and tank/healer, but not essential.

I realise we're still in beta, but it seems like Blizz are fairly confident on the current rotations and are now just tweaking numbers rather than game play. Which class(s) would you recommend to me?
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any time someone asks for hybrids i normally will advise druid, altho im not a big fan of bear tanking, feral, balance and resto are all really fun to play and very different in terms of playstyle.

Monk is another possibility with brewmaster tank being good fun altho im not so keen on the monk dps or healing.
Thanks for the suggestions, I should've said I really don't like Monks! I've just played one as my first char since coming back and decided I didn't like it.

Druid is a possibility, but I've heard Feral rotation is a bit clunky.

I thought about Ret, heard mixed reviews, trying to get some beta break down numbers for them. I've seen some people saying they're in a good place, others that they're performing badly.

Mage is possible, is the play style quick or is it dependent on fairly long cast times etc?
Feral rotation isn't too bad, I just found it hard. Lots of things to keep up, debuffs, savage roar, rip, rake etc. Fun though.

I boosted a mage to 90 and really didn't enjoy it. I thought it was going to be quick but I just feel like I don't hit hard at all seem to stand around too much. Leveling a monk atm, if I don't like that I'll just go back to my druid or hunter for WoD.
With a lot of the abilities getting removed/merged together I don't think there's really any rotation that's hard, it just comes down to what you like, maybe watch a few streams of different classes see which you think looks good and give them a try.

I main a Mage atm, only really play frost but I enjoy it, I feel my damage is decent enough that I feel I'm contributing but there's not really any big hitting moves like you get with some classes.
I just boosted a Moonkin this evening, it's taking me a long time to get the keybindings sorted out, but I just jumped into a couple of BG's before bed and I like the playstyle a lot. I get squished easily, but that's totally understandable and expected :p
Does anyone know if they're going to repeat something like the Timeless Isle?

It totally ruined the casual end-game for me and my 3 guildies. Why bother with instances when you can easily get top-level gear from random chests lying around? Heck, it's not that hard to get ilvl 550 items which obliterates everything other than from top-level raiding.
Does anyone know if they're going to repeat something like the Timeless Isle?

It totally ruined the casual end-game for me and my 3 guildies. Why bother with instances when you can easily get top-level gear from random chests lying around? Heck, it's not that hard to get ilvl 550 items which obliterates everything other than from top-level raiding.

TI was introduced as a way for people to catch up IIRC?
Am I reading right that there is a Shadowmoon Valley zone in WoD? Was there not a Shadowmoon Valley in Outland too?

Bingo ;) Draenor IS Outland, at least before the Orcs took the blood pact with the demons and were corrupted, therefore kicking off the first two Warcraft RTS games. Eventually a shedload of portals were opened by Ner'zhul (head honcho Orc shaman), and the combined energy inadvertently shattered Draenor.
I'm in the same boat mate! Trying to catch up with what happened in the story since Cataclysm. Going to get my main up to Cata level cap, and then get Mists and go through all of the endgame stuff hopefully before Warlords hits for all dat story.
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