***World of Warcraft : Warlords of Draenor***

If anyone is thinking of trying it I think now is a good time before the expansion to get used to classes again etc.

I played WoW years ago but never properly got into it. This time I rolled a Death Knight and am thoroughly enjoying the Outland quests. Even though I am lvl 73, I'm just taking my time going through each zone questing. (Probably slightly too high for the area.) But regardless, its all about having fun right?

I am on Killrog server and Horde :cool:

Anyone wants to join, they are more than welcome. I have a mumble server too.
Trying to figure out whether I should play another month of this until FIFA comes out or I should get GW2. After comparing the two, I'd like to try GW2 but I do prefer the artstyle, quests and music in WoW from what I have seen from videos. I've never really had an interest in PvP either, which may rule out GW2 for me.

Anyone who has played both who can make a judgement?
PvP wise -- if you like zergfests, go for GW2.
PvE wise, WoW still rules gaming world. Interesting storyline and good progression style end-game. And of course arena PvP.
ESO have nice storyline, but end-game is disappointing. PvP is very much like GW2, but more laggy. There are serious stability issues.
Trying to figure out whether I should play another month of this until FIFA comes out or I should get GW2. After comparing the two, I'd like to try GW2 but I do prefer the artstyle, quests and music in WoW from what I have seen from videos. I've never really had an interest in PvP either, which may rule out GW2 for me.

Anyone who has played both who can make a judgement?

If its just a stop gap your looking for I would say GW2, the 1-80 story is great, classes are more fun. Definitely worth a play through
Also I never fully got my head around secondary attributes; what should be my main focus for a hunter? Haste and crit?

I don't know the answer to your question, but drawing on 5+ years of WoW experience I'd say it's probably always clever to stack Haste over Crit. Mastery, iirc, tops Crit/Haste but Hit tops them all. Well, that's if you're serious about end game raiding. If you're really serious about playing to the best of your ability, I'd start reading theory craft. I hope you have a good handle on mathematics, it can get quite involved
I don't know the answer to your question, but drawing on 5+ years of WoW experience I'd say it's probably always clever to stack Haste over Crit. Mastery, iirc, tops Crit/Haste but Hit tops them all. Well, that's if you're serious about end game raiding. If you're really serious about playing to the best of your ability, I'd start reading theory craft. I hope you have a good handle on mathematics, it can get quite involved

It was mainly so I'd know what to do come 90, but then again that won't matter anyway :p
It was mainly so I'd know what to do come 90, but then again that won't matter anyway :p

Yea you'll be fine. I don't know if it still works like this but back in TBC and LK when applying with sever-leading raiding guilds, you'd get crucified if one gem were out of place. I fondly remember many a night sitting with a blank bit of A4 and a calculator scratching my head, trying to juggle the last .5% of stats.

Every drop DPS counted.
Lol, I still don't have a clue about gems and reforging to be honest. I first quit WoW several months after BC had come out and I never bought it; instead stuck in STV at 40-odd and feeling pretty left out. And then back in 2011 I came back to the game, bought BC, WotLK and Cata, stormed through most of the content and quit again when I was at lv83 on my main due to uni work piling up :p As a result I never got to grips with any of the new mechanics like gems, reforging, secondary attributes etc.

Third try now! Lv88 on my main, and will be playing for a fair while now hopefully, so I'll have to swot up.
Hey, I play hunter as my main. I am away from home for the next week, however when I return I would be happy to help you out. I think my battle net is life#2565. Will clarify when I return.

Anyway stat priority:-
survival - crit - haste - mastery
Beast mastery - haste - mastery - crit

Marksmanship isn't worth playing if you want to compete in DPS.

Essentially, as you will be low geared, survival and its stat priorites will be better for you. Even if you play BM the survival priorites will be better as you want to wait until you get the legendary meta gem until you switch to haste as your primary statistic (when playing BM).

As you are returning it prob sounds confusing, but once you hit level 90 add my bnet and I'll talk you through it.

If you need to know anything soon just post here and I'll answer when I get internet access.
Been stated above but when your 90 and have some 'decent ' gear (just farm timeless isle) get yourself the askmrrobot addon and register on their site then let that do the work for u in relation to stats, reforging and gems.

Then get yourself a decent ability priority mod and read up on your class in icy viens. Sorted.
I've just signed up for the MoP 10-day trial. I stopped playing back in February 2011. I logged in and I was so confused, everything has changed so much. I'm struggling to get my head around all the changes to be honest. Is there a good place to catch up on a lot of the vital and major changes since Cataclysm launched? I'm actually struggling to figure things out at the moment.
Thanks for that. I've read through the Catching Up article on the site. I'll see if I'm brave enough to go through that long list of patch notes from after Cataclysm as that's when I quit.

Same boat for me, quit during the first 4 bosses of ICC and now it's all vastly different. Soon as you hit level 15 the dungeons just fling you through levels like no tomorrow! Tanks have vengeance?! And tops dps through lower levels.. Amongst 100's of other things it's just mind blowing to catch up! :D
Dinged 90 on my main the other night! Went onto Timeless Isle and over the course of an hour I had found about 5 chests through exploring. 3 of them dropped an armour token, and I **** you not, they were all for mail leggings. How many chests are there? Will I be able to get a full set of 496 ilvl gear? Or do i just get most of the gear and then dive into dungeons etc?
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