***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

a lot of the older Warcraft lore borrowed heavily from other sources, but it was told very well. Ever since the premise for the BC expansion was released however they have gotten very bad at giving us new, well written lore - all the major players in BC for example had their backstories re-written or were retconned into something entirely different. The LK expac and the ending was terrible. Cata jumped the shark with green Jesus as did the lore for the last expac.

I dont have much faith in their story telling for the new expac either especially as I'm rather bored with orcs as a focal point for storytelling - I bought the digital deluxe thouhg :p Just hope personal circumstances improve so I can sink some time into MMO's again.
From what I can gather (and I'm not someone who's hugely into the lore) Garrosh escapes back in time and stops his dad from drinking the blood that caused the blood curse and now is looking for revenge.

So it's a kind of a bit Terminator :p
Yeah it changes so often just pick the class you like the sound of. I'd play priest because it looks really fun and I've already played a paladin before. Healing I couldn't get on with but ret was decent.
Ret paladins are presently a bit OP in the beta if that's what you mean.

Can never understand why people will play a class because it's the best, play the class you enjoy and get good at it.

If i wanted to know which class was best i wouldn't just limit it to priest and pally would i? :rolleyes: i enjoy both just wanted to know what they were both like nowadays as haven't played in long time.
I've just resubscribed and if I continue to play I will pre order the expansion. I'm wondering which class to roll next and I guess boost to 90. I've not played in like 18 months but I have:

90 Shaman (Enh / Resto)
90 Druid (Bear / Cat)
90 Lock
90 Pala (Prot / Holy)

What would you suggest would be next to level? I have a level 72 ish Disc / Shadow priest on another server, but besides that I don't have any experience with the other classes (except a rogue @ 30).
I've just resubscribed and if I continue to play I will pre order the expansion. I'm wondering which class to roll next and I guess boost to 90. I've not played in like 18 months but I have:

90 Shaman (Enh / Resto)
90 Druid (Bear / Cat)
90 Lock
90 Pala (Prot / Holy)

What would you suggest would be next to level? I have a level 72 ish Disc / Shadow priest on another server, but besides that I don't have any experience with the other classes (except a rogue @ 30).

Depends on preference really, whether you'd prefer ranged or melee, and for PvE or PvP. Hunter can be quite fun to play, and were holding their own in PvE (at least until I stopped playing some months back). Rogues are good fun in PvP, having the luxury to pick your battles, and to easily escape should things go wrong.

I'm not sure if the Public Test Realm is up, or will be up soon. If it is you can always test a few characters on that before making a commitment.
It feels kind of strange having these level 90 boosts. I got one with a scroll of resurrection a good while back, however being given a level 90 character and not really knowing how to play them just seems odd to me.

Part of getting to grips with the play style, rotation and gearing has always come with leveling the toon. I know the classes, and have played since release, however it just doesn't seem right to me.
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Guys,random question,where is the best place to sell a wow account.

My friend wants to sell his rather good and large wow account.

Is there somewhere where he dosent have to list everything he has got in his account ?
I didn't know you are not allowed to sell them...sorry.

He can list everything but was so seeing if there is something easier to use that's all.

Edit.he is not selling but I my asking the correct way to go about selling it ,he is unsure as to what to do.
The game would be a lot more fun if I had some consistent people to ply with. Fed up of playing with people who get excited at every MMO release only to come back after a month or so. I've given up finding something I enjoy more.
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